Qin Lie has always been the master of what he says. He doesn't care what the pickpocket said, he just counts down: "Three!"


The pickpocket listened, very impatient, and said with a flick of his hand, "You're sick, right? Get out of the way for Lao Tzu!"

Saying that, the pickpocket pushed Qin Lie hard, hoping to push Qin Lie away directly.

Qin Lie didn't even bother to shout about the countdown, this kid is stubborn and has to teach him a lesson.

So when the pickpocket pushed him, Qin Lie grabbed his wrist with one hand, moved in front of him, and then slammed his knee into the pickpocket's stomach.

With a muffled bang, the pickpocket flew upside down.

How strong he got up, the pickpocket flew six or seven meters in the air, and then landed directly beside the table where he first stole things, behind the chair.

Because the impact was too great, the pickpocket vomited as soon as he landed, almost spitting out the overnight meal.

Including the watch he just walked down from the seat, it also fell to the ground at this time.

The pickpocket was beaten by one of his knees and lay on the ground, rolling over and over, holding his stomach and becoming an idiot.

The commotion between the two of them was too loud, attracting the attention of the people around the restaurant.

Qin Lie walked up to the pickpocket, picked up the watch from the ground, wiped the surface, then lowered his head and asked the pickpocket, "Excuse me, what is this thing, and why did it fall out of you?"

How could the pickpocket still have the heart to answer his question at this moment? He was lying on the ground tossing and turning, and the pain was so painful that he could not feel it.

At about this time, the other staff in the restaurant quickly ran over to inquire about the situation.

Qin Lie and the staff passed by and ignored them. Instead, they walked up to the man who lost the watch and handed him the watch, saying, "Next time you go to the bathroom, you'd better put Bring your watch, don't put it in your clothes pocket!"


The man was startled and hurriedly turned his head to touch the pocket of his suit, only to find that his watch was gone.

Then he looked at the watch in Qin Lie's hand, and then at the pickpocket lying on the ground, and finally understood.

"This kid stole my watch?" he asked in surprise.

Qin Lie looked at him with a smile and said, "Otherwise, isn't this picture obvious enough?"

It was also at this time that the other people at the table with the man also reacted, and the pickpocket started pretending to be drunk and bumped into their table, what the hell did he do.

That's really unstoppable!

Thinking of this, the man was furious, rushed over and kicked the pickpocket a few times before giving up.

However, there were restaurant staff, including his watch, so he didn't bother about it all the time. Those restaurant staff were learning about the situation, and they retrieved the hotel surveillance to find what Qin Lie said. After everything was true, I took the pickpocket to the Public Security Bureau.

At the scene, only Qin Lie and the man who lost his watch were left.

The man still politely thanked Qin Lie and said, "Brother, thank you for what happened just now. Thank you for your righteous action to get my watch back."

Qin Lie smiled and said casually: "It doesn't matter, I just saw that kid doing it, so I did it. The main thing is that it is pleasing to the eye. If you want to thank me, thank me for the better perspective from that position."

Qin Lie's answer was humorous, and the man smiled and said, "No matter how good your positional perspective is, if you don't want to shoot, it's useless. No matter what, thank you."

With that, the man stretched out his hand and shook hands with Qin Lie.

The reason why Qin Lie took care of this was to get close to this group of men. He wanted to find out whether the identities of these men were the same as what he thought.

So he reached out and shook it.

But when he shook hands with the man, Qin Lie deliberately put a little more force on his hand, trying to test the man's ability.

Judging from Qin Lie's strength and his deliberate temptation, the strength he is exerting on his hands now, if it were an ordinary person, he wouldn't be able to bear it at all, and he would definitely cry out in pain.

Even an ordinary martial arts master could not bear the strength in his hands.

But as a result, when he exerted his strength, the man in front did not respond, not even frowning.

He even looked at Qin Lie with a smile and asked, "Do you know a little martial arts? Have you practiced?"

He understated it, without any reaction to Qin Lie's force, and then pulled his hand back.

This is the most terrifying!

Assuming that the man's reaction was very intense, suffering from pain or struggling to fight back, Qin Lie would feel that this person's ability was not far from his own.

The most terrifying thing is his understatement. A simple action can unload the strength of his hands to the side. This is because he has completely crushed his existence, so it is so easy.

Qin Lie's little trick made him see through it all at once.

Qin Lie then said: "Yes, I did practice a little, but compared with you, there seems to be a big gap."

"Haha..." The man also laughed, "It just so happens that we have practiced for a few years, I think you can see that too."

Qin Lie continued to laugh: "If I didn't see it, I wouldn't necessarily care about that."

"Are you very interested in our skills??" the man asked.

Qin Lie said: "To be exact, I'm interested in gathering together a few of you with such good skills."

Qin Lie got straight to the point, pointed to his shoulder, and asked the man, "This place, your clothes have an epaulette on the shoulder with the word 'gu' on it. I want to know what this means."

Qin Lie's words suddenly aroused the man's vigilance.

How could the average person ask this question?

The Gu family is so well hidden in the world that even news of their existence is rare in the market, and people who know the ancient family are also very rare in the world.

As for Qin Lie, he pulled up the matter as soon as they met, and obviously knew about the Gu family for a long time.

There has always been a rule within the family that as long as it involves the family's exposure, it must be hidden and hidden, and try not to expose the family's name to the outside world. This is a rule that has been passed down by their family for thousands of years.

So the man's vigilance gave him a different idea of ​​Qin Lie's perception.

This kid, did he deliberately use the thief to get close to himself?

He just wanted to find out the identity of his team?

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