The fact that he stayed at the base in Iceland was a secret.

First of all, the location of this base is not easy to find. If it weren't for the veteran who had trained here at the beginning, give him a location on the snowy mountain, and he has also turned around in the snowy mountain many times and couldn't find it here.

The opening of the base is a shady side, and the opening is a canyon. There are cliffs up and down the canyon. How can ordinary people think that there is actually a base here.

But the person outside is not a member of the killer group, but he knows this position, which is very interesting.

"Did he ever say who he was?" Fernandez asked.

His subordinate shook his head and replied: "I didn't say, we asked, but he just didn't answer, saying that he must see you before answering, oh yes!"

The subordinate seemed to have just remembered one thing, he said: "By the way, boss, he also asked me to tell you that he came here this time and specially brought us $300 billion in funds. He said that we are sure now. need this."

"How much?" Fernandez was stunned when he heard this.

This, this he is too much meow!

300 billion US dollars, even at the peak of Night Soul, the total assets under his control are not 300 billion US dollars. How rich is this person?

Money can make a ghost run!

Fernandez didn't even think about seeing the person who suddenly appeared at first, but he heard that the person brought 300 billion funds.

There are many things that can be done with money, how could Fernandez refuse such a good thing to come to his door.

He glanced at Aphrodite, and also saw shock in Aphrodite's eyes.

Aphelo kept an eye on it, after all, this matter was too outrageous.

He said: "Boss, do you think this is a trap set up by Yan Wangdao, deliberately said attractive conditions, and then let us open the door, we open the door a little, and our whereabouts will be revealed, when the time comes, Yan Wang People from the island will follow this place to find it?"

This is also considered by Fernandez. After all, no one will bring 300 billion to join the team for no reason.

This thing is more or less risky.

However, after weighing it, Fernandez made a decision, he was going to see this person.

The main reason is that he has been suffocated in this base, and it is really uncomfortable. Even if there is a risk, he still has to try it.

After all, that's $300 billion.

Thinking like this, Fernandez gave the order to the subordinate: "Go, take me up."

Looking back at Aphelo, he said, "Aphelo, come along too, to see where the holiness came from."

Apello listened and got up from his chair, and the two went upstairs all the way.

When they reached the top floor, the entrance of the base, Fernandez and Apheiro stood still at the entrance, and then ordered the men around them to open the stone door at the entrance of the base.

After the stone gate opened, the swish cold wind blew in from the outside, and the cold outside was a dozen degrees below zero, which suddenly made everyone in the base shiver.

In the cold wind, a man stood outside the door, not from the East, but from the West.

He was wearing a down jacket. The surrounding area of ​​the down jacket was covered with snow and the clothes were thick, but he could still see that the man was tall and muscular.

He had a long beard, a rough face, and the side of his face was flushed red from the cold. He walked in all the way, and the staff next to him closed the stone door again.

Nearly, Fernandez saw the man's appearance clearly, but it was still very strange, because he didn't recognize this man, and it could be said that he had never seen him before.

The man walked up to Fernandez and whispered, "You are the boss of Night Soul, Fernandez?"

Fernandez looked at the man again, and after confirming that he didn't know him, he continued: "I'm Fernandez, you are??"

"Froza!" The visitor said his name directly, and then briefly introduced it later, saying, "You may not know the name, but I'm sure you have an impression of an organization, have you heard of the Skeleton Society? "


Fernandez finally remembered when Flossa brought this up.

He just said that the name is very familiar, isn't this one of the two leaders of Skull and Bones!

Although Fernandez was closed in the training base in Iceland, his killers were still all over the world. He knew very well the strength of Skull and Bones in North America, and he also knew that Skull and Bones had suffered a devastating blow just like them some time ago.

The people responsible for destroying Skull and Bones came from the China Kyushu Bureau and the U.S. Anti-Terrorism Alliance.

It is said that the four bases of the Skull and Bones Society were basically uprooted.

Let's just say, because it was the official power of China and the United States that dealt with Skull and Bones, so they were completely eliminated.

After the night soul was attacked, there was still one-tenth of its strength, and the Skull and Bones Society, hehe, was basically wiped out.

Fernandez did not expect that the leader of the organization who had the same experience as him actually came here.

"Mr. Flossa!" Fernandez said, "I heard about you and your organization, and I also heard that your organization suffered a change some time ago. Just like our Night Soul, I didn't expect you to come to us."

Flossa was naturally in a bad mood.

He walked in, looked at Fernandez expressionlessly and said, "Our experience is the same, but mine is worse than yours. The shell of your night soul is still there, but the Skull and Bones Society has been completely destroyed!"

"I can understand your feelings, and I feel very sorry for this matter, so..." Fernandez paused and asked him, "So what is the purpose of Mr. Frossa coming to us this time?"

Frossa didn't beat around the bush, and said with a serious expression, "I'm looking for your cooperation."

"How to cooperate?" Fernandez asked again.

"I want you to help me kill two people, and at the same time let me join the night soul and become one of the most powerful figures in your night soul, second only to you Fernandez."

Aphrodite is the second character of Night Soul, and he is naturally a little uncomfortable to hear this.

After listening to it, Aphelo responded immediately: "Mr. Frosa, the condition you put forward is not low, but I don't know what you can exchange for it!"

Flossa had already figured out what was going on today, and he was confident in what he could offer.

He said: "I already said at the beginning, the funds of 300 billion US dollars, this is my brother, Woodrow's wealth accumulated when he was in the military business, you also need funds now, you also need to rise again, you also need It cost a lot of money, and in addition to this, I have something for you!"

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