This is why the man came back to report the second master.

After all, he is the second master's confidant, what he does depends on the second master's decision first.

"Then why don't you just kill him when he leaves the restaurant?" the second master said, "Shouldn't this kind of thing be cleaned up as soon as possible?"


The man hesitated for a moment and said, "This..." He paused before continuing, "The main reason is that when my watch was stolen today, he helped me find it back. The boy's character is not bad, so I didn't have the heart to directly Get your hands on it."

The second master smiled after hearing it: "So, you already have the answer in your heart, why bother to ask me, it's a trivial matter, one person won't affect the reputation of our ancient family, just keep it!"

"It's just..." The second master said so, and he also remembered something.

The second master suddenly changed the subject and asked: "You just said, you investigated, that kid and Xiao Mei are enemies, right?"

The man nodded and replied: "Yes, Xiao Mei and her brother Henry Zhang regard this child as a strong enemy, and this child is on their must-kill list."

"Haha..." The second master laughed, "At a young age, he can get Xiao Mei's attention, this kid is not bad, plus what you just said, this kid is brave and resourceful."

"Yeah." The man here confirmed, "I also think this kid is quite courageous. He knows that we are from the Gu family, and he also knows that Xiao Mei is from the Gu family, so he dares to take the initiative to talk to us, indeed Courageous."

"That's it." The second master said while thinking, and suddenly made a decision.

He touched his chin, lay down on the chair behind, and then ordered the man in front: "In this way, you can find a chance to call this kid over to see me, maybe I can use him to do it this time. something."

"Okay!" said the man, "Second Master, do you think this kid can help you eradicate Xiao Mei?"

The second master sighed, lit his desk and said, "It's impossible to eradicate it. After all, Xiao Mei's mother-in-law is quite rich. If it's just this kid, it's probably not an opponent."

Second Master paused and said, "But it's okay to use him to hold Xiao Mei a little bit!"

The man listened, nodded and said, "I know, I will do it!"

"Remember!" The second master said, "Now the power of the Gu family is still in the hands of the old man, if you want to rectify Xiao Mei, you must pass the old man's hand.

Otherwise, if we do it ourselves, we will be accused of family discord, and the old man will only trust me more and more in the back. "

"Yes, I see!" The man nodded, "I will do it according to your arrangement."


The second master waved his hand and let the seven ancient army leave just like that.

It was late at night when we went out, and the weather in Magic City was fine today, and we could even see the stars in the sky.

After the second master and Gu Jiajun finished talking, they came to the window, looked at the stars in the sky, and sighed: "Old third, over the years, you have stole too many things from me because of this woman Xiao Mei. .

It's time to spit out some too.

Don't blame me for being a big brother! "


Of course Qin Lie didn't know about some contradictions within the Gu family.

For the current Qin Lie, of course, the most important thing is the family competition that will start tomorrow.

After returning that night, Qin Lie fell asleep quickly, and was woken up by Tang Hongxiao at about eight o'clock in the morning.

Without him, it was to prepare for the opening ceremony in the afternoon.

Or to put it that way, this time the family competition is very formal, just like that kind of large-scale sports meeting.

Their family is a representative team. After the opening ceremony, there will be an entrance ceremony for their representative team. Although there are only eight representative teams in total, each representative team represents a family.

Then when you enter the venue, you must get out of your spirit and spirit, and get out of your temperament.

What Tang Hongxiao wanted was to train a little bit about the queue arrangement for admission, who was in the front and who was in the back.

However, there is no training head, as long as the team can walk a little neatly, and there are top players like Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai in the team, they will be the most dazzling stars in the entire venue.

It's been a whole morning of miscellaneous things, and it's about two o'clock in the next, and the opening ceremony will officially start.

The specific opening ceremony process, as well as those performances, ceremonies, etc. are all arranged by the Murong family. Qin Lie and the others just need to walk into the venue with the hostess.

The venue for the opening ceremony was a gymnasium next to the Shijia Village. The gymnasium was about the size of an ordinary basketball experience hall. It was also built by the Murong family for this family competition.

The personnel audience can accommodate 5,000 people, which may not be large in many standard gymnasiums, but one must know that the Great Family Competition is only a competition among members of the eight major families. Five thousand seats are enough to accommodate the core members of the eight major families.

Maybe it was also for the atmosphere. There were actually quite a few people coming over at the opening ceremony, even some peripheral members of the eight great families, including the thugs under them, and the armed forces all came to support the scene.

So the whole gym is quite lively.

There are about 4,000 people sitting in more than 5,000 seats, and there are not many vacant seats.

The core of each family, the patriarchs and elders, were at the front of the audience.

Because it is square, the four directions, two families in each direction, are quite far apart.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the opening ceremony officially began...

The opening ceremony was very formal. The Murong family called in a professional dance group in China to rehearse the opening dance.

In the center of the venue, there are a total of 300 people in plain clothes boxing. The ground floor is a huge screen, and the background is a traditional Chinese ink landscape painting.

The 300 dancers started punching at the beginning, and everyone still punched well.

Even if he singled out any one of them, his level was the same, but the three hundred people stood together in a square varsity, their movements were consistent, and they shouted to kill the sky, which was quite imposing.

Qin Lie could only watch from the background because he was going to participate in the appearance ceremony later.

But even watching it here is still shocking.

One can imagine how shocking this picture would be if it were on the stand, combined with the live lighting and music!

The crowd danced in unison, knocking on the door of the opening ceremony, followed by various programs representing martial arts culture on the stage.

In addition to the actors invited by the Murong family, many children of aristocratic families participated in it.

These people are all people with real talents and practical learning. All in all, the performances of the whole opening ceremony are quite brilliant.

Even if it is put on TV, it will still receive unanimous praise. The director of this opening ceremony is a professional level!

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