
Han Qi's men also have many other computer experts.

They said: "But the problem now is that this bridge can't be built, we are completely isolated from their security system!"

Tony Lee touched his chin and said: "You can't get in from the Internet, you can implant it physically, and their system is on the local area network, and there are always ports.

For example, the computer ports of their own internal companies and their internal data settlement ports are all bridges that can help us build data terminals.

You don't have to use a remote attack method, you can find someone to go inside their company, bring a USB flash drive, or bring a memory, put a virus in it, plug it into their computer, or directly implant the virus Did it go into their system? This is called physical implantation! "

Qin Lie was pleasantly surprised to hear that this operation was exactly the same as when he attacked Yehun's security system.

At that time, it seemed that Tony Lee had also implanted a virus into Night Soul's security system. With that virus, Tony would open whichever door he wanted to open later.

This method should also be used in this case.

It's just that before Qin Lie could applaud Tony Li, the agent of the Kyushu Bureau next to him said it.

"No, we have already used the method of implanting viruses. In addition to security, their security system also has virus killing programs. As long as their network security system finds that programs that do not conform to their system enter, They will be disinfected as soon as possible.”

"We used it once before," another agent said, "but the virus we put in was wiped out by their security program in less than ten seconds."

"Oh, so that's how it is..." Tony Lee touched his chin again after listening, and fell silent.

Sure enough, the computer experts in the Kyushu Bureau are not vegetarians, right? The way Tony Lee can think of, people have already tried it.

So, is there really no way out of this? ?

There is no real use for bringing Tony Lee here?

It turned out not to be the case, Tony Lee touched his chin and thought for a while, then suddenly said: "If that is the case, we wrap another layer of the program recognized by their security system around the virus we want to implant, and avoid it. After their safe disinfecting, they strip off the outer layer of the program, and finally release the virus?"

Many of these things are beyond Qin Lie's understanding.

However, Qin Lie was still looking at the computer experts in the Kyushu Bureau seriously and wanted to see their reactions.

After all, Tony Lee brought it here by himself, so he couldn't let him embarrass himself.

And this time, the computer experts on the opposite side were a little silent.

They touched their chins and thought for a while following Tony Lee's train of thought, and then said: "In this case, it is theoretically feasible, but the procedures for security inspection and killing have their own unique set of operating rules. Every security program is different, they have the highest control of the system, how can they bypass it?”

Tony Lee said immediately: "As long as you find the parent company corresponding to their sanitization program, you can find the sanitization rules of their security system sanitization program. Each company has only one set of rules!"

"Yes!" The person over there still said, "It is true that every network security company has only one program disinfecting code, but even if you know the company, can you know what their code is, it's useless. !"

"Hey!" You really don't say it, and when you say it, it comes to Tony Lee's idea, "I really know what their code is."

With that said, Tony Lee took out the laptop he was carrying around like a king.

Soon after, he found a file on his computer. When the file was opened, it turned out to be the most advanced code of the antivirus programs of the world's major network security companies.

The entire file is very large, with tens of thousands of such codes.

He took out the code, and all the computer experts over there came together.

After seeing the things on his computer clearly, everyone was surprised, one by one, as if they had seen idols that were absolutely difficult to see in their own life.

The computer expert of the Kyushu Bureau, that is also a career establishment in the national system. After seeing this thing, all of them lost their composure, and they are usually unsmiling masters.

"Damn it!" "I'll go!" "It's true!" "It's too awesome!"

These types of words come one after another, and these people obviously did not think of it.

Qin Lie chuckled, looked at Tony Lee and said, "No, Tony, you're pretty cool too. Where did you get all this coding?"

"So many codes are big data." Others echoed, "And these data are very valuable. How can you get the foundation of major network security companies?"

Tony Lee touched the back of his head, hehe smiled, and said embarrassedly: "Well, my little brother is not talented. In the previous unit, I did intelligence work, and then I specifically went to infiltrate these network security companies to obtain their codes.

Then after the former unit closed down, I took out these materials, thinking that I would be able to use them in the future. You see, I still have a lot of vision. "

The crowd was even more surprised when they heard it.

The former unit could actually infiltrate so many network security companies around the world, so this unit is not small.

After listening to them, they asked curiously, "Then what was your former unit, what did you do, and what is it related to the Kyushu Bureau?"

"This..." This question is not easy to answer, because his former unit is Night Soul.

Tony Li looked back at Qin Lie and asked him if he wanted to answer this question.

As for Qin Lie, he turned to look at Han Qi again and asked for Han Qi's help.

Han Qi knew Tony Lee's origin, so he immediately cleared the siege and said, "Okay, okay, I'll talk about these gossip after the mission is over, and now it's time to crack their password. How about it? Method?"

Others put the matter of Tony Lee's identity aside.

All nodded and said, "If there is a corresponding company's security code, the method that this guy just said is feasible. According to his manual implantation, to avoid the disinfecting of the security program, it should be able to directly connect their fingerprint system with their fingerprint system. The iris system is directly removed!"

"Ok!" Han Qi was very happy, all he wanted was this affirmative answer.

"In that case, let's all get busy together, let's try to empty all the national treasures in their vaults tonight!"

With Han Qi's order, everyone dispersed and got busy.

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