Qin Lie is embarrassed, how do you answer this?

Saying that this offends the other three, and that the other offends the other three, there is no perfect answer at all.

The key point, Chen Jinhu, also blocked the back road, saying that he could not answer all of them, but could only choose one of them.

Gotta be one of those in the seat.

This is like holding a knife on his neck, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Qin Lie looked at Ye Yuqing, Su Xiaoxiao, and the others, and begged: "Okay, Jin Hu is playing there, we can't follow him, you all know my answer, let's not talk about it."

"What's the answer?" Ye Yuqing asked, "I won't say anything, the key is that I don't know."

"Yeah, Brother Qin, it's not that difficult to say a few words, right?"

Qin Lie was also forced to do nothing, and said speechlessly: "Don't you know what the answer is, I have never favored any of you, I have to choose one, this is a question without an answer!"

"I don't believe..." Ye Yuqing said, "So many, you must be partial, you lied!"

"Come on!" Qin Lie was speechless and leaned over there, "How about you dig out my heart and see if what I said is true?"

"The truth is the truth, I have already said the truth, and if I have to choose one, I will not play this game!"

"Ehhh!" Chen Jinhu became unhappy when he heard this, and immediately said, "brother lie, don't play anything, brother lie, aren't you playing a fool?"

Qin Lie: "I'm just kidding, Chen Jinhu, do you have to pick things up, believe it or not, I'll go tell the girls over there now, saying that you just did those things just to get girls, and let one of your girls flirt with them. No."

"Cough cough!" This sentence made Chen Jinhu choked, he coughed twice, and immediately admitted, "Brother lie, don't get angry, I'm just joking, look at you, you are serious !"

"Equal treatment, equal treatment, my brother Lie is the best at water-handling. Your love for all sisters-in-law is full and equal!"

Including Ye Yuqing, who saw that Qin Lie was being held back so badly, he also helped to ease the atmosphere and said, "Okay, okay, don't make it difficult for Qin Lie, I just teased him just now, in fact, as the woman beside him , I know how he treats us.

He really did not favor any one of us. As long as we have something to do, he will be the first to rush up, and he will never let any of us be wronged or endangered. He has done a good job in this. "

With Ye Yuqing's relief, the others were embarrassed to keep twisting Qin Lie and kept asking.

After all, it's just a game. If it really affects people's emotional harmony, then it's a big sinner.

However, this also reflects that Qin Lie is the real Ying Family. There are so many girls around, and they get along so peacefully, like best friends and sisters.

In this case, he can still speak for him. Isn't this a proper life Ying Family?

Because the hostess came forward in person, Qin Lie fooled the matter first.

After that, the game of their dinner party continued. Everyone tried their best to avoid the beer can, and there were a lot of jokes. The atmosphere of the whole party tonight was quite pleasant.

It's just that although the dinner party is happy, everyone can't stay at the manor tonight, because the family competition is still going on. Today is the second day of the group stage, and Qin Lie still has a game.

Because Qin Lie's game was at nine o'clock in the evening, and it would take about an hour to return to Shijia Village from the manor.

It was all over around 7:30.

The task of clearing the tableware was left to the servants. All of them, in a car, hurried to the competition venue.

At about 8:40, we finally arrived at the competition venue.

Situ Xuan, Qiu Bai and Tang Hongxiao had been waiting in the stadium for a long time.

Seeing him coming back, he said, "We thought you wouldn't be able to make it through tonight, so it would be great to just let it go to your opponent and win!"

Qin Lie then quickly explained: "I went out to play for a while, and I played for a while, but I finally came back. By the way, how did the first two games turn out?"

Qin Lie quickly changed the subject.

"There is no suspense." Situ Xuan said, "The first Xuanyuan Tianci vs. Murong Tang ended without a single round. It was the fastest match in history."

"Then in the second game, Kong Yuntian of your group fought Ye Han. The two fought for a while. In the end, Ye Han won by scoring. Now it's your third game."

Today is the second day. Qin Lie's opponent today is Xiao Xingyao, which is also a very important game in the group stage.

To put it bluntly, Qin Lie and Xiao Xingyao are the ones who are competitive in their group A.

Originally, Qin Lie thought that Xiao Xingyao's level was still a little far from himself.

But after watching Xiao Xingyao's first-round match against Kong Yuntian, Qin Lie could see that this person has made rapid progress and has reached a level comparable to himself.

Qin Lie doesn't know how he has grown so quickly in two months, but there is no doubt that tonight's battle is another bloody battle.

"Okay!" Qin Lie knew the general news, nodded and said, "Then I'll go to prepare now."

After communicating with Situ Xuan, Qin Lie quickly went to the backstage to put on the special clothes for the competition. It was already 8:50 at this time. After a few minutes, Qin Lie was called by the host. On to the ring.

Including Xiao Xingyao on the opposite side, also walked up quickly.

Coming to the venue, Qin Lie noticed that Xiao Mei and Henry Zhang were both in the spectator seats today, and Xuanyuan Hao was also there, including Qin Lie's biological mother, Li Caiying, who was next to Xuanyuan Hao.

Everyone takes this game very seriously, but it's just that they have their own ideas.

In the big competition of the whole family, Qin Lie must find a way to win the first place in the group stage.

Xiao Xingyao was his biggest competitor, and for him, this was a game he couldn't lose.

And everyone knew that the competition between the two of them would be very hot, and the audience in the stands were also very enthusiastic.

The two of them stood on the stage, and even without doing anything, they had already ignited the enthusiasm of the audience.

The surrounding was full of boiling water, Qin Lie and Xiao Xingyao finally stood on the opposite side of less than two meters.

Xiao Xingyao twisted his neck. After moving his muscles and bones, he looked at Qin Lie and said, "Qin Lie, are you ready to lose? I've been waiting for this day for a long time."

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