Guan Hai took Qin Lie upstairs, and after walking through a wooden staircase, the two went up to the second floor together.

The wooden stairs are stepping on the squeaking business, and the whole teahouse is full of historical details.

On the second floor, the furnishings of the teahouse are quite open.

There are only less than ten large and small tea tables, and each of them is so far apart that they cannot hear each other even if they are chatting next door.

The restaurant is open for business normally. At this time, there are a total of three tables of tea customers on the second floor drinking tea and chatting, and the sound is not loud.

Including Xuanyuan Hao, there are four tables in total.

There is an incense burner in the tea house on the second floor. After the incense burner is lit, it brings out a strange fragrance, which makes people feel very comfortable.

After going up to the second floor, Qin Lie immediately saw Xuanyuan Hao sitting in the middle of the hall.

And beside Xuanyuan Hao, there was another person standing. Qin Lie didn't know this person, but he had seen him many times. It seemed that wherever Xuanyuan Hao was, he was basically there.

It should be Xuanyuanhao's close-fitting expert to protect Xuanyuanhao's safety.

At this time, Xuanyuan Hao was pouring hot water on the teapot and cups over and over again on the tea table, and his tea-making movements were very professional.

He didn't look away, focusing on the tea art in his hands.

The expression under the mask was cold, and no emotion could be seen.

Under the leadership of Guan Hai, Qin Lie finally came to Xuanyuan Hao's face. It was also at this time that Xuanyuan Hao finally raised his head, glanced at Qin Lie, and the corner of his mouth moved, which was a smile.

Then he whispered: "Come on, sit down. I arrived for a while beforehand, so I made a pot of tea on my own initiative. I don't know what your taste is. You can try it."

Saying that, Xuanyuan Hao placed a row of tea cups on the tea table, nine in total, and slowly poured out all the tea in the teapot, then took out a cup, handed it to Qin Lie, and took a cup himself.

By the way, "does Mr. Qin like to drink tea?"

Qin Lie didn't know how to answer, so he told the truth: "I may have a drink when I have nothing to do, but I am not as professional as you, Patriarch Xuanyuan, just to quench my thirst."

"Then you should try to brew tea patiently." Xuanyuan Hao said, "It seems simple to make tea, but in fact there are many ways to make tea, make tea carefully and brew tea at will, and brew the tea. There is a gap, you can try it first."

With that said, Xuanyuan Hao made a gesture of invitation.

Following his instructions, Qin Lie picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip from his mouth.

To be honest, this tea is indeed a little better than his usual brewing tea, but he doesn't appreciate the level of tea art, and more importantly, he is not in the mood now, and his mind is now full of things that changed.

"How is it?" Xuanyuan Hao asked Qin Lie as he put down the teacup.

Qin Lie smiled wryly and said the truth: "Patriarch Xuanyuan, I have no experience in tea tasting, and I can't drink anything. I'm not an elegant person like you."

"No..." Xuanyuan Hao said, "It's not that you don't appreciate the level of tea art, it's that your mind is not quiet now, you have things on your mind, you have things on your mind, so naturally you can't quietly appreciate such a quiet thing."

The words he said were a bit eloquent.

Even the person beside him said: "Patriarch, I don't think it's a question of quietness at all, it's just that we don't have your hobby, just like me, I don't have anything on my mind, and I can't appreciate your things. Cultural Conservation?"

"Haha..." Xuanyuan Hao smiled and looked back at the person beside him, "Canghai, you said this, it has already proved that your heart is not quiet, read more books in the future, and cultivate your heart is the right way."

Cang Hai didn't answer his words and said: "I think I should practice more kung fu. Protecting you is the kingly way."

Xuanyuan Hao said, handing Cang Hai a cup of tea, and in turn handing Guan Hai a cup.

After everyone took a cup of tea, Xuanyuan Hao seemed to be satisfied.

Then he looked at Qin Lie and started talking about business.

"Then Mr. Qin, since you came out with me, you must have something to tell me, then tell me, what is your concern, is it related to the great competition of the family?" It can be seen that before Guan Hai He has done a good job of keeping secrets, and now Xuanyuan Hao doesn't even know any information about his identity.

Qin Lie tidied up the wording a little, and also knew that it was time to speak out.

He thought about it for a while, and started chatting with what happened during the last meeting.

He said, "Patriarch Xuanyuan, do you remember the last time my master Qiu Bai broke into the archives of Xuanyuan's family and got an action file from your seventeen years ago?

At that time, you said that the dossier was true, but you didn't know the relevant actions, so you had to go back and investigate.

What are the results of this survey? "

Xuanyuan Hao listened and became serious.

He whispered: "I went back and investigated the matter truthfully, and as a result, I also told Mr. Qiu that I was basically sure that the dossier was forged by my son, Xuanyuan Tianci.

When the old Qiu family was destroyed, my Xuanyuan family did not participate. This matter has nothing to do with the Xuanyuan family. "

Qin Lie listened, nodded and continued to ask: "It has nothing to do with Xuanyuan's family, but do you know why Xuanyuan Tianci is going to forge this information, have you checked this?"

Xuanyuan Hao said: "I also instructed Xuanyuan Wei to investigate this matter, but because the matter has been covered up for too long, I can't find any more clues, so I can only get news from Tianci's mouth.

It's just that I've been busy with the family competition recently. I didn't want to distract Tianci, so I didn't keep talking about it.

But don't worry, I will investigate this matter thoroughly after the great family competition is over, and I will give you a satisfactory explanation when the time comes. "

This is not what Qin Lie wants to say.

This is just an entry point for him.

He followed immediately and said, "You don't know why he faked it, but I do."

Xuanyuan Hao's eyes moved slightly, showing a little interest.

He just looked at Qin Lie without saying a word, waiting for Qin Lie to continue.

Qin Lie said a piece of heavy news leisurely: "Patriarch Xuanyuan, the reason why Xuanyuan Tianci did this is because Xuanyuan Tianci has colluded with the Xiao family. To be precise, he has always been a member of the Xiao family. ."

Xuanyuan Hao listened, his eyes widened, as if he didn't believe it.

He whispered: "Mr. Qin, I don't know what your purpose of saying this news is, do you have any evidence?"

It's just that Qin Lie didn't keep talking about this matter, but changed his perspective and asked Xuanyuan Hao: "You know my master, right? You had an encounter as early as twenty-seven years ago, right?"

Xuanyuan Hao put down the teacup and slowly lay down on the chair. After thinking for a while, he said, "Yes, Qiu Bai and I are old acquaintances. Back then, he was very famous in Longcheng, and I have seen him a few times."

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