Only when they make the noise in the room louder and can cover up the noise of the construction site outside will they feel a little better in their hearts.

What they are thinking now is that after a while, it's after twelve o'clock, their voices should be a little quieter, and they can't work all night on the construction site.

Well, I played cards like this until after twelve o'clock. As a result, my dear, not only did the sound outside not get any smaller, but it became even hotter.

At this time, some of the team members finally couldn't take it anymore, and they called Liu Shaowu.

After picking up the phone, the team members complained on the opposite side: "Brother Wu, I rely on, what is the meaning of this opposite construction site, what's the point, they are still not off work, crackling, do you want anyone to sleep in the end? already?"

Liu Shaowu listened to the words opposite, what could he say.

It's not up to him to have to work overtime at the construction site on the opposite side, and these people can't control themselves if they work overtime.

He could only comfort the brother on the opposite side and say, "Tang Qi, be patient and be less irritable. It's just a construction site. What are you doing with these construction sites, don't worry, they should be off work in a while."

On the opposite side, Tang Qi threw the phone and smashed the door, and was very angry: "I'm really convinced by the horse, I really want to rush to the opposite side and kill those people!"

However, Liu Shaowu is definitely not allowed to do such a thing, he scolded Tang Qi and said: "Tang Qi, don't mess with Lao Tzu, the young master specially told you not to cause trouble these days, and stay in the hotel well.

If you mess around, then the young master will blame him, and I can keep you alive! "

"Alright, alright, I understand." Tang Qi said impatiently, "I've only been so fucking addicted to talking. Damn, hang up first!"

Putting down the phone, other people in the same room as Liu Shaowu were also saying, "Yeah, Brother Wu, this is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

It's already twelve o'clock, and the sound is so loud that we can't rest at all. You said that if we can't rest, then the young master will come to us to do things, and we will have no energy. What can we do? "

Liu Shaowu looked out the window and asked, "Is it useful to close this window?"

The man replied: "It's a little useful, but it's not very useful. The sound insulation effect of this glass is average. The main reason is that our hotel is too close to the construction site, and the location has not been selected well."

"Hey..." Liu Shaowu sighed and continued, "Forget it, leave it alone, see if they stop after two hours. If they don't stop, I'll talk to the person in charge on the opposite side."

This is also no way.

But until two or three o'clock, there was still no sign of stopping on the opposite side of the construction site.

Liu Shaowu could only talk to the people at their construction site.

As a result, it was very bad. All the workers on the construction site, the person in charge went home to sleep, and none of those in charge could get through on the phone, which made Liu Shaowu angry.

Anyway, it is impossible to solve this problem tonight, and it will have to wait until tomorrow to solve it.

Liu Shaowu had no choice but to go to the 24-hour convenience store, buy a lot of earplugs and go back to the hotel to distribute to his brothers.

It's just that the sound is really loud, even with earplugs, there is still some sound in the ear.

On top of that, the earplugs blocked the ears and made them uncomfortable.

Even with earplugs, it's hard for everyone to get a good night's sleep.

Only under the torment of this noise, the group of people slowly moved towards the daytime.

Liu Shaowu's side is just noise, while the other hotel teams, those experiences are a bit mystical.

Williams is the head of a mercenary regiment from the Americas. Their team name is very loud, called the Jaguar Mercenary Corps, and they are also well-known in the mercenary world.

In the combat power rankings of the mercenary group, their team once reached the fifth place.

Then went to many dangerous places in the world and performed many impossible tasks.

Williams only has a single hole on his body, and there are more than a dozen places, big and small, which are medals of honor for him.

And this time, he received a beautiful business, with three or four people in the team, each of them two million US dollars came to China to kill.

Although it was a murder mission, they had been in Huaxia for a week, but they had been eating, drinking, and having fun.

Originally thought that their mission would officially begin when they arrived from Longcheng to the Magic City, but it turned out not to be the case.

As soon as they arrived in the magic capital, they collectively stayed in a hotel again.

He doesn't know the name of the hotel, who should pay attention to a bunch of Chinese, but the environment is still good.

Williams' subordinates all said that if this hotel can stay in the hotel forever, and nothing needs to be done, then the remuneration of two million will be too profitable.

In the magic capital yesterday, everything was relatively normal, including the first half of the night tonight.

It was only at twelve o'clock in the evening that someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Williams then asked other people in a room if someone had ordered something.

But no one admitted it.

He opened the door cautiously, but at the door he saw a big beautiful girl with fair skin and beautiful skin. The beautiful girl had a big butt and was the type that Williams liked.

After arriving in Huaxia recently, Williams likes to ride Huaxia women.

Huaxia's women don't seem to be very good at that. Every time they are made to die by him, almost every woman will beg for mercy.

This made him very confident and felt that his man was unparalleled.

At this moment, the woman was speaking Chinese at the door. He couldn't understand it, but judging from the woman's expression and movements, it should be in that area of ​​business.

The corners of his mouth rose, very satisfied, and he pulled the woman in.

He didn't care what the other people in the room thought, anyway, he went straight to his bedroom and went through the clouds with this woman who took the initiative to bring him to the door.

Originally, like this kind of business, if you like it, it is normal to do it once or twice.

However, after he had dragged the woman into the room for half an hour, there was a knock on his door.

Boom, boom, never stop.

He originally wanted other people in a room to open the door, but others said they were busy too.

He just thought, let that person knock outside, ignore him, will he leave soon.

But it didn't, the people outside just like they made up their minds to knock on his door, they stayed outside all the time, and the sound of knocking on the door became louder and louder.

In the end, Williams had no choice but to end the movement of his hands and put on his clothes to open the door.

When the door opened, it was still a woman.

White skin, beautiful long legs, is his favorite style.

With a bow, he said respectfully, "Do you need service, sir?"

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