Of course, the rest is not something Qin Lie needs to consider.

When he saw that the phone was charged, he immediately pressed the power button. After the cutscene of the phone passed, the phone screen came to the desktop.

At the same time, a remote window popped up on Tony Lee's computer in the rental room, which proved that his program had been successfully implanted and had an effect.

"It's done!" Tony Li said to Han Qi here, "The virus was implanted successfully, everything is working normally, Han Bureau, you can let my boss come back."

With this good news, everyone else gathered around to watch.

Another burst of exclamations.

Good guy, these two people are fast enough to do things. This matter has been embarrassing them for a long time, and they can't think of a good way. As a result, the two of them came together, one in charge of technology and the other in charge of operation, and it took less than half an hour That's it.

Han Qi was very satisfied, and could only say that Qin Lie and Tony Li were more worthwhile to invite this time.

Seeing that the virus was operating normally, Han Qi informed Qin Lie on the walkie-talkie: "Qin Lie, it has been successful, you can find a way to withdraw it, we are ready to go to the next step!"

When Han Qi gave Qin Lie this instruction, Qin Lie was still chatting with the two girls.

Ask people where they are from, how old are they this year, how much is a month for this job, and so on.

The little girl made the flowers tremble, giggling and laughing non-stop.

Qin Lie found that he didn't know when he had such a scumbag attribute, and he could chat so speculatively with the girl he met for the first time.

Sure enough, he has been in contact with Wang Congcong for a long time. Have he learned all his housekeeping skills by himself?

With a self-deprecating smile, Qin Lie was also ready to withdraw.

However, a full set is required for the show. After Qin Lie saw that the phone was charged with a certain amount of power, he really went to the shared power bank on the side to scan a power bank to use.

After plugging in the power, he continued to return to the exchange inside, passed the front desk, and greeted the two girls and thanked them.

The two of them didn't notice any problems at all.

But Qin Lie, passing by their service desk, did not return to the exchange again, but went around in a circle, found another exit, walked out of the building, and quickly returned to the rental room.

After returning to the room, Qin Lie hurriedly asked about the situation: "How is it, how is it, is it working normally, can they release some of their fingerprint systems and retinal systems?"

Tony Lee was lying on the chair at the moment, his face relaxed, even whistling.

He boasted: "Boss, are you still worried about my computer technology? Now my computer has obtained the highest security control authority, just like Yehun before, as long as it is controlled by their computer, I can control it, This fingerprint system, I now block it with one click!"

"It's okay, it's awesome!" Qin Lie gave him a thumbs up and bragged to him to satisfy his vanity.

However, Qin Lie is now more concerned about when the theft will start.

He is looking forward to it!

After asking Han Qi, Han Qi said that he would need to wait until Wilson's company got off work before executing it.

The closing time of Wilson's company is nine o'clock in the evening. After nine o'clock, there are basically no other people in the company except the staff on duty.

With less personnel turnover, it is the best time to start.

And now it's half past eight, so it's going to take a while.

However, during the waiting period, the relevant personnel also took action.

The monitoring team was responsible for monitoring all the bells and whistles around the building and the security force, while the elite gang of thieves had already dressed and prepared to drive slowly to the vicinity of the Wilson Company.

The hacker group is always ready to cooperate with the thieves group to carry out remote network control, including the power outage of the building, the removal of the door and the security system.

As for Qin Lie…

He sat behind Han Qi, took a bag of potato chips, and waited properly to watch the show - just eating melons.

But you can also think of it this way, he is actually a commander, guiding the entire operation just like Han Qi.

Jokes aside, the real-life version of the international theft is still pretty good, and it's the same as the one on TV, you need to figure this out and figure that out.

Just two words: wonderful!

After waiting for more than 40 minutes, Han Qi announced the start of the operation on the walkie-talkie, and the whole theft operation started directly.

The first is the members of the burglary group, all the way down the ventilation ducts of the Wilson company's exhaust system all the way into the basement of people's homes.

The hacker team here cooperated with the monitoring team to retrieve all the surveillance footage inside the Wilson Company, mainly the surveillance footage near the underground vault.

Then they intercepted the surveillance video for a period of time and directly covered the real-time surveillance footage in the original company.

That is to say, during that period of time, the monitoring equipment of the entire Wilson company was just a display, and what they saw was only what the hacker group here wanted them to see.

In the actual monitoring screen, only the computer in the rental house is in control.

The members of the monitoring team paid attention to the patrols of the personnel security forces, and found that their patrols were actually quite lazy. It took about 20 minutes to walk around in front of the vault, and there were not many people, just two or three.

It may be that the security system of the vault is very complete, and it is at a world-class level, so I am not worried at all.

In this way, it took another hour for everyone to find the patrol rules of these security guards.

After a team of security guards passed by, Han Qi immediately gave the order to the people in the ventilation duct: "The treasury can be breached!"


The answer on the other side of the walkie-talkie was yes, and Qin Lie saw on the surveillance screen that the band of thieves opened the fence from the vent and rushed out, quickly approaching the gate of the vault.

And this time is a race against time.

Han Qi immediately ordered Tony Lee to say, "Tony, it's now!"

"Ok!" Tony Li was calm, still lying on the chair, and pressed the Enter key, "Done!"

What is really special is a key to cancel it!

Sure enough, the team responsible for the theft immediately sent a positive message: "The fingerprint iris system has been lifted, and we now need the temporary password transmitted by the terminal!"

This thing does not belong to Tony Lee, and other computer experts in the Kyushu Bureau have already done it.

"Three-five-four, three-five-seven!" Han Qi informed the past through the walkie-talkie.

After entering it, the theft team responded: "The password is correct, and now I need to manually open the hydraulic lock. Please keep quiet."

Saying that, Qin Lie saw a person from the burglary team kneeling in front of the gate of the vault on the surveillance camera, pressing his ear against the gate of the vault, listening to the sound of the locks slamming inside.

Everyone also kept calm at this time, even Qin Lie held his breath and became nervous.

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