Adam was really going to be pissed off, and he had to direct him personally for such a simple matter.

Seeing that he was always angry, Wilson didn't dare to tar the fire, so he could only agree quickly: "Okay, I'll take him to investigate that person, and if I find it, I'll bring him to you."

Adam held his forehead, had a severe headache, and waved: "Go away!"

Wilson didn't dare to stay here any longer, and ran out of the office in a hurry.

Only one Adam was left alone in the office drinking suffocating wine.

The reason why Adam is so excited is not because it harms his interests. After all, he is only a part-time worker as the head of the Asian region.

Although he is in charge, the real boss is someone else.

What he is afraid of now is that Wilson's mistake will be counted on his head by his boss.

His boss is no ordinary person. In this sense, the behind-the-scenes boss has unimaginable strength under his command. Even if it is an undercurrent, it is only one of the many organizations under his command.

Adam, who has become the head of the Undercurrent Asia region, has never seen the true face of his boss.

His eldest name is "an", which translates to "an" in Chinese. As long as he is under his banner, he is called Mr. An.

As the name suggests, Mr. An has been hiding in the dark.

There are so many people under him, and no one has seen his true face.

Either the video gives an order, or the voice gives the order. During the video, he will wear a black mask on his face, but he doesn't want to be recognized anyway.

With such a magical operation model, he has created a huge business empire.

How can such a mind be comparable to that of ordinary people?

It is precisely because of Mr. Dark's mysterious sense that everyone has a huge pressure. Once things are not done well, he will punish you in various ways that you did not expect.

This punishment may come from your side. The woman who has been with you for more than ten years suddenly pierced your heart with a knife while you were asleep.

It may also come from the Internet, he can quietly swept away all your bank accounts overnight, and even all the funds in the bank accounts of your relatives and friends.

And these things have actually happened.

After Wilson left, Adam was alone in the office drinking wine for a long time.

After about two hours, he had the courage to dial the first number on his mobile phone, which belonged to Mr. An.

When the call was connected, he nervously swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said: "Mr. An, yes, there is bad news to report to you..."


Admittedly, Adam probably won't be able to sleep tonight either.

On the other hand, Qin Lie didn't expect that he went into Wilson's company yesterday to implant a virus, and it caught the attention of Wilson's company so quickly.

He also didn't expect that what he provoke this time was another large international organization, an undercurrent.

He was very happy today, and with Gu Song's support, he already had a bottom line in his heart.

Including watching the battles of all the contestants and understanding the true strength of each of them, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the first place in the Nashi Family Great Competition.

These things were intertwined, and he had no reason to be unhappy at all.

And because the family competitions are almost always scheduled to start at 7 o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie and the others have nothing to do during the day.

Either practice or do something else.

When I woke up this morning, Qin Lie received a call from Murong Huanyu, saying that he was going to set up a BBQ at their manor, an open-air barbecue, and let their friends come over to play.

He also said that these friends have been in the magic capital for so long, and they have not been treated well. Taking advantage of the fine weather today, let them play together for a while.

Qin Lie got up very late, looked at the time, it was after ten o'clock, and after thinking about it, there is nothing to do today, so let's go and play.

Recently, I have been overwhelmed by the affairs of the great family, and it is time to relax.

After thinking for a while, Qin Lie immediately agreed.

Murong Huanyu also specifically emphasized that he could call all his friends and make it fun.

However, he said that today is the Brothers Bureau, so Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan should stop calling.

Qin Lie agreed and hung up the phone.

Get up to wash, and then call one by one to inform.

Think about the list a little bit.

Naturally, all of his girls had to be called, Ye Yuqing, Su Xiaoxiao, Aoi Sakurako, Tang Lingxue and one Makasha.

On the brother's side, Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei, and Li Tianlin punish the Feng quartet.

After thinking for a while, he also called Shentu Aoshi, including Han Shiyu, who also informed him.

After all, there are already more than a dozen of his own friends.

There was probably just such a lineup. Everyone gathered outside the family village and drove three or four cars to the Murong Huanyu family manor.

The Murong family's villa Qin Lie has been to several times, but this time the manor is different from the previous ones. His manor is newly built.

Qin Lie's first impression is that the area is very large.

After they entered the gate of the manor, it took more than ten minutes to drive to the official building area.

The roads in the manor are all red asphalt, and the signs above are particularly snow-white, which also proves that the manor has not been built for a long time.

The greenery is very good. As soon as you open the door and enter a birch forest path, you can see it in a straight line, and the picture is absolutely amazing.

There are natural lawns all around, and the grasses planted are all of the same species. The huge lawns seem to have been trimmed and are very flat.

The car continued to move forward and out of the birch forest, the line of sight suddenly became clear.

Only then did Qin Lie realize that their manor was built on a small hillside. The slope of the hillside was very gentle, with flat grasses planted on it, and the edge could not be seen.

Looking further down, there is a clean and tidy artificial lake with clear water and egrets flying on it.

A little higher on the hillside is their family's castle.

The castle is almost five stories high, Gothic-style buildings, and the outer walls are still clean and tidy.

The surrounding facilities, golf courses, basketball courts, and even a horse farm.

The architectural style of the entire manor reveals a high-end atmosphere.

It's like a European aristocratic manor.

The scenery was wonderful, and Qin Lie's mood became better.

After finally driving the car to the front of the castle, the servants of the Murong family immediately came to help park the car and handed over the car to the servants. Qin Lie finally saw Murong Huanyu on the lawn in front of him.

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