Just when Qin Lie was worrying about how to test their identities, at this time, one of the eight people seemed to be in a rush to urinate. He got up, undid his own watch, and put the one he put behind him. uniform pocket.

I didn't take it away, so I went straight to the bathroom.

The man's clothes and his watch were just put on the chair, that's the premise.

Because the Michelin restaurant is a high-end restaurant, the man may not have thought that there will be thieves in it.

But this kind of high-end restaurant does have that kind of pickpocket, who specializes in high-end hotels.

The people who come and go here are basically rich people. As long as they can steal a watch and a ring, they can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is much more cost-effective than going to the streets to steal the bags and mobile phones of ordinary citizens.

And this man's negligent operation immediately made him a target of thieves.

As soon as the man entered the bathroom with his forefoot, a thin man came out of the bathroom. His steps were frivolous and he walked in an S-shape. At first glance, he looked like someone who had been drinking too much.

He came out of the bathroom all the way and passed by the table where the eight men were.

I don't know why, but without warning, I fell on the chair of the man just now, pushed the chair, and even hit the dining table, making a mess, instantly making the dining table a mess.

"Hey hey hey!"

It turned out that several men on the table immediately shouted: "Hey, buddy, what are you doing, can you pay attention, this is our table!"

"You can't just drink too much, we haven't finished eating yet!"

"If you can't drink it, drink less. Who do you think you are disgusting?"

Everyone complained so much, just wanting this thin man to leave quickly.

But none of them found out that when the man hit the chair, he touched the man's clothes pocket with his hand very skillfully, and in an instant he took out the watch inside. Not only that, he The technique is so skillful that the moment he touches it, it swipes into his sleeve.

The watch remained in his hand for no more than two seconds.

Everyone else's attention was on the table in front of him, where did they notice him.

Although the men's skills are good, it is obvious that their attention is not so concentrated, and they have not found the means of thin people at all.

But it is precisely because Qin Lie has been paying attention to them, and from his point of view, the thin man's technique can be described in one sentence as a glance.

Others didn't see it, but he saw it clearly.

After the thin man did that wave of operations, he quickly apologized to several people at the table, nodded and bowed: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, brothers, I, I just drank too much, walking a little unsteadily, and accidentally bumped into your table. , I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

The few men didn't intend to make trouble, so they just waved impatiently and said, "Okay, pay more attention next time. If you meet someone who is not easy to talk to, you will be in trouble now."

"Yes yes yes!" The thin man nodded and bowed, with a very good attitude, "I will pay attention, I will pay attention."

After saying this, the thin man immediately turned and left, still walking in an S-shape all the way, but his direction was not any table, but the direction of the restaurant's exit.

As long as he leaves this restaurant, he can run away immediately.

At this time, the man at the table didn't even realize that something was wrong.

The man who went to the toilet came out of the toilet and sat on the chair without looking at his pocket, and continued drinking.

Qin Lie watched, knowing that the opportunity to get close to them was coming.

This pickpocket was sent to him by God.

So Qin Lie didn't hesitate, and whispered to Aoi Sakurako: "Sakurako, I'm going to do something, come back right away, you tell other people not to move, no matter what happens."

Aoi Sakurako's eyes were full of doubts, but Qin Lie gave her full support no matter what she wanted to do.

So she didn't ask the reason, and said directly: "Then you pay attention to safety."

"Don't worry, it's alright."

After saying this, Qin Lie didn't stop, and stood up straight from the chair.

And just at this point in time, the pickpocket walked all the way to the aisle not far from their table.

Qin Lie walked over and stopped directly in front of him.

The pickpocket didn't realize what was going on, he looked up at Qin Lie, and now he just wanted to leave quickly, so he changed direction and was about to go around Qin Lie.

However, when he changed direction, Qin Lie also changed direction and blocked in front of him again.

The pickpocket had no choice but to change direction, Qin Lie continued to follow.

In general, Qin Lie follows him no matter how he goes, just doesn't let him pass.

At this time, the pickpocket got a little impatient, looked at Qin Lie and said, "Brother, this aisle is so wide, do you have to fight with me, can't you walk next to it?"

Qin Lie ignored him, didn't even speak, and put his hand in front of the pickpocket, his eyes full of playfulness.

Seeing him like this, the pickpocket continued to say impatiently, "What are you doing, you're smacking your hands, right?"

Qin Lie finally spoke, two words: "Bring it!"

The pickpocket was startled, his eyes changed obviously, he panicked: "What did you bring it, I didn't understand what you were talking about."

Qin Lie raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "I said bring it, you took something from someone else, take it out now, hand it over, you can go well, otherwise, you will be ruined here, this is mine warn."

The pickpocket's psychological quality is average. Basically, for this reason, he has already understood everything. Qin Lie naturally discovered his secret.

He swallowed and wanted to hide: "I, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Qin Lie pointed to the table in the distance, which was the table where the man was, and continued: "The second table, the chair near the aisle is covered with a piece of clothing, and there is a watch in the pocket of the clothing, I remind you to listen. understand?"

"You..." Qin Lie said these words, and things were basically done.

The thin man gritted his teeth and said, "You actually saw it?"

Qin Lie shrugged: "With sharp eyes, I can't help it."

The thin man's eyes narrowed, and his attitude gradually became tougher: "What does this have to do with you, who are they, I advise you not to mind your own business!"

Qin Lie said with a smile: "It has nothing to do with me, and they are not my people, but I just like to be nosy, you can't do anything about me.

I count three, and if I can't see the watch after three, you'll know that it's a very painful thing for you to live in this world. "

"Who are you frightening?" The thin man may have his own team and gang, and he doesn't take Qin Lie's words seriously.

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