Gu Song's words fully demonstrate what is called the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Gu Song sought his own cooperation, and it turned out to be like this.

Qin Lie figured this out, and was overjoyed. Isn't this God helping me?

However, although he was excited in his heart, his face did not show any expression. He said: "If you want to deal with Xiao Mei, you can just use your people to face her. Why do you want to cooperate with me?"

Gu Song said: "This is the crux of the problem."

He paused and continued: "You know, I'm not the number one person in the Gu family, and the power of the family is still in the hands of the old man.

The old man has always liked family harmony and family unity.

Xiao Mei, this naughty girl who has been playing yin for all these years, quietly seized power from my hands, the old man didn't know it, and I didn't dare to openly get angry.

Therefore, if I shoot Xiao Mei directly, the anger of the old man will definitely be sent to me.

I also need a detour. "

Qin Lie listened for a while and didn't understand, and continued to ask: "So what are you going to do?"

Gu Song didn't stop and said decisively: "I will cooperate with you, I will use your hand to deal with Xiao Mei, you use my strength to deal with the Xiao family, don't expose my existence in the process.

After the matter is over, you win, and I deal with Xiao Mei, killing two birds with one stone, the best of both worlds. "

Gu Song means that the power of the Gu family under his hands can help him at some special moments.

Of course this is what Qin Lie likes.

He slowly showed his intention to cooperate.

He asked, "Are you planning to use my hand to kill Xiao Mei?"

"No no no..." Gu Song still shook his head, not expecting Qin Lie to say this, "This time in their team, one Xiao Mei can't be killed, and one Gu Chen can't be killed.

These two now hold a pivotal position in the Gu family. If you kill them both, the Gu family's strength will not let you go if they chase the ends of the earth. You can't hold it, and neither can I. "

Qin Lie looked at Gu Song suspiciously and stopped talking. Anyway, let him continue talking and make everything clear.

Xiao Mei and Gu Chen can't be killed, so how can he get rid of Xiao Mei?

Gu Song continued: "There is an ancestral motto that the Gu family has passed down from generation to generation, that is, the people of the ancient family must not interfere in external affairs, and they must not let the outside world know of the existence of the ancient family.

This time, in order to help her original Xiao family gain status and power, Xiao Mei brought out a third of her husband's ancient army.

This has violated the ancient family's ancestral teaching, we don't need to deal with Xiao Mei, we only need to deal with the ancient family's army.

The Gu Family Army is the foundation of the Gu Family's life, as long as the Gu Family Army under them is destroyed, Xiao Mei will naturally be held accountable.

As long as Xiao Mei is less talkative in front of everyone, my goal will be achieved. "

Qin Lie listened, and wondered if this plan was a little less ruthless!

Gu Song, as the second child of the three generations, didn't dare to directly attack Xiao Mei, and he was too weak to use such a troublesome means of framing.

Qin Lie asked her: "Xiao Mei, can't Xiao Mei really kill? Why do I think it's much simpler and more violent after killing."

Gu Song had a sloppy attitude.

He shrugged and said: "I don't care, you can kill her, but you must know that I will not come forward this time, and everything will be done in your name.

As I have already said, Xiao Mei and Gu Chen are not low in the Gu family. If you kill them, the Gu family will only count the matter on your head. No! "

After listening to Gu Song's words, Qin Lie felt a chill.

Spicy chicken, under the pursuit of the Gu family, even if Qin Lie now has a certain amount of capital to wrestle with the super family, he would not dare to say such a big thing.

Thinking about those people from the ancient army, any one of them has the level of Situ Xuan.

The Gu family is like that kind of master, they have a dozen!

Thinking of this, Qin Lie hurriedly shook his head and said, "Forget it."

"But there is a request." Qin Lie said, "Except for Xiao Mei Guchen, the other Xiao family members, can I use your power to eradicate them?"

When Gu Song heard this, he lay leisurely on his chair.

He continued to spread his hands and said: "The Xiao family has nothing to do with the Gu family, Xiao Mei takes them seriously, but the Gu family never takes them seriously, so one of these people counts as one, as long as you cooperate with me, I can help you solve."

"Okay!" Qin Lie listened and snapped his fingers.

"If that's the case, I can promise you this..."

"Yeah." Gu Song nodded and didn't respond much.

In fact, when he decided to call Qin Lie over, he knew that Qin Lie would not refuse this cooperation.

After all, his strength is too strong, and he can help him too much.

Qin Lie's background, he can handle all the other forces himself, but Xiao Mei, a guest from the ancient family, he can't handle.

In the eight great aristocratic family, no one now hates the Xiao family more than Qin Lie.

Coupled with the strength that he can give him to deal with Xiao Mei, Qin Lie has no reason to refuse.

"Okay." He nodded with satisfaction, sat up, picked up the cup of tea on the table, raised it to Qin Lie and said, "In that case, I wish us a smooth cooperation."

This matter is indeed beneficial to both parties, so Qin Lie stopped talking nonsense, picked up the teacup, gestured, and responded: "I wish the cooperation well."

The two parties drank tea, and this matter was finalized.

Qin Lie put down the teacup and asked Gu Song, "Second Master, since we are in a cooperative relationship now, you are from the Gu family and you know Xiao Mei better than me. Do you have anything to ask?"

As the saying goes, if you know yourself and your enemy, you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

All Xiao Mei that Qin Lie knows now is Xiao Mei 30 years ago.

Thirty years is enough to change a person, so he needs more information about Xiao Mei and the Xiao family's plan this time.

Gu Song commented on Xiao Mei like this.

"Xiao Mei's words." He stammered, "This person is really hard to say. In my opinion, she is the deepest person I have ever met in the city. As the so-called woman's heart is needled at the bottom of the sea, these words can't describe her complicated mind. One part of her has thousands of faces, as if there are countless hers living in her body. She can transform into different forms on any occasion. In front of her husband, she is considerate and virtuous, and in front of her elders, she is gentle and filial.

But at family meetings, she was still alive and always thought of a different way.

And when facing the servants, she is like Wu Meiniang alive, domineering and invincible.

You asked me to evaluate this woman, and I did.

But one thing, she is really scary! "

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