After listening to Gu Song's description, Qin Lie has a new understanding of Xiao Mei.

He was very surprised, what kind of person can be a thousand people and a thousand faces, if she can please each other and suppress each other in the relationship of all the people she wants to use, this person will be too scary.

Gu Song finally sighed and said, "So it's definitely not an easy thing to deal with Xiao Mei. We both have to deal with it more carefully."

Qin Lie nodded when he heard it.

He continued to ask: "As for Xiao Mei's plan this time, since you have been studying Xiao Mei, do you have any information about the Xiao family's plan?"

In this regard, Gu Song shook his head and said, "I have already said that the Xiao family is nothing to the Gu family, no matter how influential it is in this world, it is just a scumbag to the Gu family."

"So I don't know what plans the Xiao family has. I only know that they are aimed at the eight great families. Then there is one more thing. Xiao Mei plans to wait until the army of the ancient family under her husband arrives."

"During this period of time, the Gu family's army in the hands of the third child has been performing tasks abroad, and it is temporarily impossible to come back. This is also the reason why Xiao Mei and Xiao family have not started. If the strength of her husband's men arrives, it is estimated that it will start against the family. Time to act."

Qin Lie listened and asked again: "Then if her people come back from abroad, will you have any information??"

Gu Song nodded and said: "Of course, I have been paying attention."

"Okay!" Qin Lie stood up and cupped his hands, "Then I will trouble the second master. If there is any new news about this, you must remind me as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Gu Song nodded.

At this point in the conversation, everything is about the same.

"If there is nothing else, I will go back first." Qin Lie said.

"Well." Gu Song nodded, and then shouted to the door, "Minghui!"

Then, the man who started to pick up Qin Lie appeared at the door of the study.

Gu Song continued: "Minghui, please send Qin Lie back, and you will be the liaison officer between us in the future, responsible for the liaison between me and Qin Lie."

Gu Song then told Qin Lie: "Qin Lie, because of my special status, I cannot appear in the public eye, especially Xiao Mei's.

Therefore, even if you have something to do during this time, you can find me, but you can't contact me directly. You have to contact Minghui, and Minghui will tell me about your affairs one by one. He is my liaison officer, and you can get in touch. a bit. "

Qin Lie understands Gu Song's difficulties, so he understands it very well.

Nodding: "Okay, I will pay attention."

Just like that, Qin Lie went out with Minghui just like when he came.

When in the car, Qin Lie and Minghui added WeChat to each other, and Minghui sent him all the way back to Shijia Village.

Qin Lie arrived at the villa in Shijia Village and quickly washed and went to bed.

I met Gu Song today, and I gained a lot - this undoubtedly solved one of the biggest problems in dealing with the Xiao family.

The other forces of the Xiao family, whether it is the Xiao family army or mercenaries.

These powers are just ordinary powers, even Qin Lie can handle it at his current level.

The only thing I didn't expect when I came to the great family was Xiao Mei and the Gu family.

Gu Chen and Xiao Mei are from the Gu family, which is 100% sure.

According to Situ Xuan's description, the Gu family was too strong to deal with it, and they didn't know how many people from the Gu family were behind Xiao Mei and Gu Chen. This was what Qin Lie found the most difficult to deal with before.

And now, with the help of the second master Gu Song, he happened to meet Xiao Mei's nemesis in the Gu family.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend, and there are people from the Gu family on my side to help, so I feel much more at ease.

Qin Lie wasn't afraid that Gu Song would play tricks on him. After all, a force like the Gu family had to deal with him clearly, and he didn't need to do such a complicated operation at all.

Therefore, what Gu Song said is mostly reliable.

It also answered the question in Qin Lie's mind, that is why the Xiao family has not started until now, it turns out that the real core strength has not yet arrived.

But it's okay, now that Gu Song is helping and watching, Qin Lie doesn't need to be so nervous.

With today's meeting, Qin Lie was relieved a lot.

Qin Lie slept soundly that night.

It's just that a few families are happy and some are sad. Everything is going well on Qin Lie's side, but some people have been unable to sleep for two consecutive nights.

Magic Capital, Puxi District, on a cruise ship on the Yangtze River.

This water cruise ship is quite luxurious. It pulls more than 200 meters forward and backward, and the highest height reaches seventeen floors. It is docked on the shore, and the depth of the draft alone is more than ten meters.

Of course, the magic capital is already the mouth of the Yangtze River. The river here is very deep, and there is no problem with docking such a cruise ship.

The value of this cruise ship is very high, and the value is how luxurious it is.

There are two full-size basketball courts, a 50-meter swimming pool, as well as shopping centers, cafes, bowling alleys, and more.

It's just that everyone doesn't know that this cruise ship actually has a big role, that is, sea auctions.

Those who can get on this cruise ship are invited, and ordinary people can't get on even if they have money.

And all the auctions on this cruise ship are almost the top cultural relics in the world!

The cruise ship is called the Duke of Elsa. It is a famous royal cruise ship in the UK. This cruise ship is particularly famous in the circle of wealthy people around the world.

It's just that at this time in a room on the Duke Elsa, one person was furious at the other person.

Both of them are foreign faces, with high nose bridge, deep eyes, white skin, and wearing a dress makes them feel very gentlemanly.

On the table in the room, there was a long-haired man, who was yelling at the short-haired man opposite him.

And the person on the opposite side, named Wilson, yes, the largest shareholder of Wilson Financial Group, Wilson himself.

By the way, that is the Wilson company that stole all the entertainment last night.

As I said at the beginning, one of the biggest functions of the Duke Elsa is the auction. The cruise ship has one of the largest auction houses in the world. They can conduct auctions anywhere in the world, and they can conduct auctions on the high seas, even if the auction is No country can control the contraband in the world.

This is their genius.

They have been using this set of operations for more than 70 years.

The last time they had an accident was during World War II, but I didn't expect that this time in China they suffered such a big loss.

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