Flossa said with confidence in his eyes.

And his words caught Fernandez's attention.

300 billion dollars is really hard to come by for them. They didn't expect that Flossa actually has other conditions behind the funds.

The two looked at him intently.

Immediately afterwards, Frossa took out something, and he took it out from his arms, a black thing, about the size of two palms, something like a cuboid.

The two knew that this thing was a hard drive.

After Frosa took it out, he did not hand it to Fernandez for the time being, but continued to say, "This hard drive contains the research results of our Skull and Bones over the years.

Over the years, Skull and Bones has invited countless world-leading biological experts to help us study genetic engineering technology.

Our genetic engineering focuses on human modification technology. We want to strengthen the human body through genetic technology.

I know that your night souls are also conducting related research, but I can say responsibly that the genetic modification technology of Skull and Bones is definitely ahead of the world, including your night souls, and it is impossible to compare with us. "

Fernandez listened, willing to admit it.

He also does related research. Of course, he knows who has good technology and whose technology is not good.

The technology of the Skull and Bones used to be something he wanted to steal, but the base defense of the Skull and Bones was only slightly higher than their Night Soul, so it never succeeded.

Now that Flossa has taken the initiative to bring this up, Fernandez has a bold guess.

He looked at the hard drive in Flossa's hand and guessed, "Could it be that this hard drive contains the results of your Skull and Bones research on genetic engineering?"

Flossa nodded and blinked: "Yes, this is the result of all our research on genetic engineering."

Fernandez was surprised: "I thought it was too late for you to take these things when the CTC invaded your base."

Flossa: "Should have been unable to bring it out, but when our main base was invaded, I stayed at the sub-base because of the organization, and because I was always in the sub-base, so my brother helped me hold those people down I have time to download all the materials and take them away, this is what my brother sacrificed for me in exchange!"

"It's really touching!" Fernandez said after listening, "You Skull and Bones have the most powerful genetic research group in the world, but fortunately you have brought out the results.

If your research results and our research results are combined, there may be more breakthrough discoveries, which is good news for both of us. "

"So have you agreed to this condition?" Flossa asked again.

Fernandez laughed all of a sudden, opened his arms and said, "Yes, why not, this is a very good union for both of us!

We are weak now, and we must unite all forces that can be united. Your presence makes me very happy, and what you brought is what we need most at the moment.

Night Soul welcomes you to join us! "

Having said that, Fernandez opened his arms and wanted to give Frossa a hug: "Mr. Frosa, from now on, you are the backbone of the night soul, and you are my brother of Fernandez."

Frosa's original character was even more unrestrained than Fernandez. After experiencing the demise of Skull and Bones, he grew a lot and restrained a lot.

It is also a forced choice to come to the Night Soul. If the Skull and Bones Society is to be destroyed as a whole, he needs a condition for its rise, and this condition is the Night Soul.

Instead of hugging Fernandez's open arms, Flossa just reached out and shook his hand.

Finally confirmed: "So you promised me, let me become the second character of the night soul, and promised me to help me kill two people?"

Fernandez looked back at Apiro, then looked back at Frossa, and finally said: "Brother Frossa, you believe me, since you have made such a great contribution to the Night Soul, you join the Night Soul, I will definitely give you enough power, as for whether it is the second or third person, I don't think it matters, the important thing is that you have the power, right?"

"No!" Flossa said, "I didn't say I wanted power, I said I wanted absolute power, I wanted number two, understand, except you, everyone else in the organization listen to me."

"This..." Fernandez turned to look at Apheiro again.

The main reason is that Aphelo has been the No. 2 character in Night Soul for so many years, and he should be kicked out of the No. 2 character all at once. It is estimated that he does not agree.

After all, Aphrodite was the brother who established the Night Soul Dynasty with him. He couldn't drive Aphrodite out just because of one Frossa.

So he is now asking for Apheiro's opinion.

Aphrodite didn't really care. He shrugged and said, "Okay, since Mr. Frossa wants the second person, then we will give him the second person. From now on, everyone will be brothers, the first, second, and third. no difference.

He made such a big contribution to the organization, it doesn't matter if I let him go! "

Aphrodite knew that this number two and number three was just a title. When the time comes, who the people of Night Soul will listen to will depend on their qualifications.

In Night Soul, in terms of seniority, it is him except Fernandez.

Even if he was ranked third in the end, in fact he was the one who spoke loudly.

So Aphelo doesn't care about this, and now it's all about stabilizing Flossa and letting Flossa come out with the results of her genetic research.

With Aphrodite's words, there would be no obstacle to this matter at all.

"Ok!" Fernandez said, "then everything is negotiated, and from today, Mr. Flossa officially joins our core leadership!"

"When the poisonous scorpion was there, the three of us were called the three giants of the night soul by the outside world."

"Now that the poisonous scorpion is sacrificed, and Mr. Flossa joins, we have a new three giants!"

"I believe that with Mr. Flossa's technical and financial support, our new night soul will be more powerful and influential than before, so that all the forces that destroy us will pay the price again!"

Saying that, Fernandez put his palm in the center, and Apheiro also put his hand on top of his.

Finally, Frosa came over and put his hand on Apello's.

This time, the plan for Flossa to come and join the Night Soul was officially completed.

It was also on this snowy mountain in Iceland that a new night soul was born.

They are a united organization of the Night Soul and the Skull and Bones Association. Their technology is stronger than before. Once they can develop back and make a comeback, the impact will only be greater than before.

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