The goal of Jiang Lei's visit today is that those people in the Chongming Hotel should not sleep during the day, nor sleep at night.

So Jiang Lei looked like a big boss today, wearing a suit and walking into the construction site.

When I got inside, I watched the construction workers go about their business.

He casually grabbed a worker who was transporting bricks and said, "Brother, where is the chief worker of your construction site?"

The chief engineer is the chief engineer, and he has the greatest power in the construction and scheduling of the entire construction site.

Although some bosses have higher status than him, in the construction site, the words of the chief engineer are the most effective.

To do this, it is also the most useful for people who find this title.

The worker was busy with his work, pointed to a prefab house deep in the construction site and said: "You go there, you are closest to the prefab house inside, and then write the construction command room, you go to the boss inside, the person should be there in."

"Thank you!"

Jiang Lei thanked him, took a cigarette butt, and walked inside like a big boss.

He came here today, but he was very confident, because Qin Lie had already spoken. Regarding the overtime work at the construction site, no matter how much it cost, he had to get it done.

That is to say, how much wealth Qin Lie has today, how much wealth does he have.

Well, I usually watch Qin Lie pretend with his money, but today it's my turn to pretend.

Although his income is more than 10 million a year, which is the salary Qin Lie gave him, but 10 million and hundreds of billions, that is really too much.

It is said that money is a man's self-confidence agent. As Jiang Lei felt at this time, he walked with wind and his waist was straight. He felt that there was a word in his heart: the world is big, and I am the greatest.

Finally, following the instructions of the worker just now, I found the command room. Without knocking on the door, I pushed the door in and asked directly, "Hey, let me ask, who is the chief engineer of your construction site?"

There were actually quite a few people in the office in the prefab room, and they seemed to be having a meeting around a table.

There must be a dozen or so.

He pushed the door open and stunned everyone inside. There was a meeting inside, a man sitting at the head of the conference room, with Mediterranean hairstyle and a protruding beer belly, immediately frowned and asked her: "No, who are you? , didn't you see us having a meeting, what are you doing here?"

In the past, Jiang Lei would never have been so arrogant. He would either apologize to them and go out first, or wait on the side.

But today he is different, that is a proper super rich.

No matter what a few people said, he said directly: "Then your meeting will be suspended for a while, I will tell you something, you must be interested."

Although Jiang Lei is arrogant, but after all, there are people who have seen the world on the opposite side.

It was still the Mediterranean Sea at the beginning, and still asked: "No, brother, who are you? You haven't answered my question. If you do this again, I'll ask the security to chase people away."

"You are awesome." Jiang Lei said, "There are security guards at a construction site."

"I said, I'm here to tell you one thing. It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is what I tell you. You must be interested."

Seeing Jiang Lei being so arrogant, that Mediterranean Sea finally showed some interest, but mainly because of curiosity.

He raised his arms and asked Jiang Lei, "Then tell me, we must be interested in what you want to discuss with us?"

Jiang Lei still maintained his own rhythm and asked: "I will ask who is the chief engineer first."

Mediterranean introduced himself: "I am the chief engineer here. My surname is Liu. You can call me Liu Gong."

"Gong Liu, right, ok!" Now that he has found the master, Jiang Lei said no more nonsense, "From today onwards, I will have to work overtime at your construction site overnight for about half a month. "

When everyone heard this, they looked at each other.

Most of them looked at each other, as if digesting Jiang Lei's words.

After five seconds, a burst of laughter broke out together.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

"Hahahaha, brother, are you joking?"

"Young man, if there is something wrong with your brain, go to the mental hospital and see it. Don't hang around outside. The prolonged illness will do more damage to your brain."

"Yeah, boy, you are wasting the big guy's time, and you are using us for entertainment."

Jiang Lei listened, but said calmly: "What I said is very serious, and I hope you can think about it clearly."

At this moment, that Liu Gong finally spoke.

"That boy, tell me, what department are you representing, whether it is our boss or a government worker, why are you ready to make our workers work overtime overnight?"

Jiang Lei said: "I am not your leader, nor a government employee."

Liu Gong and the others continued to laugh: "Aren't you crazy?"

It's just that none of these people finished laughing, and Jiang Lei continued: "But I have money, so I can give you enough benefits to make you willing to do it."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone laughed again, and the whole office became extremely happy because of Jiang Lei's appearance.

Now everyone treats Jiang Lei as a lunatic, mainly because he appears inexplicably and asks inexplicably. If you believe what he says, there will be a ghost.

"Boy, hurry up and leave, it really affects our meeting."

"If you go on talking, we're afraid we'll die of laughter here collectively."

"Hahahaha, it's too cola, I can laugh at this for a day."

Jiang Lei ignored it and said to everyone at the scene: "Everyone present is the management of the construction site, everyone present today, if this matter can be done, everyone will be paid 500,000 yuan. "

The voice was strong enough for everyone to hear clearly.

"How many?"


All those people seemed to have not heard clearly, and were very surprised.

Although these people are the management of the construction site, they still work part-time, and their jobs are not particularly high.

Just like the chief engineer, in fact, his annual salary is only 2 million yuan, and the outer block of 500,000 yuan is quite a lot.

If it's someone else, that's a huge sum of money!

Everyone was shocked by this number, and the atmosphere suddenly became less relaxed.

But many are still skeptical: "No, if you say 500,000, it's 500,000, how can we believe you?"

"If you talk about it casually, I can also say that one person will give five million, fifty million, anyway, that's it, who can't say it?"

Jiang Lei had long expected that they would say such a thing, and waved his hand domineeringly at the time: "Don't believe me, you can, send me the account of your construction site directly, and I will transfer the money to it now."

I go?

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

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