After the draw is over, nothing else happens.

Murong Tianya had already said it on the stage before.

In addition, Xiao Mei didn't make trouble anymore. After the lottery was over, the people from the eight great families began to disperse.

When he was leaving, Han Shiyu came up and said to Qin Lie, "Brother Qin, you are in a situation where everyone is surrounded and suppressed. You have to be careful yourself. I am in Group B, so I can't help you in the competition."

Qin Lie looked at him, shrugged and said, "It's alright, you guys from the Han family have their own goals to participate in the family competition. You should compete well with yours, and try to get out of the group stage as much as possible."

Han Shiyu said calmly and casually: "Damn, what's the matter, I didn't take this matter to heart, my father and second uncle both said that this time the family is more than just playing casually, and the Han family doesn't rely on it. The family is more influential than that.

Even if you rely on it, you can't change from a reciprocal number to a positive number, so it doesn't matter, don't worry about it, ensuring your own safety is the most important thing. "

Qin Lie laughed when he heard it: "Your family is Buddhist."

But Han Shiyu's words just now reminded Qin Lie of something, and asked: "Oh, brother Han, let me ask you a question."

Han Shiyu said casually: "Okay, what's the problem."

Qin Lie said, "Do you know how many armed forces your family brought here this time, and where did they all end up?"

"That's it." Han Shiyu paused and said, "If you want to talk about the armed forces, there must be some, but my dad is in charge of this matter. I don't have the power yet. If you ask my second uncle directly, it is estimated that He's more familiar than me."

"Okay..." Qin Lie nodded, and since that's the case, it's time to ask Han Qi.

After all, Han Qi has a good relationship with himself, and Han Qi has said that this time the Han family is definitely on his side in the family competition. This is also an armed force that can be used.

Including the armed forces of the Shentu family, they should be able to borrow them at that time.

It's just that these powers don't belong to them after all, so they can only try to ask for assistance at that time, and can't pin all their hopes on them.

Just chatting and walking out of the central square.

At this time, an old acquaintance came across, but this acquaintance made Qin Lie a little sick.

Xiao Xingyao again.

Seeing Xiao Xingyao walking over with a look of disdain, not only Qin Lie, but also Han Shiyu couldn't take it anymore.

Han Shiyu said in Qin Lie's ear: "Brother Qin, after another three seconds, another dog is going to bark in our ears. I'm really impressed. You said that these dogs will not be bored, right? "

Qin Lie laughed, Han Shiyu's mouth is really poisonous.

After he finished saying that sentence, he immediately counted down to three: "Three, two, one!"

As soon as his countdown fell, Xiao Xingyao's voice rang in his ears.

Xiao Xingyao said loudly: "Hahaha, Qin Lie, damn it, God helped me and put you in the same group as me, you remember, I said, in the group stage, I will smash you to pieces! "

Qin Lie's ears were getting calluses when he heard these words.

He pierced his ears impatiently and said, "No, Xiao Xingyao, you have nothing else in the lexicon, right? I'm going to vomit just listening to your threats, can you give me some fresh lines? ?"

"Fresh?" Xiao Xingyao listened, the corners of his mouth rose, as if he had thought of this for a long time.

He smiled wickedly, with a playful look in his eyes, and said like this: "You want something fresh, okay, I'll tell you something fresh, the night before yesterday, you had a tryst with a girl in the woods outside Shijia Village. , that girl is so beautiful..."

Hearing this, Qin Lie's eyes shrank suddenly.

He suddenly woke up and suddenly understood what Xiao Xingyao was talking about.

The night before yesterday, I saw the only woman outside Shijia Village, and that woman was Red Thorn.

Later, Red Thorn died tragically, and was dismembered by Xuanyuan Tianci and sent over. The picture was very scary.

Qin Lie had been surprised at the time, Red Thorn was staying well beside Xuanyuan Tianci, how could his identity suddenly be exposed.

He originally thought that Xuanyuan Tianci had investigated something by himself, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

All the things that Xiao Xingyao saw?

This incident was a pain in Qin Lie's heart recently. The death of the red thorn was really stuck in his throat like a thorn, so he couldn't spit it out or swallow it. It was very uncomfortable.

Qin Lie had been in a bad mood for two days because of this incident, so he recovered a little. Now that Xiao Xingyao came with him, how could he bear it.

Qin Lie rushed up, grabbed Xiao Xingyao's collar, pulled Xiao Xingyao up, and said sternly, "It's you, grass, I'll tell you who leaked the news, it turns out it's you bastard."

Xiao Xingyao didn't panic at all, even if he was grabbed by the collar, his face was indifferent.

He grinned and said: "How do you say that sentence, if you want to know it, you can't do it unless you do it yourself."

"You used to like to educate me with great principles, and I teach you these great principles now. We are now each taking our own stand and fighting for our own family.

Since you are undercover, don't blame me for being able to secretly get the information about your undercover, it's all a game, you should be careful yourself. "

"Wait for me!" Qin Lie warned him, "You, and Xuanyuan Tianci, the two of you, this aristocratic competition, don't even want to live, both of you must be buried with her."

"Yo yo yo!" Xiao Xingyao was extremely arrogant at the moment, and he said, "You really scared me, come and kill me, it's better to kill me now!"

Don't tell me, Qin Lie did think about strangling Xiao Xingyao to death directly.

But reason told Qin Lie not to do this. Now that the critical period has come, the Xiao family is obviously not just to get rid of themselves this time.

His ultimate goal is not just to kill a Xiao Xingyao and a Xuanyuan Tianci.

He wants to pull the entire Xiao family into the water, he wants to destroy the entire Xiao family.

Therefore, it is unwise to kill Xiao Xingyao now, and there is no way to see the true purpose of the Xiao family in the future.

This is called taking the sesame seeds and losing the watermelon.

Of course Qin Lie wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

He narrowed his eyes and stared at Xiao Xingyao coldly, finally restraining the anger in his heart and letting go of Xiao Xingyao.

He pointed at Xiao Xingyao and said: "Xiao Xingyao, you wait for me, now I won't move you, when you get to the arena of the competition, you will see how I will tear you apart.

If you die in the ring, no one in your family will speak for you! "

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