For some reason, even though Qin Lie didn't come to the scene, he still found this very exciting.

So that when the thieves group opened the mechanical lock, his breathing slowed down and kept as quiet as possible.

And counting from the time they fell off the ventilation duct, about ten minutes have passed, and the patrol team will return in ten minutes. If the two sides meet, the mission is actually a failure.

So the thieves need to open the door of the vault within ten minutes, and then get in.

So every minute and every second of the past now counts.

This is a technical job that takes a certain amount of time.

But because of the pressure of time, Qin Lie felt that every second was like a year.

Everyone in the command room clenched their fists and prayed for one thing in their hearts, that is, I hope this door can be opened soon.

Five minutes later, the members of the thieves group were still lying by the door listening to the sound of the mechanical striker.

It was getting closer and closer to the time when the patrol team came back, and the security team of the building could even be heard talking and chatting with each other far away in the corridor.

At this time, people's nervousness was pulled to the extreme.

Finally, at this time, Qin Lie saw that the door of the vault on the surveillance screen moved, and the door was opened with a gap.

Immediately after, everyone in the thieves group quickly got into the vault one by one, nervous and silent, almost stopping people's hearts!

Fortunately, they all got into the gate, then closed the gate, and everything in front of the vault returned to calm.

The patrols walked to the door and looked at them for a while. They were the same as usual. They just stared at them for a while, then turned around and walked back in the direction they were coming from.

I have been watching the security members walking away in the surveillance video, and then I heard the thieves who have arrived in the vault reply from the walkie-talkie: "Boss, we have arrived in the vault, everything is normal, it's over!"


It was also at that time that Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart fell directly to the ground.

Others in the Kyushu Bureau were even more excited. Some jumped and cheered directly. They gave each other high fives and celebrated each other, as if the operation had been successful.

Han Qi's face also relaxed, with a little smile on his face, and then he asked the other side on the walkie-talkie: "How is it, are there those things we need in that vault?"

The leader of the thieves group said on the opposite side: "Boss, I think you should really come and take a look here, there are more things than we can imagine, not only the things we need, but also the things we haven't seen before. Have you ever seen the golden mask of the ancient Roman King Jinpeng?

Have you seen the golden scepter of the Egyptian pharaoh? ? Have you ever seen the bronze sun bird from the Shangzhou era in our ancient China... Also, there is also the original work of "Orchid Pavilion Collection"!

God, boss, this gang is really the ceiling of the thieves. If any of their collections are taken to the auction world, they can cause a huge sensation. I have never seen so many treasures in my life! "

Everyone in the command room was very happy.

The vault contains not only the supreme national treasures of China, but also super treasures from other countries in other regions. This is an unexpected gain.

Many times, the joy brought by unexpected gains is really much stronger than the joy brought by the achievement of normal goals, not to mention that these are valuable treasures with very important research significance.

At this time, the thief team said on the opposite side: "Boss, if you want to remove all the things in the vault, it may take a little time, you have to prepare the comrades outside to respond, and the opening of the ventilation pipe should also be located. A few more people!"

"Okay!" Han Qi comforted the other side directly, "Just move in. I'll arrange someone to pick you up right away. Our goal today is to let them clear the warehouse!"

"it is good!"

The thieves group on the opposite side responded, turned off the walkie-talkie and started moving things.

On the other hand, Han Qi ordered the people in the command room: "The people in the monitoring team will continue to be responsible for monitoring and provide the most detailed and up-to-date information to the theft team. Others, the hacker team, will all go to the air vents to respond!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Everyone was very enthusiastic, and almost all of them stood up from their chairs. They were ordered to rush to the opposite side.

In the next three hours, the original super theft case suddenly turned into a porter's job.

Specifically, the thieves sent the items to the ventilation pipe opening of the underground warehouse, and the ventilation pipe above took the items, and then climbed outside along the ventilation pipe to send the items out from the inside.

They paused when a patrol came, and continued when the patrol left.

The whole process lasted for three hours, and finally the thieves group said on the walkie-talkie: "Boss, you can let the teammates who are responding don't have to come in. Now our team can carry one piece of the inside and the vault can be emptied!"

"Okok!" Han Qi turned his head and ordered, "All the other groups obey the order and prepare to evacuate to the headquarters. The brothers from the response group, who are connected with the thieves group, also return to the headquarters as soon as possible. The operation is over today!"

After saying this, Han Qi turned off the radio.

As for the theft team, the last five people brought one thing. When they went out, they closed the door of the vault and climbed into the ventilation duct, and then closed the window of the ventilation duct to remove all traces. Lost.

It really came gently, then went gently, waved his sleeves, and took everyone away!

All the things were sent to this rental house, and a total of two small pickups were used. When everything was placed in the yard, it was dazzling and colorful.

Don't talk about quality, let's talk about quantity, there are about 50 pieces of large and small articles.

In terms of quality, most of these articles are the ceiling of the antique world. According to Han Qi, the auction price of everything in the auction market starts at least one billion yuan.

The total value of the Wenwan stolen from the Wilson Company today exceeds 70 billion!

"My darling!" Qin Lie said in surprise, "Korean Bureau, you make money faster. Five hours before and after, seventy billion, I will tell you where the funds for such a large department come from. It turns out that That's how it came."

This can't be said nonsense.

Han Qi reminded: "Hey, don't talk nonsense about this. Although we are stealing things today, we are also contributing to the country. What is making money but not making money, we must hand over all these literary games to the country and release them. Go to major museums for exhibitions!"

"What about those things that are not our country?" Qin Lie pressed.

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