After all, before every game on stage, a life and death certificate will be signed.

This is called life and death, and it all depends on ability.

The big match of the family is not a joke.

Now that Xiao Xingyao was killed, the Xiao family started a war on the grounds of this incident, and used his family's power to get rid of themselves, and they had no way to ask other families for help.

But if Xiao Xingyao was killed in the ring, the Xiao family would not be able to find a reason.

This is also a wonderful point of the great competition of the aristocratic family. There is revenge and revenge, and the great competition of the family is definitely not just a competition.

"Ok!" Xiao Xingyao also didn't care, and sneered, "Then I'll be waiting for you in the ring, I also want to see how you killed me in the ring."

After saying this, Qin Lie loosened Xiao Xingyao's collar, Xiao Xingyao tidied up his own clothes, sneered, and slowly backed away, about four or five meters back, before turning around and leaving.

Seeing Xiao Xingyao walking away, Han Shiyu asked aside, "Brother Qin, how much hatred do you have with Xiao Xingyao? It's terrifying when I see it."

Qin Lie gasped and calmed down.

Then he said: "If you want to talk about this matter, it's a long story. You don't understand, and I'm not in the mood to talk about it right now."

"It's okay!" Han Shiyu said, "I believe in you. With your level, it's not a big problem to kill him in the ring. I'm optimistic about you."

"Let's borrow your auspicious words." Qin Lie said, without staying longer at the square, and then returned to his villa.

In a blink of an eye, it has been three days since the arrival of the Magic City, the day after tomorrow is the opening ceremony, and the day after tomorrow will officially start the game.

After the lottery is completed, the schedule will be played in the next two days, and Qin Lie will also know who his opponent in the first game is.

He will go to the venue tomorrow to familiarize himself with the environment, so there is not much time left for him.

In the villa, Qin Lie practiced boxing for a while. He practiced both the common movement technique and the weapon technique.

One is to keep your state at the highest level, and the other is to vent your emotions.

After staying in the villa for three hours, Qin Lie suddenly received a call from Logan at around two in the afternoon.

Qin Lie had asked Logan for help before, hoping that he could bring their country and the armed forces of their tribe to support him.

Logan is also very upright, and he agreed long ago.

Calling this time, it means that he has already set off on the road. At this time, he is flying from Africa to Huaxia, and he arrives at the Modu Airport at about six o'clock in the evening.

After Qin Lie learned the news, he told Logan that he would definitely pick him up at the airport, and hung up the phone.

He never thought that he had just hung up Logan's phone, and another call came to his mobile phone.

The call was from Sakurako Aoi, what she meant was that she was ready to fly over from Japan, and it was also a private plane. It was scheduled to arrive at the magic capital at 4:00 in the afternoon, which was almost 6:00 in China time.

In this way, Qin Lie saved a lot of money and trouble. Originally, the people on both sides had to pick them up twice. They arranged to go to the magic capital together, and they received them together.

Counting Bruni of the Cape family, his three big foreign aids are also going to the magic capital.

Qin Lie thought about it and decided to invite them to have a meal together tonight. This is a thank you to them, and it is also considered to be a blessing for Logan and Aoi Sakurako.

In this way, after hanging up the phone, Qin Lie began to study the question of where to eat at night.

He first called Murong Huanyu and asked which hotel in the magic capital was more upscale, then checked the information on his mobile phone, and finally settled on a restaurant on the Oriental Pearl Tower.

After doing this, Qin Lie lay down on the sofa, waiting for the night to come.

But at this time, his cell phone rang again, and this time the direction of the call was very clear, Guan Hai.

Guan Hai's phone, Qin Lie, did not dare to carry it. He now shoulders the bridge of communication between himself and Xuanyuan Hao.

Recently, he also promised himself that he would take himself to see Xuanyuan Hao.

Maybe this time is to let himself go to see him.

Picking up the phone, Qin Lie hurriedly asked Guan Hai, "Administration Bureau, what do you say, what's the matter?"

Guan Hai said without a word of nonsense on the opposite side: "Qin Lie, you are born in Shijia Village now, I am in the parking lot outside, a jeep with license plate number 3637, you come out and get on the car, I will take you to a place."

Qin Lie listened, and his heart moved: "Management Bureau, yes, is he going to see me alone?"

Guan Hai pondered for a while, and finally affirmed: "Well, I arranged a separate opportunity for the two of you to meet. Come out now, and I will take you there."

"Okay! I'll be out right now!"

Qin Lie didn't dare to neglect, knowing that this matter was no trivial matter, and he was looking forward to a meeting for more than 20 years.

Feeling a little excited, he rolled over from the sofa, told Situ Xuan that he was going to go out, and then got up all the way and went out the door.

Before leaving, he took Yang Hui and Qi Yunshan's diary.

These are hard evidence of what happened in the first place.

After making all the preparations, Qin Lie finally left the villa all the way, out of Shijia Village, and quickly got into Guan Hai's car. The two drove away from Shijia Village and walked to the urban area of ​​Modu.

He didn't speak much on the way, Qin Lie kept his diary beside him, and even his palms clenched his fists tightly, not knowing why he was a little nervous.

He looked at the passing scene outside the window, excited and worried in his heart, and a little bit afraid at the same time.

With complicated thoughts, about forty minutes later, the two finally came to the old city of a magic capital.

The old town of Modu has a strong Shanghai beach charm. Although the buildings here are very old, it can still be seen that the style is similar to that of the West.

However, the urban area here still reveals a little aristocratic tone. The surrounding life is very slow, and there are many elderly people, but everyone has a kind of leisure and elegance. This is the temperament of the old devil.

The two's car was parked in front of an old teahouse. The history of the teahouse is indeed very long. The sign outside the teahouse is even the kind of flag that has not been seen for many years.

And on the tea Huang, there is also the handwriting of Kangxi Year.

This is an old teahouse for two or three hundred years.

Xuanyuan Hao has always liked these culturally nurturing places. Longcheng's seclusion in the old courtyard house, including this tea house, is actually the property of Xuanyuan's family.

When Guan Hai asked him that Qin Lie wanted to see him alone, he arranged the meeting place here.

Quiet and without extra eyes, it is indeed more suitable for meeting alone.

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