On Fernandez's side, the merger of Night Soul and Skull and Bones is in full swing.

Qin Lie is also doing his thing here.

After arriving at the hotel and picking up Tony Lee, the two of them drove all the way to the location given by Han Qi.

This location is not far from the hotel. It is a suburb of the city, but there is no special suburb. It is probably similar to the location of Shijia Village. Then there is only one big building nearby, and there are some relatively short self-contained buildings nearby. Build a house.

This time their target was the big independent building - the German Wilson Financial Company.

Of course Qin Lie and Tony Li would not go directly to the corresponding location. They joined Han Qi and the others in a nearby village.

When they got together, Qin Lie realized that Han Qi had called many people for this operation.

In the nearby self-built house, Han Qi seems to have temporarily rented two rooms.

There were already more than 20 people standing or sitting in these two rooms, including people from Han Qi's Kyushu Bureau, people from the top thieves group that Han Qi had found, and some helpers he tried to call.

Qin Lie and Tony Li went to the room together, and Han Qi said directly after seeing him, "Here you come?"

Qin Lie directly asked about the situation after entering: "How is it, how is the situation now, where is it stuck, do you have to look for foreign aid?"

The whole room is like the computer room where I took a computer class when I was a child. There are many computers, big and small, and each computer screen can have different data. Of course, Qin Lie can't understand these data. .

Han Qi explained: "This is the situation now. We have made all the other plans. The most difficult problem is their security system. We can't handle it!"

Then, Han Qi brought Qin Lie to a table with the entire floor map of Wilson's company across from it. Of course, the most attention at the moment was the bottom floors of the floor - where the underground vault was.

Han Qi pointed to the second basement floor and said, "As you can see, the current vault is located here, and to destroy their vault defense, they must pass through three levels.

The first level is the fingerprint and pupil iris of the person in charge. This thing is recorded in the database of the security system and must be opened by a designated person.

The second one is a random password that changes with time given by the password transmitter of the remote terminal. We can only continue to the next step after entering the correct password for the corresponding time. This is a bit like the verification code for network login. .

The third one is the hydraulic mechanical lock. After passing the first two levels, you are qualified to touch the mechanical lock on the door of the vault. This is also the last level! "

As soon as Han Qi came, he explained the question in detail, then he paused and answered Qin Lie's first question.

"What problem are we encountering now?" Han Qi said, "Like the three hurdles mentioned at the beginning, the second one is the password transmitted from the Internet terminal, which needs to be transmitted through the Internet.

At this level, we track information through the network. Although the passwords they send are encoded with special Internet protocols, we can still crack them.

For the mechanical lock of the third level, we have invited the most professional lockpickers in China, and they can also handle their mechanical locks. The most difficult problem is the first one, the fingerprint system and the iris system, which are inside the system. The input is equivalent to the local area network, which is disconnected from the outside world, and we have no way to disintegrate its defense through external Internet attacks. "

"It is precisely because of this that this level is also the first level to stop us. If this level is not broken, we can't even touch the other two levels. This is our main problem now."

In Han Qi's description, there are some very professional data terms that Qin Lie can't understand.

However, the situation is still clear. It is nothing more than three levels. Two of them can be solved. The other one is not connected to the Internet, so it is difficult for hackers to attack.

This suddenly reminded Qin Lie that he had dealt with an Asian in order to break into the control room in Yehun's base.

In order to take off his fingerprints, the skin of his fingers was peeled off and made into a finger cuff.

Qin Lie touched his chin and thought for a while, and felt that this method could also be used for this matter.

He said: "No, the Korean Bureau, do you have to use high-tech methods to solve this high-tech matter? Listen to me, just find their person in charge and arrest him!

When we want to act, we will bring him in directly, or else we will be more aggressive, chop off his fingers, dig out his eyeballs, ahem, won't this physically break their defenses? "

Even Han Qi felt a pain in his head when he heard the news.

He said: "No, Qin Lie, don't you watch a lot of movies when you have nothing to do? If we can directly arrest people, why not attack them directly?"

Qin Lie: "You can catch them secretly, but I'm not letting you go directly into his house."

Han Qi listened, shook his head and said, "I said, this financial company has a special status, it is a company controlled by the German Royal Holdings, and the bosses in their group all hold positions in the German government.

Even if their executives are arrested in private life, they will still be counted on our Huaxia's head. Understand, Mr. Hua just doesn't want to cause unnecessary disputes. "

After listening to this, Qin Lie immediately threw his hands away.

"Then you can't get in with a computer, and you can't take physical methods. Isn't that the case?"

Han Qi: "So, didn't I call some more people over here to brainstorm ideas, in case there is another way."

Then Qin Lie couldn't think of a way to do this.

He turned to look at Tony Lee, and handed the problem to Tony Lee to solve: "Come on, Tony, I'll leave it to you, you know the situation, what can you do?"

As a result, Tony Lee said: "I don't think this is difficult. There is a very simple way."


As soon as Tony Lee said this, everyone else looked over and was very surprised.

His words made people seem like idiots.

They were focused, just to see what magical solutions Tony Lee had.

"What way?" Han Qi asked quickly.

Tony Lee said directly: "Now their security system is a local area network, aren't you just a bridge that can be broken through? Their local area network is closed by itself, so we can find a way to build a bridge to get out."

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