The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 1725 Father And Son Recognize Each Other

Qin Lie listened, nodded, and continued: "Then do you remember when your wife, Li Caiying, asked my master Qiu Bai and his wife to deliver the baby?"

Xuanyuan Hao listened, he was still holding a teapot in his hand, ready to pour tea.

But Qin Lie's words made him think of a lot of things.

After he raised his brows, he put the teapot back in its place, continued to look at Qin Lie and said, "Keep talking."

Qin Lie nodded and said: "Twenty-seven years ago, when your wife gave birth, my master Qiu Bai and my wife Yang Hui were her doctors.

Of course, I didn't know these things, after all, I was not born at that time.

But now why do I know, take a look at this diary first! "

Having said that, Qin Lie took the lead in handing Yang Hui's diary to Xuanyuan Hao.

He slowly pushed it to Xuanyuan Hao along the table, and continued: "This is the diary of my wife, Yang Hui, which I found in the old house of my hometown some time ago after my master was exterminated. I have folded the important things and important information in the diary, you can take a general look."

Qin Lie's statement finally caught Xuanyuan Hao's attention.

Xuanyuan Hao frowned, staring at the diary on the table for a long time, hesitating, but finally picked it up slowly.

Qin Lie did not speak, waiting for him to finish reading the diary.

Guan Hai and Ji Canghai didn't speak, including Xuanyuan Hao's voice turning pages.

Qin Lie noticed that Xuanyuan Hao's brows were already wrinkled when he read the diary.

As the diary progressed, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

He, who has always been heartbroken, finally had a lot of mood swings at this moment.

After a wave of reading, he went back and read several important diaries, and slapped the tea table with the last slap.

"Xiao Family!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes: "With this trick, they replaced my biological son?"

Qin Lie did not speak.

Xuanyuan Hao continued: "Qin Lie, where did you get this diary, and how do you prove that this diary was recorded by your mother twenty-seven years ago?"

It was not Qin Lie who answered him, but Guan Hai.

Guan Hai said: "A little over a month ago, Qin Lie sent this diary to me, and I immediately sent it to the technical appraisal team of the Kyushu Bureau. After appraisal, it was confirmed that the diary was twenty-seven. Diaries from years ago, ink and paper all have this age, so it must be real."

Xuanyuan Hao frowned and turned to look at Guan Haidao: "You got this diary more than a month ago, why didn't you tell me?"

Qin Lie took over the conversation and said, "Because the matter has a great impact, we have to wait until it is 100% confirmed before telling you."

"And the matter was not fully investigated at the time, so we did another round of investigation."

After Xuanyuanhao figured out the basic situation, Qin Lie handed another diary in his hand, Qi Yunshan's diary, to Xuanyuanhao.

"In Yang Hui's diary, it can be clearly seen that the original child-changing action was made by her and another person. Yang Hui stole the child and gave it to another person outside. Bring in another child who is ready, and the other is called Qi Yunshan."

"This diary is Qi Yunshan's diary. After reading this, you can know the whole context of what they did!"

Xuanyuan Hao's mood fluctuated quite a bit now, and Qin Lie could even hear his heavy breathing from here.

The matter had already been opened, and Xuanyuan Hao was too lazy to avoid it. He felt Qi Yunshan's diary and read it carefully.

Qin Lie had read the diary, so he knew it very well.

Two diaries, just looking at any one of them, there are many things that I don't understand.

But looking at the two diaries together can almost restore the fact that the Xiao family threatened Yang Hui at that time, then Yang Hui begged Qi Yunshan, and finally the two cooperated to steal the child.

In the diary recorded behind Qi Yunshan, he even remembered where the stolen child was placed.

After reading this, Xuanyuan Hao couldn't accept it.

The children of people who have raised them for more than 20 years are not even their own children.

And without knowing it, he has been deceived for more than 20 years, and his own children don't know what kind of life they live.

Because the amount of information is too large, and Xuanyuan Hao is the protagonist of the incident, this kind of impact is not even Qin Lie can understand.

"Qin Derong..." Xuanyuan Hao turned around and gave the order to Ji Canghai beside him at that time, "Canghai, you now, you immediately find someone to check this Qin Derong, this Haitang Village, where is Qin Derong's adopted son, in Where! Go, go now!"

Qin Lie felt somewhat comforted after hearing Xuanyuan Hao's reaction.

At least, Xuanyuan Hao still cares about his whereabouts and his own safety.

His first reaction was the most real reaction. With his reaction, Qin Lie felt that his investigation was worthwhile.

Looking at Xuanyuan Hao, Qin Lie took out another thing.

That was in the early years, his household registration book in the Qin family.

It wrote about his relationship with his grandfather Qin Derong.

"You don't need to investigate, we have already investigated all of this." Saying that, Qin Lie pushed the household registration book in his hand to Xuanyuan Hao along the table.

Xuanyuan Hao opened the account book and saw the head of the household, Qin Derong, on the first page.

So on the second page, I saw Qin Lie's name, and the relationship with Qin Derong was the relationship between grandfather and grandson.

At this point, Xuanyuan Hao basically understood.

Even if he is a peerless strongman like him, his hands are shaking when he is holding the household registration book.

"You, you are Qin Derong's grandson..." Xuanyuan Hao's mouth twitched slightly, "I, I was thinking just now, the last person in the diary who adopted my child was Qin Derong, and your surname is Qin, could it be..."

Having said this, Xuanyuan Hao paused and continued: "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it to be like this."

At the same time, Guan Hai took out the last piece of ironclad evidence in a timely manner, that is, the previous paternity test report of Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Hao, and also made this matter a sure thing.

The combination of all of this is enough to prove that Qin Lie is the child he was back then.

And Qin Lie is Xuanyuan Hao's biological son.

Qin Lieyou remembers how much he felt in his heart when he got the news.

So he could also think of how violent Xuanyuan Hao's mood fluctuated at this time.

Xuanyuan Hao didn't speak for more than ten minutes, digesting this matter all the time.

In the end, Xuanyuan Hao clenched the identification report tightly, his voice trembling a little.

"Child, you have worked hard for so many years."

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