"Do you have a plan?" Xuanyuan Hao looked over.

"Yeah!" Qin Lie nodded, "I've been designing these things since I knew that the Xiao family wanted to get rid of me during the aristocratic competition."

"Even if there is no matter of changing sons in the first place, the Xiao family and I do not share the same hatred. If he wants to get rid of me, I will definitely find a way to get rid of them."

"Now they don't know that I am the child they replaced, let alone my relationship with the Xuanyuan family. This is our advantage, and there is no need to expose it."

"And after I did an in-depth investigation of what the Xiao family had done, I found that their target was not me at all, I was just a small target for them to deal with."

"They have designed this thing for so many years, and they have stuffed such a big chess piece into Xuanyuan's house. Their purpose is likely to be Xuanyuan's house. They may want to take this opportunity to uproot Xuanyuan's house, so that they can sit To the number one position of the eight great families."

"Is this also in line with what Xiao Mei wants to do to you?"

Xuanyuan Hao pondered for a while, and found that it was really the case.

He frowned and said: "Yes, although Henry Zhang is the head of the family, he acts impulsive and has a single mind. It is difficult to design such a careful plan. In contrast, Xiao Mei's thinking is possible to make such a detailed plan."

"But those are not important." Qin Lie said, "I think when my master's family was dragged into this incident, they were annihilated, and then Xuanyuan Tianci designed an operation to modify the dossier in order to help the Xiao family to cover up the truth. Put the blame on the Xuanyuan family.

Xuanyuan Tianci has such an operation to prove that he has long been united with the people of the Xiao family, and it also proves that the purpose of the Xiao family is in the Xuanyuan family.

The reason I must contact you in advance this time is to remind you that you must pay attention to the movements of Xuanyuan Tianci during this great competition. Secondly, I also hope that you can join me during this competition. help me get this done.

This is very important for me and for the Xuanyuan family! "

For this, Xuanyuan Hao answered very decisively.

He nodded and said, "Don't worry, I didn't know your identity before, and I still had a grudge against you, but now that I know your identity, the Xuanyuan family is your strong backing. During the family competition, what do you want to do? I will give you my full support."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and said with satisfaction: "It's enough to have you."

"I don't know how they are going to do it now, so let's take precautions and monitor it first. I hope you can move the Xuanyuan family's armed forces as much as possible to the magic capital, so that you can prepare for emergencies."

Xuanyuan Tianci nodded and agreed: "I will move the ordinary armed forces of the Xuanyuan family and Xuanyuan Guards to the magic capital to assist you in your actions."

Speaking of this step, in fact, the purpose of Qin Lie's visit today has been achieved.

He needs Xuanyuan Hao to know what he knows, and let Xuanyuan Hao prepare the Xuanyuan family's armed forces and be able to stand on his side.

These Xuanyuan Hao promised to do it.

And after saying this, Xuanyuan Hao sighed to himself and said in a low voice, "Child."

"It's been really hard for you all these years, but you've done an excellent job. It's really not easy to be able to do this by yourself with such a background. You are the best person in the younger generation I've ever met."

"Even if it's any of the young masters in the eight great aristocratic families, they can't do it to your level. I feel extremely proud that you can have today's achievements."

"You have the blood of the Xuanyuan family flowing in your blood. None of the Xuanyuan family members are mediocre. You have done a good job."

Qin Lie listened with some solace in his heart.

In fact, Qin Lie's current state of mind is basically immune to these compliments.

It's just that Xuanyuan Hao's status is special, and his praise has a different meaning to Qin Lie. After listening to these words, he is very satisfied.

The matter was almost finished, Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Hao both knew what they knew.

Then the relationship between the two is still best not to be known by the outside world, so Qin Lie left the teahouse first.

Xuanyuan Hao was still in the teahouse, and he might have stayed for half an hour before coming out.

This meeting is absolutely confidential, and no one knows that they have met.

And those who know the relationship between Qin Lie and Xuanyuan Hao are only the four people present today, Xuanyuan Hao, Qin Lie, Guan Hai and Ji Canghai.

Guan Hai and Xuanyuan Hao's personal guards, Ji Canghai, are all trustworthy masters.

So there is nothing wrong with today's meeting.

The reason why Qin Lie walked so fast was that there was one more thing to deal with today.

It was almost five o'clock in the evening when I came out of the teahouse.

Qin Lie hurriedly asked Chen Jinhu to drive the car over, and after picking up himself, he drove all the way to Modu International Airport.

According to the time, Logan and Aoi Sakurako should have gotten off the plane by the time he got to the airport.

The time was very fast, Qin Lie did not have any delay on the road, and went all the way to the Modu Airport.

And just after his front foot arrived at the airport pick-up port, Logan called on the back foot and asked, "Qin Lie, my friend, we have arrived at the magic capital, where are you?"

Qin Lie then told him his location, then Qin Lie got off the car and found Logan at the exit of the airport.

He came with Logan, and there were many people behind him, almost all of Logan's subordinates.

And these people are all Logan's confidants, there are about a dozen large and small.

After that, there will be more people, and they will occupy almost all the exits.

A group of foreigners stood together in groups, especially many of them were black. The tall people were really scary. Other travelers around saw them standing here, and they took a detour.

In this large group of people, it is estimated that there are hundreds of people.

After seeing Logan, Qin Lie greeted Logan from a distance: "Hey Logan, here I am!"

Seeing him, Logan took off his sunglasses and smiled, but jokingly said: "Qin Lie, tell me the truth, have you just arrived, I have been standing here for ten minutes and haven't seen you before? !"

"How is that possible!" Qin Lie would of course admit this, and found a reason to prevaricate, "Modu Airport is so big and there are so many exits, I just went to the wrong exit."

And at about this time, Sakurako Aoi and the others also arrived.

I thought that Logan's hundreds of tall foreigners were already full of momentum.

As a result, compared with the Yamaguchi group led by Aoi Sakurako, Mao is not worth it.

A group of people are in groups, high-spirited, uniform white suits, and everyone wears a gentleman's hat on their heads.

The key is that they are well-trained, and although there are many people, the team has not broken up.

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