This is very important to Qin Lie.

In the great rivalry of the aristocratic family, it is inevitable that their respective teams will cooperate. Now let them establish a relationship with each other, and when they really need to do things, they will also have a lot of tacit understanding.

As soon as the drinks opened up the atmosphere, the rest was easy to chat.

Qin Lie, as the host, everyone accompanied him for a while.

Chat with Logan and ask if his family has stabilized in Malawi, and if there are people from other tribes who come to ask for trouble, and also ask about the rare earth mine.

When I chatted with Sakurako Aoi, I cared about how she was doing recently, whether she thought about herself, etc. At the same time, she also promised her that she would take her to Longcheng to go shopping and buy her a suit after the aristocratic competition was over. Nice clothes.

The people at the two tables were so active, time passed slowly.

After three rounds of drinking, Qin Lie felt a little urgent to urinate, so he slowly leaned over to the toilet.

When he came out of the bathroom after urinating, he went all the way back to the table, ready to continue to accompany others.

He glanced at his right hand very casually, and there was nothing strange there.

But when his eyes touched something, he was immediately attracted to that thing.

Only then did Qin Lie notice that there were eight men in total at the table on the right, but not a single woman.

And then each of their statures are very standard.

What is the standard? It is similar to Qin Lie's tendon and fleshy body. It doesn't look strong, but in fact, he has muscles all over his body.

These eight people all looked like middle-aged people in their forties.

But I don't know why, Qin Lie, as a martial arts practitioner, immediately felt the extraordinary skills of these people.

Not a few of them, but all of them.

These people were sitting on chairs with Erlang's legs crossed, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, and they were very casual, but Qin Lie had that feeling.

And this is not what makes Qin Lie most concerned, what makes him most concerned is that these people have a uniform clothes hanging next to their chairs.

These outfits don't count as camouflage, and they don't count as military uniforms.

What attracted Qin Lie's attention the most was the epaulettes on their shoulders, which did not depict anything, but simply wrote the word "Gu"!

Seeing this, Qin Lie's heart skipped a beat.

Epaulets of ancient characters? The ancient army?

In the past, Qin Lie would have no idea about these epaulettes and uniforms, but since discussing the Gu family with Situ Xuan in the car, he is now full of curiosity about this ancient family.

A superpower that has continued from thousands of years ago to modern times, its secret influence even surpasses that of the eight great families. They are brave and mysterious, and they have become the patron saints of China.

And he also hooked up with Xiao Mei and Gu Chen, which made Qin Lie have to pay attention.

According to Situ Xuan, the Gu family army he saw at that time had an epaulet with the word "Gu" on his shoulder.

Why does everything look so similar to the person in front of him?

And Qin Lie remembered another important piece of information at this time. On a note sent by Red Thorn before his death, an "x" was marked. What other teams wrote about Xiao Jiajun, mercenaries, etc. For the specific name, it is very strange to write an x ​​for that team.

He was wondering if this X could be the Gu family's army.

This is Qin Lie's guess now.

If that's the case, isn't it more difficult for the big family to compare this time?

Back then, during the Vietnam War, the strength of a dozen people from the Gu family killed a village's guerrillas, and almost anyone who came out would be on a par with Situ Xuan's skills.

It was a team that had reached the peak of its combat effectiveness.

If they intervene, this time the aristocratic family will be a fart.

Qin Lie felt that even Xuanyuan Wei of the Xuanyuan family might not be their opponent.

Qin Lie murmured in his heart, hoping that his series of conjectures were not true.

However, because of this conjecture, Qin Lie hesitated for a while when he walked past the man at the table.

The man on the other side is also very alert. Some people see him staying by his side for so long, and they can't help asking: "Hey, young man, you have been staying at our table for a long time. Do you have any questions?"

Of course Qin Lie wouldn't say stupid things like he knew they were Gu Jiajun.

It's just that he also got a message from these people, that these people don't seem to know themselves.

From their eyes, tone and attitude, it can be seen that they are not deliberately pretending.

Eh, that's kind of weird.

If they were really with Xiao Mei and Gu Chen, or if they even came to help the Xiao family after taking a mission, they should have known themselves.

But now in this state, it is obvious that they do not know each other, so what is going on?

Or, they are not with Xiao Mei Guchen?

Qin Lie couldn't figure it out, but the questioning over there was always approaching, and he could only say this in the end: "No, I just saw that everyone's figure is very good, I must be a fitness expert, so I took a few more glances."

Qin Lie said this, and quickly passed by their table and returned to his own table.

The man over there looked suspicious, but he didn't think much about it in the end, and continued to chat with each other.

Just returning to the front and back of his desk, Aoi Sakurako observed carefully, saw that something was wrong with him, and immediately asked him, "What's the matter, Brother Qin, I see that your face is not right, are you drinking too much?"

Qin Lie waved his hand and said it was okay: "I'm just thinking about something, you don't need to worry about me."

However, the doubts in Qin Lie's mind could not be shaken away.

No matter from any direction, this eight-member team looks like the Gu family army described by Situ Xuan, but judging from their attitude, it has little to do with Gu Chen.

So was he thinking wrong in the end, or was there something else hidden in it?

In fact, the best way to do this is to test it.

How to test? Naturally, it starts with their skills.

When Situ Xuan met Gu Jiajun, he also tried to test the opponent's skills, and then deliberately found fault to provoke them, and then took the initiative.

In fact, as long as they make a move, they can clearly see their strength.

A kung fu master can't change his habits when he shoots.

As long as they can be provoked, their identities can almost be determined.

Qin Lie also wants to try it!

It's just that this operation is quite difficult. First, we must ensure that they can shoot, and at the same time, they can't make them all angry.

If all of them get angry, I don't know how I died.

And at this time, an opportunity arose.

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