Han Qi listened, and said indifferently: "It's better to put it in the museum for exhibition!"

This made Qin Lie a little confused: "Korean Bureau, you are a little bit silly. After all, this is something from other people's countries. They were stolen and finally appeared in our museum. How do you explain it?"

"What's so hard to explain." Han Qi said, "If something is on display here, we must have stolen it?"

"Your own security system is not good, you were stolen by international thieves, and finally bought anonymously by our country's patriotic collectors and donated to our museum. What's wrong, what does this stealing have to do with us!"

Qin Lie listened, gave a thumbs up and said, "Cow!"

After a pause, he said: "Han Bureau, if you want to say hooligan, you are still the most hooligan."

Han Qi laughed: "There is no way, who made the ancestors of those countries not accumulate virtue, it turns out that so many things have been stolen from our country, we are just a small punishment.

If they want to take things from other countries, you can buy them with money, and we don't want yours.

We patriotic entrepreneurs have spent so much money, we can't let you take it for nothing! "

Saying that, Qin Lie and Han Qi looked at each other and both laughed.

"Korean Bureau." Qin Lie said, "Why didn't I find you so bad before?"

"Each each other!" Han Qi said.

This matter is almost over after this step, Han Qi finally said: "Qin Lie, in any case, I would like to thank you for your help in this matter. Without you and Tony Li, today's action would not have been so smooth. ."

Qin Lie waved his hand, didn't take this matter to heart, and said casually: "Okay, okay, I didn't actually do anything, you have to thank the main thanks to Tony Lee, and, I called him on a mission this time, he You asked me for extra money, you can get the overtime pay!"

"Don't worry." Han Qi said, "The Kyushu Bureau will give you a bonus, 300,000 yuan per person, as a reward for your help in our actions."

Tony Li listened, a little out of line with psychological expectations, so he said: "Director Han, no, it's only 300,000, it's too little!"

Han Qi laughed: "You know, we are also a state department, and the funds are tight. 300,000 yuan is a relatively high bonus."

Tony Road muttered: "No, you guys are too stingy, my boss just gives me a task that is at least one million..."

"Alright, alright." Qin Lie heard Tony Li beeping here all the time, and finally said, "I will give you the 300,000 yuan, can you? I want money!"

Tony Lee kept beeping in a low voice: "I, I'm not from China either."

He was so angry that Qin Lie almost punched him.

But no matter what, today's task was finally successfully completed.

Han Qi still has to count the spoils in this yard. Qin Lie thinks that he will start the family competition tomorrow, as well as the opening ceremony of the family competition. We won't stay here any longer, and bring Tony Li together. , the two left the rental house together.

Send Tony Li back to the hotel, Qin Lie goes back to Shijia Village by himself, and today's affairs come to a successful conclusion.


Qin Lie's side is about to welcome the start of the family competition.

Almost every family of the eight great families did their best to deal with this gathering.

The Xiao family even called back Xiao Mei, who had been away from home for decades. The night in the magic capital was quiet, but it became turbulent because of the existence of the eight great families.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, it was still the old town of the Magic City. In an inconspicuous courtyard, a person sat quietly at a desk.

This person is about fifty years old, with a flat head, and a little bit of white hair is mixed in with the hair on the temples.

But he was in good spirits, sitting there with his back straight, like a soldier.

On the opposite side of him, there were no more than seven people standing.

These seven people wore uniform clothes, green uniforms, with epaulettes on their shoulders. The embroidered on the epaulettes was nothing else, but a standard "gu" character.

These seven people are exactly the seven people Qin Lie met on the Oriental Pearl Tower, the seven people from the Gu Family Army.

The seven of them stood side by side in front of the man in the study, respecting the man in front of him.

The middle-aged man looked up and said, "Why, do you seven have something to report to me so late? Did you see any valuable information while monitoring Xiao Mei?"

Among the seven men of the ancient army, one of the leaders was the one who had been in contact with Qin Lie, who answered the question of the man in front of him and said, "Second Master, Xiao Mei has hardly moved recently. After all, the family competition has not yet begun. Been watching closely.

We're here to see you here to tell you something else. "

"Speak!" The second master was very calm, waving his hand to let the man continue.

The man said: "A few hours earlier this evening, we were eating at the Oriental Pearl Tower when a young man suddenly came over, and that young man recognized our identity at a glance."

"Oh?" The second master, who had no interest at first, frowned at this moment, and finally became interested, "A young man, recognized you, he saw that you are from the Gu family?"

"That's right!" said the man, "Although he didn't say it explicitly, he asked about our epaulettes the first time he saw me, and from the look in his eyes, it could be seen that he knew our identities. "

"A young man." Second Master said, "What kind of young man, did he say his name?"

The man responded: "The kid was very confident and told us his name directly. His name was Qin Lie. He said that as long as we checked it casually, we would know who he was."

"So have you checked?" Second Master continued to ask.

The man nodded and replied: "I have already checked, and the identity is not special. This time, the Tang family representing the eight great families came to compete, and after checking it, it is a person that the Xiao family has to deal with, and it is Xiao Mei's opponent. "

"Xiao Mei's opponent?"

Hearing this, the second master couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that this kid has a lot of courage. He actually came over to ask if you are from the Gu family. Since he knows the Gu family, he must know Xiao Mei. I think he must think that you are in the same group as Xiao Mei, and he is going to take you all. When the enemy is dealt with!"

The man said: "I don't think it matters whether the enemy is an enemy or not. What matters is, should we keep this kid or not?"

Since ancient times, the ancient family has been a family hidden in the depths of the shadows.

They are hidden in the dark, but they control the direction of the dragon veins in the entire China.

Ancestors have said that they must not reveal their identity. Once there are outsiders who know the ancient family, they must be destroyed by thunder!

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