Hearing Xuanyuan Hao's words, Qin Lie almost didn't hold back for a moment, and wanted to cry directly.

However, because he was a man and in a public place, his eyes were slightly red, but he still endured it.

In fact, Qin Lie wants to pursue his identity, know his origin, and find his parents for this.

He didn't mean that he had to find some missing parental love, and wanted to make up for so many years of hard work.

No, that's too hypocritical.

What he wanted was very simple. He just wanted to know why his biological parents didn't want him back then, and why they put a baby like him in the ice and snow.

Do they really dislike themselves, see themselves as a burden, or do they not care about themselves at all?

Qin Lie's heart always wanted an answer.

The driving force behind doing these things is only from the unwillingness of the heart.

Now, the answer was clearly laid out in front of him, and with Xuanyuan Hao's answer, he was already satisfied.

This shows that they lost themselves not because they didn't like themselves, but only because of external reasons.

They still care about themselves.

And at that moment, Qin Lie's driving force for so many years was finally satisfied.

That's why Qin Lie was so happy and excited.

Xuanyuan Hao's reaction was a little more intense than Qin Lie had imagined, and he muttered to himself in the chair for a long time.

Saying, "I just said why when I saw you for the first time, I thought you were so similar to me. It turns out that you and I are related by blood."

"I thought about investigating your background at the beginning, but after I learned that you are from the Qin family, it has nothing to do with our Xuanyuan family, so I didn't investigate further."

"I'm thinking that we already have Xuanyuan Tianci. After so many years, there are no other children. It should be just a coincidence that you and I look alike."

"But I didn't expect it to work like this!"

He muttered for a long time, and then suddenly stood up from the chair opposite.

When he came to Qin Lie, he looked down at Qin Lie, thinking of doing something kind.

But seeing that Qin Lie was already so old, he was no longer a teenager, his hand reached halfway, and it stayed in the air.

In the end, he couldn't reach out, and he finally returned to his position, slapped the table with a slap.

With a bang, the table made a dull sound, and even the teacups on the table jumped up.

"Xiao family, over the years, because of Xiao Mei's matter, I have repeatedly given up to Er et al. I hope to ease the relationship between the two families!"

"I made such a gesture of goodwill, but I didn't expect you to counteract me. Haha, my Xuanyuan family has not fought back for so long. I really think my Xuanyuan family is bullying!"

"Steal my son and let my son suffer in other places. Your Xiao family is really tired of living!"

"You are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous. It's time to settle the grudges for so many years!"

"Son, don't worry..." Finally, Xuanyuan Hao assured Qin Lie, "For the Xiao family, I have to pay the price for the Xiao family, in order to give you justice."

"From now on, you are the young master of my Xuanyuan family. I will go back and tell your mother. From now on, you will be officially announced as the heir of my Xuanyuan family, and you can enjoy all the rights and interests of the Xuanyuan family."

"What you have lost over the years, we will compensate you one by one!"

Qin Lie was very satisfied with Xuanyuanhao's answer, and he also saw that Xuanyuanhao wanted to make up for his feelings.

But Qin Lie told Xuanyuan Hao about this before the great competition of the aristocratic family, not only to get his identity as the young master of the Xuanyuan family, but he also had a more important point, that is, to unite the power of the Xuanyuan family, so that In dealing with the Xiao family, he can get a big boost.

The Xuanyuan family is the most powerful family of the eight great aristocratic families. With their help, this matter will be more certain.

So Qin Lie told Xuanyuan Hao like this: "I think it's better not to tell my mother about this, and I haven't thought about going back to Xuanyuan's house for a while. You can cooperate with me in everything and drag the Xiao family into the water completely."

Xuanyuan Hao's mood finally recovered a lot at this moment.

He also saw that Qin Lie had his own ideas.

Sitting back in his seat, he looked at Qin Lie and asked, "What are you going to do?"

Qin Lie thought for a while, and then asked Xuanyuan Hao: "Before answering this question, I want to ask you a digression."

Qin Lie paused and said, "What do you want to do with Xuanyuan Tianci?"

It was already obvious that after the son change, his biological son was Qin Lie, so Xuanyuan Tianci was no longer his biological son.

Xuanyuan Tianci also had an important identity as the undercover agent that the Xiao family personally sent to Xuanyuan Hao.

It's just that although Xuanyuan Tianci is not his biological son, he has been cultivated as his biological son for so many years, which is somewhat emotional.

So Qin Lie wanted to know where Xuanyuan Hao's bottom line was against Xuanyuan Tianci.

As soon as these words came out, Xuanyuan Hao was also in trouble.

After all, people are not cold-blooded animals, even if Xuanyuan Tianci is not his son, the feelings are real.

This ethical thing is the most difficult to distinguish right from wrong.

When Xuanyuan Hao heard this question, he thought for three minutes before he opened his mouth.

He said, "Since Xuanyuan Tianci was sent by the Xiao family, I will naturally not trust him in the future, but..." When he said this, Xuanyuan Hao hesitated again, "It's just that I'm too cruel to him. If you take his hand, I'm afraid your mother won't agree, I shouldn't take his life, at most drive him out of the house."

Qin Lie nodded silently, which was similar to his psychological expectation.

But it doesn't matter, if they don't kill Xuanyuan Tianci, they will do it themselves.

As long as Xuanyuan Hao doesn't trust Xuanyuan Tianci, then things will be easy.

Qin Lie nodded, and then continued: "Regarding Xuanyuan Tianci, I also suggest that you don't touch him for the time being. You'd better treat what we met today as if it never happened. What happened to Xuanyuan Tianci in the past? What happened to Xuanyuan Tianci in the month of the month."

"Why?" Xuanyuan Hao asked.

Qin Lie said: "Because the Xiao family has obviously made full preparations for this family competition, they have been planning these things for decades, just to wait for this opportunity.

Since Xuanyuan Tianci was assigned to Xuanyuan's house, he must have played a pivotal role.

We might as well take the plan first, see what the Xiao family is going to do, and then wait for them to take action, and then take measures to counterattack strongly, which will definitely catch them off guard. "

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