Inside the snowy mountains in Iceland, there is a huge hollow space. If this space is put outside, it can basically be seven or eight stories high.

However, this place has three floors in total, one floor is used for accommodation, and the other two floors are all training grounds.

At this moment, on the middle floor of the base, in the open space of the training ground, a man was punching in front of a sandbag.

His movements are very standard, whether it is the power or rhythm of his punches, they are all at a professional level.

In the mountain, the surrounding temperature was only a few degrees below zero, but he only wore a set of shorts, topless, and kept practicing boxing.

His movements were violent, his body was covered in sweat, and he seemed to vent his emotions against the sandbag.

He attacked the sandbag, the speed of the punch in his hand was getting faster and faster, bang bang bang bang bang!

His rhythm was as fast as raindrops, the sandbag kept shaking under his torment, and at the last stroke, his strength was so strong that he directly broke the rope hanging the sandbag, and the sandbag flew five or six meters. just fell to the ground.

After doing all this, the man gasped in place and untied his boxing gloves.

It was also at this time that another man next to him came up and said as he walked, "Brother, since you arrived at this base, I can see that you have been practicing boxing, you have been practicing boxing, you said that you are so arrogant to do, it is meaningful. ?"

The person who spoke was also a middle-aged man, with a Nordic face and tall stature, but there was always a wolf light in his eyes.

The man who started punching, took off his gloves, gasped for breath, and said, "Aphelo, sometimes I really envy your mentality, our biggest base was destroyed, and Yamadao pinched his hand. You're not even nervous at all."

That's right, the one watching the battle next to him is Aphelo, the second person of the Big Three of the Night Soul.

Oh, by the way, there are no longer the three giants of the night soul, only the two giants of the night soul, and Song Zhe is dead.

And the two men standing in the training ground at this time, one is the No. 2 character Aphelo, and the other is naturally the boss of Night Soul, Fernandez!

The Icelandic training base where they are now was built by them to train the agents of the organization. The conditions here are very difficult. It is icy and snowy all year round. When you go out from the base, you have to climb a cliff more than 50 meters high at least. .

Originally, it could only be used to train killers, so that the business ability of those killers would get better and better.

As for now, even the top two characters of Night Soul can only hide here.

The attack by Qin Lie in conjunction with Yanwangdao caused Yehun's largest research base to be breached. Afterwards, the entire Italian base fell into the hands of Yanwangdao.

Their Night Soul's organization was almost broken up, mainly because after the biggest base was destroyed, many of the killers originally under the Night Soul's banner chose to betray them.

The night souls in their peak period, that is, the night souls before they were attacked by Hades Island, they had more than 5,000 killers in various countries around the world.

After the base was breached, no more than 500 of these people surrendered and found another way out, and now they are still following Fernandez's men.

The establishment has been directly reduced to one-tenth, which can be called a miserable one.

What's even more tragic is that even the remaining five hundred or so are lost every day, and their night souls are almost completely disappeared and annihilated in the long river of history.

Fernandez, as the boss of Night Soul and the founder, how could he not be worried!

But there is nothing he can do now, he doesn't even dare to go out from the base in Iceland.

In the first battle at the base, they left Italy in the last submarine, all the way from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic and then to Iceland.

They were kicked out of the base like stray dogs.

He knows that now the forces of Hades Island are looking for his traces all over the world like crazy.

So he didn't dare to move now, how could he move?

This is trying hard, and I don't know how long he will stay there. His life is now, every day is bleak.

He has been lurking in this base, making him see no hope.

The hatred in his heart is that he hates Xingtian on Yanwang Island, and he hates Qin Lie, a Chinese who infiltrated the base and turned the base upside down.

He knew very well that Song Zhe had a conflict with Qin Lie, which led Qin Lie to join the plan to destroy their night soul.

A group of killers from Hades Island, a team of Qin Lie's Longyan, was the culprit who destroyed their night souls.

Ever since Fernandez was kicked out of his house like a wild dog, he had sworn in his heart.

The base was destroyed, he must get it back.

Xing Tian and Qin Lie, he won't let any of them go!

It's just that so far, he hasn't been able to find a better way to counterattack. He needs to dormant for a few years like the Hades Island that was breached back then, and then make plans when the time is right.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and at this time he can only do this.

But even though he said that, he should still be angry.

Packing up his gloves, Fernandez walked over directly from Apheiro's side and walked straight to the first floor above his head.

Aphelo asked him from behind: "Hey, boss, what are you doing here, why don't you practice boxing?"

Fernandez glanced at him and said casually: "Can I practice boxing for a day? What else can I do? Of course I went to take a bath and sleep. Is there something else I can do?"

Fernandez's tone was not very good. After passing Aphelo, he walked all the way upstairs.

However, just when Fernandez was disheartened and saw no hope, at this moment, a person came down from the upstairs, one of their subordinates, who had left with them in a submarine.

He quickly descended the stairs from above, from top to bottom, and just bumped into Fernandez who was about to go from bottom to top.

At this moment, the subordinate hurriedly reported, "Boss, I'm just looking for you. Go to the first floor and have a look. Someone outside the base said they want to see you."

"one person?"

Fernandez was puzzled and frowned: "The killer under our organization?"

"No!" The subordinate responded immediately, "We have done a database comparison of his face, and his face is not in our killer group."

"Not from the killer group?" Fernandez was even more strange.

Regarding their base in Iceland, Fernandez only gave him the trusted killers under his organization. He didn't even tell those unreliable and second-minded killers. How could this person find the base along the way?

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