"Your boss?" Qin Lie asked him, "People from the Gu family?"

The man stayed where he was, and said calmly, "I told you that it's not convenient to reveal our identities. You don't need to ask, just follow me and you'll know."

Chen Jinhu was stunned after hearing this.

Looking back at Qin Lie, he said, "brother lie, what's the situation?"

Qin Lie doesn't know what the situation is.

It was strange when he met those men before. If they were from the Gu family, they should have dealt with him together with Xiao Mei this time.

However, they didn't know themselves from the beginning, which made Qin Lie very strange, and now they took the initiative to block the way and find themselves to meet the boss behind them, which is even more strange.

So this group of people really don't know themselves, and their boss really doesn't look like Xiao Mei.

If it was Xiao Mei, they would just do it themselves.

So, besides Xiao Mei, there are other big figures from the ancient family coming this time?

Qin Lie has been thinking about this issue in his mind, and he feels that this meeting is very important to him, and maybe he can control the direction of this family competition.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie further confirmed: "Are you sure you want to see me in person when you are your boss??"

The man said, "If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. You can rest assured and follow me. You won't have any safety problems."

Qin Lie listened, lowered his head and thought for a while, but after thinking about it, he still felt that he had better go and take a look at this time.

Finally, he turned his head and asked Situ Xuan, "Master, then, why don't I go over there?"

Situ Xuan didn't care, he just reminded him: "It's up to you to go or not, but you need to know whether there is any risk in doing so, and whether you need us to follow."

Qin Lie: "I think, if it's the Gu family, they can't let you follow, otherwise I'll go take a look!"

Qin Lie was still reluctant to give up this opportunity.

Situ Xuan finally nodded and said, "Okay, just think about it yourself."

The guy from the Gu family was waiting on the opposite side. Qin Lie got out of the car after thinking about it, met the guy's eyes, and got into the other's car together.

Soon, the car Qin Lie was sitting in started, turned around on the road, passed Situ Xuan Chen Jinhu and the others, and drove all the way to the back.

When passing by Chen Jinhu and the others, Chen Jinhu and others looked at him worriedly, but he still gave them a sure look, so that they don't have to worry.

Just like that, Qin Lie disappeared on the road all the way in the other party's car.

Driving along Xiangnan Avenue all the way to the south, the car drove all the way into the old city. There were two other men in the car, but they did not speak.

The car had been silent all the time, and just like that, everyone finally came all the way to a yard in the old city.

When he got to this yard, Qin Lie memorized the route a little bit, not to guard against whether these people are bad people, but for his own safety, this is a habit.

After reaching the yard, the two took Qin Lie all the way to the depths, went to the innermost, and pushed open a wooden door.

The door opened, and the man pointed to the inside and said, "It's inside, you can go in by yourself."

Qin Lie nodded, and only then stepped over the threshold and walked inside.

When he got inside, Qin Lie took a cursory glance. The space is not very big, but the decoration of the whole room is very antique. The mahogany tables, chairs, bookshelves, and other furniture are also mahogany.

There are pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the desk, but at this time they have been put aside.

There is a cup of clear tea on the main and guest seats of the table, and green smoke billows above the cup. The tea has just been brewed.

On the main seat of the desk, a middle-aged man was sitting at this time.

The middle-aged people are more than fifty years old, and they look slightly older than Xuanyuan Hao and Tang Zhenbei's group.

But this person gave Qin Lie the same feeling as Wang Yang.

He simply sat there, Qin Lie felt that his whole body was as vast as the universe, his eyes were as deep as stars, and his face was always smiling, but it was actually just his protective color.

That smile seems to have become his signature thing, and he looks very easy-going and easy to get along with.

It was not the first time that Qin Lie had experienced this feeling of accommodating all rivers and humility. The last time he had this feeling was Xiao Mei, and the last one was Xuanyuan Hao.

In other words, Qin Lie felt that this person's shrewdness and scheming were at least on the same level as the two above.

The two sides looked at each other, and the middle-aged man's eyes were also very soft. After looking at each other for ten seconds, he pointed to the seat opposite and said, "What are you still doing, sit!"

Qin Lie then stepped over and slowly sat down opposite him.

"You are..." Qin Lie was about to ask who he was.

He introduced himself. He said, "Introduce yourself. My surname is Gu and my name is Gu Song. I am the second oldest member of the third generation of the Gu family, so others call me Er Ye. You can call me the same."

Second Master, the ancient family...

Qin Lie muttered to himself in his heart, it seems that this time he really met the core character of the Gu family.

"Second Master..." Qin Lie said, "I don't know why you made a special trip to find someone to bring me here. What's your purpose?"

"I know you're weird." Gu Song said, "Actually, before you and Minghui met, I didn't expect to come to you. The main purpose of my visit this time is to cooperate."

"Cooperation?" Qin Lie was suddenly confused by Gu Song's words.

It can be said that he and himself are in a relationship that can't be fought. I don't know where to start this cooperation.

"How?" Qin Lie asked.

Gu Song said: "After Minghui met you, I asked him to check all your information, and found that there is a lot of hatred with your Xiao family, right?"

Qin Lie didn't understand and continued to ask: "And then what?"

Gu Song continued: "You have a grudge with the Xiao family, and it happens that Xiao Mei and I also have a grudge, so I think the two of us should be able to cooperate."

"You and Xiao Mei have a grudge?"

Gu Song smiled: "You don't need to understand the specific things. In short, you only need to know one thing. I am the second child of the third generation of the family, and Xiao Mei is my younger brother, that is, the third wife's wife.

Over the years, the couple stole too many things from me, and many ideas were actually made by Xiao Mei, so I want to take revenge on her. "

Qin Lie listened and finally understood.

It turns out that this is the infighting of the ancient family!

No wonder the group of people outside didn't know him, and the goal of co-authoring them was Xiao Mei.

Hehe, so interesting!

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