Aoi Sakurako was very energetic at night, and the frenzy was the most intense Qin Lie had experienced in the past three months.

Not only did the two perform many times, but their movements were fast and intense, draining a super sturdy guy like Qin Lie.

After three hours of intense fighting, the two of them were exhausted, and Qin Lie was sweating all over and rested for half an hour.

The two of them also made it from twelve in the morning to three in the morning because of this incident.

Then went to bed at three in the morning and slept until ten the next morning.

The opening ceremony of the family competition is tomorrow, and the first round of the competition is also tomorrow. Qin Lie's opponent is the Kong family's name Kong. He can't remember clearly. In a word, there will be an official competition tomorrow. He was still very relaxed and free.

So after waking up this day, Qin Lie still didn't leave, but had breakfast and Chinese food with Sakurako Aoi, and then went shopping in the most prosperous commercial area of ​​the magic capital in the afternoon, and bought Sakurako Aoi a beautiful All in one.

The two drink milk tea, hold hands, go shopping together, and eat snacks together. This is the real couple.

Qin Lie spent a whole day with Aoi Sakurako.

In the evening, the two booked a western restaurant and planned to have dinner together.

It's just that when the two were about to drive to the restaurant for dinner, Qin Lie also received a call from Han Qi.

Qin Lie was very strange. He didn't know why Han Qi was calling him at this time.

The relationship between the two is very good. Now, Qin Lie picked it up without thinking. While driving, he put the Bluetooth headset in his ear and asked Han Qi: "Hey, Han Bureau, this is going to be a family competition soon. Do you have anything else to do?"

Han Kai said straight to the point, "Qin Lie, I'm here to ask you to borrow someone this time."

Qin Lie thought that he wanted to let the Longyan team do something again, and immediately said: "Han Bureau, this is about to start the family competition, it's useful for me to stay with the Longyan team, you won't ask me to lend someone you."

Han Qize denied: "No, no, I didn't ask you to borrow the Longyan Squad, I asked you to borrow someone, this person is Tony Lee, is he yours?"

Tony Li, a super master hacker, went undercover into Murong's house and stole the core secrets of Murong's house to return to Yehun, but he was stopped by Qin Lie on the way back.

At the beginning, this fellow was about to climb the landing gear of the plane and run away, but by accident, he climbed on his private plane, and Qin Lie caught it directly, causing a big oolong.

But it was also because of this matter that Qin Lie turned Tony Li Ce against him and let him infiltrate the night soul base with himself, and then only uprooted the night soul base.

Tony Li used his hacking skills to open a nuclear-resistant warehouse at the bottom of the night soul in the last base of the ocean, so that Qin Lie successfully captured Song Zhe.

Later, Qin Lie directly invited Tony Lee to join his team, including Tony Lee himself, and agreed.

Now Tony Lee is indeed his man.

What Qin Lie didn't know was that Han Qi asked himself what he wanted a master hacker to do.

He couldn't help asking one more question: "Why did you ask me to borrow him from him, he was a Yehun person before."

Han Qi said: "Since I asked you to borrow someone, I must know his background. I just want him and the hacking technology in his hands."

"This..." Qin Lie was surprised, "No, the Korean Bureau, your Kyushu Bureau is full of talented people, and there are countless computer experts. You asked me for a hacker, so that's not it."

"Haha..." Han Qi said, "If my people can solve the problem, why would I ask you to borrow someone? This time we only asked you to ask for someone when we encountered something that could not be solved. I borrowed not only from your family, but also from the Murong family. I have asked about the Tang family, and now I just want to gather together and try to find a solution."

"Oh yo." Han Qi said this, which aroused Qin Lie's interest. He was very surprised, what kind of difficulty was the task, and the people in the Kyushu Bureau couldn't handle it, and they even had to seek outside help.

Not to mention the help of the outside world, they even have to find so many homes, how difficult is this?

Qin Lie listened and couldn't help but ask: "Han Bureau, what exactly is your mission? It's so difficult, you can tell me, I want to hear it too."

Only then did Han Qi slowly explain to Qin Lie.

He said: "It was actually a case of smuggling of cultural relics, but the amount involved in this smuggling of cultural relics was huge, so Mr. Hua directly asked our Kyushu Bureau to take over.

That is a smuggling gang that we have been tracking for a long time. It is said that the home of this smuggling gang is in Italy, but their strongholds are almost all over the world.

The strength of this gang is quite strong. Even our Kyushu Bureau and Interpol have been tracking them for thirteen years without knowing their specific situation. "

"Do you know what their modus operandi is like?" Han Qi suddenly asked.

Qin Lie followed his train of thought and replied, "What?"

Han Qi continued: "Their modus operandi, they first took out a batch of very valuable cultural relics to be auctioned at famous auction venues around the world. The cultural relics in their hands are of high value. It sold for a billion dollars at auction.

And the cultural relics in their hands are almost all of this level, and each item costs hundreds of millions of dollars.

After they put their things up for auction, they use their thieves to track them down to the buyer's home and steal the thing directly from the buyer. "

"In this way, the cultural relics belonging to them are still in their hands, but they have earned billions of dollars because of this empty hand."

"Then they put the stolen items in their own storage for a while, and after a while, the limelight has passed, they take the artifacts out to continue the auction, and then steal them back from the buyer, Repeat this cycle to earn auction money!"

"I wipe!" Qin Lie couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this, "These people are too good at playing, they can still do this, they just played the white wolf with empty gloves to the extreme."

"But the things that were sold are stolen again. This is not a matter of morality." Qin Lie added, "But how can they guarantee that they will be able to steal the things back from the buyer, if the stealing will not come? , aren't they at a loss?"

However, Han Qi shook his head and said, "According to the information we have, this situation almost does not exist. They can basically take 99% of the shots."

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