Their original auction date was the day after tomorrow, that is to say, if everything goes well, probably in these two days, the text games in Wilson's underground vault will be shipped out one by one to Aisha. Duke.

Responsible for a series of operations such as auctions and thefts is an organization, this organization is called Undercurrent.

Undercurrent was first established in the 18th century, when it received official support from ten countries in Europe, including Britain, France and Germany.

Because of its huge profits in the entertainment market, many countries want to come in and get a piece of the pie.

It was not until World War I and World War II that the relationship between various countries was fragmented, and the influence of the undercurrent gradually decreased and gradually went underground.

But this is the case. The thin dead camel is bigger than the horse, and the undercurrent capital, political background, and military background are not comparable to ordinary organizations.

Their buyers are all over the world, and there are at least 5,000 people in the thief gang alone.

The annual profits of trillions of dollars use these cultural relics to go back and forth, empty-handed and white-wolf.

In the ordinary world, capitalists squeeze working people. They squeeze capitalists in this way, and they are all at higher levels.

Today's auction is to serve the rich in various countries in East Asia and South Asia.

They chose the auction location on the high seas at the far end of the magic capital.

So half a month ago, they sent those cultural relics from various countries to the storage point on the Magic Capital side, which is the underground vault of Wilson Corporation.

The auction day is approaching, as long as the boat is sailed to the open sea, and another auction, the money will come in a lot of money.

As a result, everything was ready, and it was so close to the door that something was stolen!

The one who stepped on the horse didn't steal one or two pieces, but emptied the entire vault and left one piece. The one who stepped on the horse didn't even keep a box for the stuff, it was disgusting.

The funniest thing is that they used to steal other people's things undercurrent, but now they have been stolen.

In Huaxia, Guan Gong lost with a big sword, Chu Liuxiang was stolen, and the Internet writer complained about the poor writing of Dream of Red Mansions. This is shit on the head of the ancestors!

How can the person in charge of the undercurrent Asian region be so happy.

In just one night, he lost tens of billions of dollars, and he didn't want to be scolded to death by his boss! ?

Immediately put all the anger on Wilson on the opposite side.

Adam poured the tea on the table all over Wilson's clothes. Wilson only dared to lower his head, even if his whole body was covered with tea, he did not dare to say a word.

Adam scolded: "Wilson, what are you doing to eat? I asked you to protect your things. That's how you protected me. Now that I have nothing left, I ask you what I'm going to auction?"

Wilson was also very uncomfortable and kept apologizing: "Mr. Adam, it is indeed my dereliction of duty that something is missing. If you have any punishment, it will all be directed at me, and I am willing to take responsibility!"

Adam slammed the table and said sternly: "You have no use in taking responsibility?? Do you know how much damage these things will cause to our organization after they are lost?

This batch of cultural relics is worth 50 billion US dollars, which is an auction price!

You know the operation model of our organization. These treasures have created countless wealth in our hands for more than 100 years, and now they are lost. You say you are responsible?

Yes, as long as you can come up with a trillion dollars, I will forgive you! "

Wilson shuddered, a trillion dollars, even if he was divided into ten pieces, it was absolutely impossible to pay for it.

"The question now is not how much the auction lost!" Adam emphasized, "It is because these cultural relics are lost that there will be no way to create value for us in the future, so the most important thing at present is to figure out who stole the things. , can you find it back!!”

Wilson lowered his head and said, "Mr. Adam, since we discovered that all the artifacts were stolen this morning, we have launched an intensive investigation, but..."

"Just what?" Adam asked.

Wilson sighed and said: "It's just that the effect is very small, and the gang of thefts on the opposite side are also very professional, basically leaving no traces. We only know that they came in through the ventilation duct, and we don't know any more information."

"Rice bucket!" Adam cursed, "Such a big company, such a tight security system, so many security personnel, they emptied the treasury in front of you, and you didn't investigate anything? What do I want from you? use?"

Wilson is also very helpless, mainly because the modus operandi on the other side is too high-end, so high-end that he has never seen it before.

"Mr Adam, our surveillance system and our security system were hacked last night when we were on the opposite side," Wilson said.

"All the surveillance footage is the surveillance video before the incident, and the surveillance system at that time was paralyzed."

"Including the security system, our security system is independent of other systems. I don't know why they can control our security system. Last night's fingerprint recognition system and iris recognition system were turned off. The mastery of technology is powerful.”

Adam was speechless.

Continue: "If you can't find out when they start, then check other times!"

"Look at whether there are any suspicious people in your company an hour before they start, or a few hours, we are all in this business, you know that stealing things must be stepped on, and it is impossible to do so without stepping on the ground. Stealing smoothly."

"The monitoring was blocked when they started, so let me check the monitoring at other times. Do you want me to teach you about this?"

Wilson hurriedly said: "Mr. Adam, we have already implemented the plan you mentioned, and we have not found any suspicious signs..."

"Are you sure?" Adam asked.

Wilson hesitated and said: "If there is anyone who is suspicious, there is only one, and that is what we learned from the front desk staff when we visited the front desk."

"That's right, before we got off work at about nine o'clock, around eight-thirty, a customer who bought securities said that his mobile phone was out of power, and he charged their computer with a data cable for a while."

Adam sighed: "Isn't this a suspicious person?"

Wilson: "The person at the service desk said that he was just charging, and when the phone could be turned on, he went to the shared power bank cabinet on the side, swept a power bank and left, and the whole stay did not exceed ten minutes!"

Adam held his forehead and said: "The high-tech things in computers are something that the two front desk staff can understand. Go out and find it for me immediately, check it for me, find the person who is charging for me, bring it to me, listen to it. Do you understand??"

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