Jiang Lei's divine manipulation suddenly blocked the mouths of these contractors.

Just wanted to question whether he was talking casually, good guy, just asked the account directly.

This is the rhythm of proving his own economic ability with practical actions.

Everyone looked at each other, they didn't believe it at first, but Jiang Lei said so at this time, and they had to believe it.

The ridicule at the beginning was gone, replaced by all kinds of speculation.

"No, this, ask the account directly, don't you really want to make money?"

"Hey, is it true that you say he is 500,000 yuan alone? I think his makeup looks a bit like a gentleman."

"Uh, why don't you try it?? If you just give the account number, there should be no problem."

"After all, 500,000 is not a small amount. We can't miss this opportunity."

Facing the temptation of 500,000 yuan, more than a dozen people present at the meeting made compromises. They gave Liu Gong suggestions one after another, saying that they should show Jiang Lei the account first, and then talk about it if it is true. step.

Liu Gong touched his chin and thought for a while.

After all, it is a fool to have money and not earn money, so Liu Gong made a decision very quickly, and then gave Jiang Lei a general account for wages at the construction site.

Jiang Lei is also upright. After all, he has a lot of money and money, and Qin Lie is behind him. How can he not be so awesome?

There were a total of fifteen people in the meeting, and if one person was 500,000, that would be 7.5 million.

Jiang Lei quickly operated on the mobile phone, and swiped 7.5 million directly, without wrinkling his brows.

After Liu Gong's mobile phone received the transfer money, he showed everyone around, and everyone was finally suppressed by Jiang Lei's momentum.

It was only then that they discovered that there were really pies falling to the ground in the world.

Isn't he fragrant for the 500,000 he earned for nothing?

This time, Liu Gong, including all the other contractors in the meeting, all changed their attitudes.

Especially Liu Gong, it can be called a Sichuan Opera face change, the classic changes 180 degrees in seconds.

After seeing the money, he stood up from the chair with a swish, a commercial standard smile instantly on his face, then rushed over and grabbed Jiang Lei's hand, saying enthusiastically.

"Young man, oh no, boss, by the way, what's your name?"

Jiang Lei whispered: "My surname is Jiang, you can just call me Xiao Jiang."

Xiao Jiang, how is that possible? This must be the proper President Jiang.

Liu Gong immediately said: "Mr. Jiang, you are really young and promising. You have such a wealthy family at such a young age. You are indeed a hero in life, a leader of heroes, admirable, admirable!"

"By the way, you just said that you want our construction site to cooperate with you in what to do?" Liu Gong asked again.

Jiang Lei had to repeat the request just now: "I said, in the past two weeks, I need you to work overtime at this construction site overnight for half a month. I will pay for the overtime, and then replace the employees. , to ensure the safety of the personnel, to the overtime shift."

"Okay!" Liu Gong didn't even hesitate, and said at the time, "This is absolutely fine, isn't it just overtime work? The workers at our construction site like to work overtime the most, and all night is a sprinkle of water for them."

"But..." Liu Gong hesitated for a while, then immediately said, "It's just this overtime pay, I don't know what President Jiang plans to do?"

Jiang Lei had thought about this before, and when Liu Gong asked, he said, "You can send an announcement to tell the workers that overtime is 2,000 yuan a night. It's like this every day for half a month, and it ends every day!"

I go!

Liu Gong was shocked when he heard it, and his pupils were extremely dilated.

This... Usually, 500 for overtime a night is too much, and most of them are paid 300 for their construction sites.

In the end, good guy, when they came to give two thousand directly, it was too rich and powerful.

Liu Gong said: "Mr. Jiang, there are about 300 employees in our construction site. If one person is 2,000, I can calculate it. One night should be 600,000. If it is half a month, it is 10 million. Are you willing to come out too?"

"What, only ten million?"

Jiang Lei's reaction made Liu Gong almost fall to the ground.

He said: "No, 300 people work only 10 million for half a month. I just sent you 7.5 million. It seems that I gave you too much money."

Liu Gong's face was embarrassed, and he had never seen anyone who actually disliked giving less money.

He chuckled: "We are the organizers. Without us, they would not even have the chance to make this money. It is normal for us to take a little more."

Originally, Jiang Lei thought that there were hundreds of people on a construction site, and they had to work overtime for half a month all night.

It turned out to be only ten million in the end.

Hey, it seems that the bottom-level wages in our country are still too low.

Thinking like this, of course Jiang Lei didn't have time to worry about the country and the people, so he asked directly, "So I'll give you another 10 million yuan. Can you guarantee the work for this half month?"

"Yes!" It wasn't Liu Gong who spoke, but another foreman, who said, "The overtime salary of 2,000 a day is enough for them to work hard.

If nothing else, I agreed on behalf of all the carpenters. "

With this foreman expressing his stance, the other foreman also quickly took their stand.

"I, the cement foreman, agreed on behalf of all the cement workers."

"I agree on behalf of the driver group."

"I agree on behalf of the bricklayers..."


In this way, basically all the subcontractors of the types of work have made a statement. In fact, this matter has already become a matter of course.

Liu Gong finally made a final decision: "Okay, this matter is settled as it is. I will issue an announcement later to let the workers know the news. This half-month old guy will work hard."

Jiang Lei was very satisfied.

Sure enough, money can make a ghost run the mill. As long as the money is in place, there is absolutely no problem in letting a construction site do things according to its own ideas.

Jiang Lei also felt a good feeling of being a local tyrant today.

Hey, the coolest thing in life is to use money to pretend to force, that person's feeling of being a superior person is simply absolute.

However, the coolest thing in life is to use other people's money to act as a coercion. It feels like I don't know if Qin Lie will go wild after knowing it.

Ha ha ha ha……

Jiang Lei completed the task perfectly without any difficulty. He went out with a laugh in the sky, and when he left the construction site, he heard the workers cheering.

After all, 2,000 overtime pay per night may be rare in my life.

Everyone on the site was happy.

Of course, the pain was naturally left to those Xiao Jiajun who lived across from the construction site.

When Jiang Lei left, he made a cross at the hotel opposite, hoping they would have a wonderful night today.

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