Throughout the first round, Qin Lie was almost passively beaten.

Although Xiao Xingyao didn't kill him, he was still beaten very hard.

When fighting each other's strength, Qin Lie will find that strength is not an opponent, and turning his head to fight for speed, he will find that speed is not an opponent, even if it is the skills in his hands, Qin Lie also found that Xiao Xingyao at this time is not even in his moves. Much more sophisticated than before.

Qin Lie was held down throughout the first round.

Finally, after the first round of the game, Qin Lie returned to the sidelines to accept the teachings of Situ Xuan and Qiu Bai.

Qin Lie went up and directly told Situ Xuan what he thought: "Master, I don't think it's right, I'm not looking for reasons for myself, it's really wrong, you've seen Xiao Xingyao's movement and physical ability before, how could he be here? Growing up to this point in a short period of time, progress so fast?"

Situ Xuan also agreed with his opinion, nodded and said, "There is indeed a problem. In terms of skills, you can achieve the level of excellence through practice, but physical fitness will never be added so much in such a short period of time, and I don't understand it either."

"What should I do now?" Qin Lie asked.

Situ Xuan looked at him very seriously and asked, "Do you think you have the confidence to win him, this one."

"Thirty percent." Qin Lie sighed, "This is a relatively optimistic idea. If it is not optimistic, I think it is at most 20 percent. This is my real estimate after perception."

"Twenty percent." After listening to Situ Xuan, he thought for a while, and finally touched his chin and said, "If there is really only such a small chance of winning, or else you go up and entangle him for a round, if it really doesn't work, you will first admit defeat, This round is given to him, we will find a way later, there is another round of weapons, and we still have a chance to win the first place."

Qin Lie sighed, if he wanted to retain his strength and not be seriously injured, it was indeed a good idea to admit defeat.

But he was not reconciled.

It was obvious that he was fighting against Xiao Xingyao before, but now that he is better, he has to take the initiative to admit defeat.

"I'm a little uncomfortable," Qin Lie said.

Situ Xuan is much more sensible than him, Situ Xuan persuaded the explanation: "Now is not the time to fight willful, winning or losing is a common thing in the military, a temporary failure is not a failure, you remember, you participate in this competition to win the first place.

There are no rules for this great family competition. Even if he beats you to death on stage, it is within the rules. If you want to hold on to being beaten seriously by him, you will not be able to participate in the following games. You still want to endure it first. After figuring out the reason why he suddenly became stronger, then make a target? "

This is a very real problem.

Even though Qin Lie was unwilling, he knew that what Situ Xuan said was indeed the calmest and most effective way.

After calming down, Qin Lie finally nodded and agreed: "Okay, then I'll try another round, no, I'll admit defeat first and save my strength."

"Well..." Situ Xuan finally nodded and said, "Go ahead, protect yourself from serious injuries, we will study the rest after the game."

After discussing the strategy, Qin Lie and Xiao Xingyao entered the ring together with the second gong below, the second round began.

Xiao Xingyao was still arrogant as always, his mouth was crooked, as if it was stuck to the root of his ear today.

"How about Qin Lie." Xiao Xingyao said, "Did you go back to your master to study any countermeasures? Did your master teach you how to beat me?"

Qin Lie rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Why are you talking so much nonsense, you can fight if you want, it's like a debate match..."

"Hahaha, good!" Xiao Xingyao laughed loudly, "Seeing that you are so willing to die, then I will fulfill you. The first round is just an appetizer for you. We will start the real good show from the second round!"

After saying this, Xiao Xingyao made a move and started his attacking routine of opening and closing.

After a short five-minute rest, Qin Lie didn't adjust much, and it wasn't like Ultraman beat the monsters. He couldn't beat the monsters at first, and then he pressed the monsters to the ground as if he had suddenly awakened.

That can't be beat or can't be beat.

In the second round, it was still Xiao Xingyao's all-around crushing. Qin Lie's physical fitness was already so good, and he could top three in basketball.

But in front of Xiao Xingyao, it was useless, the two punched fiercely, Qin Lie would be knocked back four or five steps by gravity, but Xiao Xingyao stood as steady as Mount Tai.

In the second round of offense, Xiao Xingyao became even more vicious. He aimed to abolish Qin Lie.

The attacking position is the crotch, calf, throat, forearm, etc. All vulnerable places, either want to break the hand, or want to break the leg, or even want Qin Lie to stop.

If it wasn't for Qin Lie's good dodge, he would have followed his path.

In the end, the confrontation that made Qin Lie want to give up this match was that Qin Lie had been forced to a corner of the ring, and his body was firmly against the stake in the ring.

At this time, Xiao Xingyao punched him from the front. Qin Lie had no choice but to put up two hands to resist. Just like that, Qin Lie felt like his arm bones were about to be broken.

At the same time, his back slammed into the wooden stake behind him, and the wooden stake was also pushed crooked by the force, causing a huge crack.

Qin Lie really felt that he couldn't hold it anymore, and at this time, Xiao Xingyao took advantage of his painful space to grab his clothes and threw them into the sky.

Qin Lie was caught flying at least three meters high. When he fell, Xiao Xingyao used his knees to push him fiercely.

Then Qin Lie's body fell down sharply, but he hit him hard on the waist.


Qin Lie clearly heard his spine rattle, and his waist seemed to be broken, and then a sharp pain hit, Qin Lie struggled to the ground.

Although he could feel that his bones hadn't broken yet, Qin Lie was really in so much pain that he couldn't breathe. This might be the most painful time since Xiao Yuanshan's beating in South Korea.

Qin Lie was speechless for about half a minute.

After half a minute, he recovered, sweating profusely, and the pain in his waist was still there.

The second round was not over, Xiao Xingyao wanted to continue the attack, but Qin Lie took the method Situ Xuan told him.

Sometimes it's a good idea to retreat.

If you can't beat it, then avoid its edge for the time being.

So he quickly raised his right hand and said to the referee under the stage: "I admit defeat in this game!"

After getting this information, the referees in the audience quickly announced the result of the game, allowing Xiao Xingyao to win the final victory!

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