"First of all, their team of thieves is very professional. They have gathered the most elite thieves in the world. Their business capabilities, skills and technology are all the most advanced in the world."

Han Qi explained patiently on the other end of the phone.

"Secondly, they have strong backgrounds and deep pockets and can support a large number of people to help them do things."

"The world's top security system companies almost have their people, that is to say, no matter whether the buyers' vaults or safes, they almost have methods of destruction!"

"And those non-top security systems can be easily cracked by their hackers, so the security of those vaults is useless to them."

"Strong security system destruction capabilities, coupled with the world's top gang of thieves, make them every time."

"At first, we thought that those buyers were just unlucky and were being targeted by thieves, but as we investigated more and more deeply, we found that as long as those high-value collections were almost always stolen, gradually , and discovered their operating model.”

"Okay." Qin Lie answered, then continued, "I know the background, so what is your Kyushu Bureau's mission this time?"

Han Qi continued over there: "According to our investigation, we have locked a storage point of this gang in the suburbs of Modu, which is a place where they put the cultural relics."

"As I said before, every time they come back from stealing, they will put it in their storage for a period of time, and then take it out and sell it after the limelight has passed."

"The magic capital has their storage points, and we are preparing to break their storage points now."

Qin Lie listened and found a bug, so asked Han Qi, and continued: "No, you are the Kyushu Bureau, you are a national force, you have to break through a storage point, go directly in, and get your work cards and agent certificates. Liang, don't you just go in directly, it takes so much effort?"

Han Qixiao: "It would be great if it was as simple as you said. Their storage point in the magic capital is a financial company of a foreign company. The company has a huge vault in the basement, which means we are going to break through it. the point.

The key is that this financial company is a state-owned enterprise in Germany, and there are even people from the German consulate stationed inside.

You know, if our Kyushu Bureau leads a team to break into such a place, how much political impact will it have? This international public opinion is not something that our Kyushu Bureau can bear. "

"I'm going..." Qin Lie was shocked. He couldn't imagine that such a smuggling and theft gang actually had other backgrounds in Europe to support it.

Even with the help of the German official force, it is really not easy for a theft gang to achieve this level!

"Is there any official business?" Qin Lie asked.

Han Qi said: "No, otherwise, why do you think our Kyushu Bureau is so timid in doing things."

"The annual profits of their gang are astonishing, with hundreds of billions of dollars in net profits every year. Even if Western countries want to get in and get a piece of the pie, they have become their umbrellas.

Under such a huge chain of interests, no one can be alone. "


Qin Lie understands this thing, but he is not good at political matters, and he doesn't plan to get involved. He directly asked Han Qi: "Then what are your plans? Since you can't break in directly, how do you break the storage point?"

Han Qi quickly replied: "We have already reported the plan to Mr. Hua, and Mr. Hua fully agrees. We are also going to use their methods to treat others with their own methods."

Qin Lie widened his eyes and said, "If it's true or false, you steal it too!"

"Yes!" Han Qi said, "We have also contacted one of the top thieves in the industry and are going to steal all the things in that storage point."

"No..." Qin Lie jokingly said, "When did your Kyushu Bureau become so eclectic when it came to doing things, how could you even use these methods?"

Han Qi immediately said: "Mr. Hua said that special methods must be used to deal with special gangs. Almost all of the storage sites are our national treasures. Even if we steal them, they will only be returned to their original owners."

"Huh?" Qin Lie asked in surprise, "What about our national treasure?"

"Oh, what do you think?"

Han Qi introduced the situation and said: "It is because their smuggling gangs were targeted by our people when they smuggled into the country, and we found their storage point. Otherwise, we would not even know this storage point..."

"Then according to what we know, the cultural relics stored in that storage site are all national treasures of our country, the bronze statues of the twelve zodiac signs in Yuanmingyuan, and there are two in them... and the long-lost "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" in our country. "Originally... Tang Bohu's "Viewing the Mountains in Four Seasons" and so on..."

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Regardless of his image, Qin Lie was still in amazement. He really didn't expect those things to be so terrifying.

Qin Lie was shocked when he heard that there were two bronze statues of the Chinese zodiac, followed by the Lanting Preface and Tang Bohu's paintings!

Holy crap, aren't these long-lost, shocking works of art in our country?

Needless to say about the value of the zodiac, Tang Bohu's paintings have always been one of the most sought-after treasures in the country. His "Viewing the Waterfall at Mount Lu" still holds the highest price in the auction industry, at US$3.3 billion. !

If this "Four Seasons Viewing the Mountains" is the real work of Tang Bohu, how low can the price go.

Finally, let's talk about the original work of "Orchid Pavilion Collection".

The Lanting Preface has always been called the first line of scriptures through the ages. It has been the unparalleled treasure of our country for so many years. Even Emperor Xuanzong was very obsessed with this character.

It's just that Lanting Jixu changed hands several times and disappeared into the long river of history.

There are calligraphers in the Ming Dynasty who copied the "Orchid Pavilion Collection Preface" from the rubbings, and because of the good copying, they have become treasures handed down from generation to generation.

That facsimile sold for a billion yuan at an auction.

If it is the real work of the Lanting Preface, it is almost impossible to describe its value in numbers.

"My darling!" Qin Lie said jokingly, "I suspect that this gang is the descendant of the Eight-Power Allied Forces. They can get all these things!"

Han Qi said over there: "So, Mr. Hua told us that no matter what method we use and how much we spend, as long as it doesn't cause international conflict, we must get these treasures out."

"I see." Qin Lie nodded, realizing the importance of this matter.

So when Han Qi finally asked: "So, do you lend me this person's?"

At that time, Qin Lie roared loudly, incarnated as the righteousness of the nation, and said loudly: "Borrow, you must borrow, not only do you want to borrow, but I also want to see it together!"

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