"Okay!" Han Qi was so excited to see him, which was what he wanted to see.

He continued: "Then I'll send the address to your mobile phone later, and you can bring Tony Lee to the address I gave, and we'll steal it in today!"


Qin Lie replied, and the two hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Qin Lie's first reaction was to stop the car on the side of the road, then turned to look at Sakurako Aoi and said, "I'm sorry, baby, I've temporarily received a task, maybe I have to do something. , I can't accompany you to have dinner with you, do you think I will send you to the restaurant to eat by yourself, or will I send you back to the hotel?"

Aoi Sakurako's expression showed obvious loss.

She pursed her lips and said, "Okay, then you can just take me back to the hotel. If you're not here, it's boring to eat."

Feeling her emotions, Qin Lie gently kissed her face and said, "I'm sorry, next time I will make sure to compensate you well. After the family competition is over, you can stay in Huaxia for a while. It just so happens that Xiaoyu is about to give birth, so you can get together."

Sakurako Aoi couldn't bear to shake Qin Lie's face when she saw Qin Lie's guilt.

She put a smile on her face again, and in turn kissed Qin Lie's face, and said, "Okay, it's alright, I just saw you so excited, this must be a very important thing.

You don't have to worry about me, I'm not a little girl anymore, you can just do it with confidence, it doesn't matter! "

Qin Lie smiled, very satisfied.

Why is I always so obsessed with the girls around me, because each of them is so understanding.

Such a girlfriend should be the envy of many male compatriots.

"Okay, then I'll send it back to you now." Qin Lie said, and quickly drove Aoi Sakurako, turned the direction, and sent it back to the hotel.

They kissed again in the hotel, Qin Lie watched her walk into the hotel, and then took out his mobile phone and called Tony Li.

Tony Lee naturally followed the Longyan team to the Magic City this time.

There are so many things to do in the family, and no one knows whether they will use a computer or not. Qin Lie has only one computer expert, Tony Li, who must be brought here.

When he first broke the Night Soul Base, Tony Li fought with the members of Longyan Squad, and now he has been well integrated with Jiang Lei, Li Tianlin and the others.

During this time, he was staying in a hotel with Jiang Lei and the others.

After dialing the call, Tony Li was very relaxed and casual. He asked Qin Lie casually, "Hey, my boss, why are you calling me at this time, I'm still taking a bath!"

Qin Lie said bluntly: "Hey, Tony Lee, taking a bath so early, what beautiful girl are you dating?"

Tony Li said with a smile: "I can't hide anything from you, Boss, didn't Jiang Lei use the women in the clubhouse to cause trouble for the enemy recently, some of the women in the clubhouse are good, the key is that he has already paid a monthly fee. Now, no need to be in vain!"

Qin Lie said speechlessly: "Tony, you don't have no money. What are you doing with these women? Be careful that they will directly infect you with AIDS. If you have this money, are you not happy with a clean girl?"

Tony Lee said: "It's a lot of trouble to pick up girls. It can be done with a little money. I have to go pick up girls. Don't worry, I have a set, and nothing will happen."

Qin Lie didn't even know what he was doing with discussing this.

Qin Lie then immediately said: "Okay, I'm too lazy to tell you this, you quickly put away your rambunctious heart, get up from the bathtub for me, I have a task for you."

"Isn't it." Tony Lee said in surprise, "I'll start doing things right now. You asked me to go out to do things. You're too ruthless."

Qin Lie said unquestionably: "I said, now there is a task for you, you climb out of your bathtub immediately, this task is very important, you don't give me dawdling, understand?"

Feeling Qin Lie's emotions, Tony Li immediately begged for mercy: "Oh, boss, don't get excited, just come out, why are you angry.

However, when I came to Modu this time, I just promised to help you with the great competition of the aristocratic family. You have to pay extra for this temporary task! "

Qin Lie knows this kid's style of doing things.

Before doing anything, he needs a little benefit, which is simply a real-life version of the money-added layman, but as long as he is given enough benefits, he can do things very powerfully.

Qin Lie didn't want to talk nonsense with him, and said impatiently, "Okay, okay, I know, money is indispensable for you, you hurry up, I'll drive downstairs to your hotel right away, half an hour!"


As soon as he heard that there was money to be made, Tony Lee agreed immediately as if he was immediately slapped with chicken blood.

The conversation between the two also ended here.

Qin Lie hung up the phone, checked WeChat, and Han Qi had sent the address.

Fortunately, it's not far from the hotel where Tony Li lives. After picking up Tony Li, you can go directly to Han Qi's side.

Qin Lie put down his phone and focused on driving towards the front.


Qin Lie and Han Qi are in full swing against the international smuggling thieves. Tomorrow, the family competition will officially start, and there will be many more things.

But at this time, you might as well put Qin Lie's affairs aside and turn your attention to distant Europe, Northern Europe, an island country close to the Arctic Circle, Iceland!

Iceland has a total area of ​​100,000 square kilometers, but the population is pitifully small. Compared with several other Nordic countries, its population density is lower.

Except for a few cities, almost all other places are wilderness.

Outside the city is nature, which is the best description of Iceland.

And Iceland's latitude is very high, very close to the Arctic Circle, so the climate will not be very hot all year round.

Even in July and August in the northern hemisphere today, the maximum temperature here is only 212 degrees, which is very comfortable.

However, apart from those places in the plain area, some towering snow-capped mountains are covered with snow and ice all year round, and the climate here is basically a dozen degrees below zero all year round, and it can even reach minus thirty degrees in winter. .

The climate of this place is very harsh and extremely unsuitable for people to live in.

But in such an unnamed snow-capped mountain, on the cliff of the snow-capped mountain, a huge stone gate with a height of five meters opened, and walking in through the stone gate, a huge space was pulled out from the middle of the snow-capped mountain.

In this space, not only is the temperature much higher than the outside, but the living facilities are more complete, and there is even a set of power generation equipment to supply electricity to the entire area.

Here, obviously a base!

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