After leaving the construction site, Jiang Lei called another phone number at the same time.

Opposite the phone number, a Haoting Entertainment Club is marked.

As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Lei heard the ringtone on the opposite side of the phone: "Welcome to Haoting Entertainment, your exclusive butler for nightlife, only you can't imagine it, and we can't do it without us, white-collar workers, students, models, let you have unparalleled Nightlife experience, the call is being connected, please wait~~”

Jiang Lei was taken aback by this color bell, he couldn't help laughing and crying.

Have all these people who are selling it now have become so professional, and CRBT dare to make it so blatant and cheating.

However, the woman's voice in the ringtone was sweet and charming, but when the real person answered the phone, it turned into an old duck voice.

The woman opposite is at least fifty years old.

Like a prostitute: "Hello sir, Haoting Entertainment, what services do you need sir?"

It was the first time for Jiang Lei to make such a call, and he had little experience, so he said, "That's it, I need a few people now, and then come over to help me."

The woman opposite was very surprised when she heard it, and said on the phone: "Sir, how many people, how many?"

Jiang Lei: "A dozen, I guess at least a dozen!"

"A dozen!!?" The opposite side was shocked, and the voice was very loud, "Sir, the girls in our club are very professional, and the previous record was only four people serving at the same time, you want more than a dozen at once, I Afraid of killing people!"

Jiang Lei was chatting with the old woman opposite, always feeling that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

He quickly said: "No, sisters, you misunderstood, I didn't want them to help me with that, I wanted them to come and help me with other things, I'll give you an address later, it's a hotel , and then I asked them to knock on the door one by one to wake me up in the hotel room.

Then knock every half hour, preferably for a night. "

Hearing this, the woman on the opposite side became more indifferent.

She snorted coldly: "Sir, I'm afraid you made the wrong call. If you need coolies, I think you should go to those places where you do casual labor to recruit people. We don't do this kind of business here."

Jiang Lei immediately said: "There is no reason for the casual workers to knock on the door. You have a reason to knock on the door. If some people are willing, wouldn't you do more business?"

The woman now feels that Jiang Lei is here to make trouble for no reason, and she has nothing to do with them, so she doesn't have the patience to chat with him: "I'm sorry sir, I suggest you find someone else, we can't do this business."

Having said that, the old woman was about to hang up on the other end of the phone.

Feeling this, Jiang Lei immediately said: "As long as you are willing to help with things tonight, 10,000 yuan a night, do you do it?"

The woman on the other side suddenly became interested again because of this sentence.

He said excitedly on the opposite side: "Sir, you just said, how much, how much?"

Jiang Lei emphasized: "10,000 a night, and this thing can last for half a month, will you do it?"

The old woman opposite was greedy for money, hesitated for a while, and continued to ask: "So you really just need our people to knock on the door?"

"Why not?" Jiang Lei said, "Just knock on the door as you normally would when you work. After those people open the door, they will introduce the business as normal. If you agree, you can do business normally. If you don't agree, you can leave.

Then after half an hour, another person will knock, understand? "

The old woman hesitated for a while and said, "Such a simple thing, is it really 10,000 a night?"

Jiang Lei: "How many times do I have to tell you, I don't want to repeat it anymore. Anyway, you should quickly call someone over. If you don't agree, I'll find another club. You're not the only one who's messing around."

"Okay!" When the old woman heard that Jiang Lei wanted to arrange someone else, she hurriedly said, "Okay, sir, don't look for someone else, we'll do this, I'll go and arrange the candidate for you now, you give it to me address, and I'll ask them to come to you right now."

Jiang Lei looked at a hotel opposite, and said casually, "I'm in the lobby of the Oriental Hotel now. I'm waiting for you here. Call me as soon as your people arrive."

"Okay!" After the two finished speaking, they hung up the phone directly. Jiang Lei crossed the road and went to the lobby of the Oriental Hotel to wait for others.

At the same time, he made a third call.

On the phone, a man's voice, he said to the other side: "Is it a Meituan delivery station? I'm looking for your webmaster, I want to discuss a business with you!"

As Jiang Lei told Qin Lie at the beginning, he made use of all the public human resources he could think of.

Anyway, if you have money in your hand, there is nothing you can't do.

His phone arrangement continued until ten o'clock in the evening.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, in the deluxe room on the tenth floor of the Chongming Hotel, room 1023, four people were gathering in the living room to play cards and eat.

Just outside, on the opposite construction site, the work was in full swing, with mixers, high-rise cranes, electric drills, chainsaws, and various noise-making machines working at the same time.

Not only did it illuminate the construction site on the opposite side, but at the same time, the noise penetrated into the guest room here, making the people here feel miserable.

Liu Shaowu was Xuanyuan Tianci's core subordinate, and he was supported by Xuanyuan Tianci.

Therefore, he does not belong to the Xuanyuan family, and has always only obeyed the orders given to him by Xuanyuan.

There were more than a hundred people with the same identity as him, and they formed an exclusive team that only obeyed Xuanyuan Tianci's orders.

On the eve of the great family competition, their team received an order from Xuanyuan Tianci, and came to the Chongming Hotel to dormant, waiting for Xuanyuan Tianci's next arrangement.

Chongming District is a relatively late development area in Magic Capital, so there are not so many high-rise buildings around.

The high-level line of sight of Chongming Hotel is wide, and the surrounding scenery is very good.

Originally, Liu Shaowu and the other team members were quite satisfied with the hotel environment here, but as soon as 11 o'clock in the evening, this satisfaction gradually disappeared.


Because it was eleven o'clock in the evening, the construction site opposite was still operating.

All kinds of noise made them miserable.

Just now, those voices were still buzzing around, roaring in his ears like loudspeakers.

The result was good, some team members obviously wanted to sleep, but they couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Their current poker game is not because they want to play poker, but because they are forced to sit up and play poker.

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