Qin Lie didn't want to pay attention to him and didn't answer his question at all.

In turn, he said: "I heard that the arena of the great family has nothing to do with life and death. Even if you die on the stage, no one will care. Is there such a rule?"

"Yes!" Xiao Xingyao said frivolously, "But you won't be naive enough to think that you can still beat me or even kill me now?"

"Then let's see." Qin Lie said.

Xiao Xingyao ignored it, smiled lightly, and imitated Qin Lie's tone: "Okay, then let's take a look."

I don't know why, Qin Lie always felt that Xiao Xingyao today was very confident, which was different from the previous one.

Since defeating him at the banquet that time, Xiao Xingyao has always said to himself that he is afraid.

Even if it is clamoring, there must be some fear, but today, Xiao Xingyao gave Qin Lie the feeling that he is really confident in today's game, as if he will definitely win himself.

The clamor with confidence and the clamor without confidence are two completely different things. Today's Xiao Xingyao is very confident.

The conversation between the two was so short, and they bowed to each other pretending to be a salute.

The referee below saw that the two were ready, a gong rang, and the game began directly.

As for the first order, Xiao Xingyao took the initiative to attack directly.

With his feet bit by bit, he went straight to Qin Lie with the help of the friction behind him. His speed was very fast, and he was in front of Qin Lie in a blink of an eye. His attack method was also very simple. Lie's head smacked.

His attack is simple, and Qin Lie's defense is also simple.

Reaching out with one hand, he was about to grab Xiao Xingyao's wrist and intercept his hand in the air.

Originally, with Qin Lie's power, it was easy to grab Xiao Xingyao's hand and directly counter him, but when Qin Lie really touched Xiao Xingyao's wrist, he realized that everything was not so simple.

Xiao Xingyao's strength was extremely strong, and he punched him straight.

His fist still followed the original path and came straight to his own door.

As a last resort, Qin Lie could only use his other hand to resist.

Xiao Xingyao's fist finally hit Qin Lie's forearm with a bang!

In an instant, Qin Lie stumbled as if he was hit hard, and fell backwards a little bit unbearably.

His arm defense was even more open, and his entire chest was exposed to Xiao Xingyao.

If Xiao Xingyao chose to pursue, Qin Lie at this time would have no chance of parrying.

It's just that Xiao Xingyao was too conceited. After the punch, he stood there, watching Qin Lie's joke, his eyes were full of disdain.

Of course, Qin Lie's mentality was also suddenly shocked, this time he was really scared.

Not scientific!

Qin Lie's first thought at that time was these three words: unscientific!

Impossible, Xiao Xingyao's current strength is really too fierce, far beyond his imagination.

This force is simply a force he can't deal with now, such a sense of oppression is exactly the same as when Qin Lie faced Xiao Yuanshan.

When did Xiao Xingyao grow to this level?

Qin Lie was horrified. This was completely different from his psychological expectations before the game. He originally thought that even if Xiao Xingyao had grown, he would be at most similar to him now.

But this mountain-like power can completely suppress himself.

How did he do that?

Feeling the surprise in Qin Lie's eyes, Xiao Xingyao's mouth gradually rose: "How is it, Qin Lie, do you know the gap now, do you still think you can beat me to death in the ring?"

"How did you do it?" Qin Lie asked.

Xiao Xingyao smiled and said, "There's no way to tell you. In a word, you will definitely lose today."


The reason why Qin Lie asked this was that he felt that it was impossible for him to do it in such a short period of time, and he must have taken a shortcut.

But there is no shortcut for kung fu, even if Qin Lie is as talented as Qin Lie, he worked hard for two months when he practiced the shackled sword technique.

And Qin Lie's improvement was just average, but Xiao Xingyao made such rapid progress, he really couldn't imagine what was going on.

While he was thinking, Xiao Xingyao started to move again.

Quickly dodging to the front, a knee hit Qin Lie's stomach.

Qin Lie's hands were facing down, and he held it against the knee, but Qin Lie's arm was also hit by this attack, as if it was hit by a hammer.

Qin Lie's body was small, and Xiao Xingyao's backhand was another elbow.

Qin Lie's two arms were shaken, and the whole person rushed out again. He was hit by the soft rope, and the whole person bounced back. Xiao Xingyao was already ready, and a 360-degree roundhouse kick kicked in On Qin Lie.

Qin Lie flew out sideways and fell on the ring with a thud.


This time, the entire audience at the venue was surprised. Chen Jinhu and Jiang Lei almost stood up from their chairs, their eyes widened, and they were in disbelief.

How long has it been, how long have Chen Jinhu and the others followed Qin Lie?

It's been almost two years, Qin Lie has fought a lot in the past two years, but as long as it's a matter of skill, Qin Lie has basically never lost a lot.

He may lose, only in the face of perverts like Situ Xuan Xiao Yuanshan.

As long as the others are of the same age, the one closest to him is Xuanyuan Tianci.

It was the first time they watched Qin Lie get beaten so badly by a peer of the same age.

No, didn't Qin Lie have played against Xiao Xingyao more than once before? At that time, Xiao Xingyao was not an opponent at all. Why is Xiao Xingyao's strength so fierce this time in the ring of the aristocratic competition?

Everyone looked at the stage attentively, and nervousness spread all of a sudden.

Qin Lie's chest was turbulent, and he really felt a little unstoppable.

He even had to hold on to the soft rope to barely stand up. The kick that had just hit his chest was too powerful.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Xiao Xingyao stood there and laughed wildly. He clenched his fists tightly and said loudly, "Qin Lie, how arrogant you are, show me another one!"

"What is power, what is speed, and what is a move?"

"Now I'm better than you in all aspects, what are you using to fight me!?"

Qin Lie clutched his chest and tried to adjust his breath. He felt very uncomfortable.

Indeed, from the current point of view, Xiao Xingyao did not know how to give himself a comprehensive improvement. Now that he is crushing himself in almost every aspect, his battle is indeed difficult!

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