"Ha ha ha ha……"

At the same time, Xiao Xingyao laughed arrogantly on the opposite side. He opened his hands to the sky, as if he dominated the world.

"Hahaha, hahaha, Qin Lie, Qin Lie, you have today, and you finally bowed your head and conceded defeat to me!"

"Do you know how long I've been waiting for this day! Ever since you beat me in front of everyone at the banquet, I've become a joke in the entire Dragon City circle!"

"From now on, wherever I go, people will only say, I'm just a defeated general under your Qin Lie!"

"Eight months, a full eight months, I've been thinking about revenge, I've been thinking that I must win you on a bigger occasion, I want everyone to know that I, Xiao Xingyao, are not you. 's subordinates are defeated!"

"I can beat you too, I, Xiao Xingyao, are better than you!"

"And today, I finally did it. Hahahaha, Qin Lie, you're just a clown who doesn't make it to the top. Do you understand? Compared with me, Xiao Xingyao, you're just a clown!"

Xiao Xingyao was full of passion, as if he had already reached the pinnacle of his life after winning Qin Lie.

Qin Lie finally understood why he could shout so arrogantly at himself before the game, he was really prepared.

Although I don't know how he became so strong, I have to admit that he did win this time.

However, Qin Lie's reaction was very indifferent. He believed from the bottom of his heart that Xiao Xingyao was suddenly so strong. He must have taken some shortcut. This time the failure was nothing, and it would be good to win again next time.

"Haha..." Qin Lie finally regained his strength. He supported the soft rope and slowly got up, glanced at Xiao Xingyao, and finally said three words: "Congratulations."

Then he lifted the soft rope and walked all the way down the stage, Situ Xuan also quickly greeted him.

Situ Xuan supported him and hurriedly asked: "How is it, there is no major problem?"

Qin Lie held his waist, the corners of his eyes twitched in pain, but he still said, "It just hurts a little bit, maybe the muscle is sprained, but there's nothing wrong with the bones."

"Go, go back to the lounge first." Situ Xuan said, "Let Old Man Bai show you."

In this way, Qin Lie, Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan returned to their corresponding lounge in the backstage in a sigh.

In the lounge, Qiu Bai gave Qin Lie a good check, and finally confirmed that the bones were all right.

At about this time, Ye Yuqing, Chen Jinhu, Jiang Lei and others outside also rushed in from the stand outside.

As he ran, he asked, "Qin Lie, how are you, are you alright?"

"Brother lie, are you okay, brother lie?"

"That dog's Xiao Xingyao is too ruthless!"

Everyone gathered around, caring and condolences. Fortunately, Qiu Bai's answer gave them a reassurance: "It's okay, it's just a little sprain. The little monkey is in good health. I'll give it a massage and I'll be able to recover tonight."

Hearing this, everyone was relieved and each heaved a sigh of relief.

Chen Jinhu said suspiciously beside him: "but brother lie, something is wrong, when did that Xiao Xingyao become so fierce? He couldn't have been your opponent before. Why did he suddenly evolve now, do you keep your strength?"

Qin Lie sat with his waist crooked, pointed at his own waist and said, "Brother, how do you keep your strength in reserve? Lao Tzu suffered such a serious injury, do you think I keep my strength?"

"Yeah, that's even more wrong. How can he be so powerful all of a sudden?"

Qin Lie frowned and said, "That's what I'm wondering. I think I'll be looking for the answer to this question in the next two days. If I can't find it, my team will be out of the game at first."

"Hey!" Chen Jinhu said with a sigh, "It's really strange, how can it evolve suddenly?"

But no matter how everyone discussed it, how strange it was, the reason why Xiao Xingyao suddenly became stronger could not be found.

After staying in the background for about half an hour, Qin Lie recovered almost under Qiu Bai's physiotherapy, and then walked out the door together.

Outside the competition venue, Qin Lie got in the car and was about to drive back to Shijia Village.

But at this moment, Qin Lie heard a shout from behind: "Qin Lie, stay here!"

Everyone heard the voice together, and when they looked back, Qin Lie saw a relatively unfamiliar face. This face had only been seen once or twice, and he had an impression but was not familiar with it.

Qin Lie remembered that this person was also one of the contestants of the family competition, Kong Yuntian.

That's right, because this person and Kong Zhaohui are a little bit related, so Qin Lie still remembered it after thinking about it for a while.

But Qin Lie was still surprised.

Now that he and the Kong family are enemies and not friends, and Kong Zhaohui is on the opposite side, the Kong family and the Xiao family are united, directly to the point of incompatibility.

As a Kong family member, this Kong Yuntian actually took the initiative to approach him. What does this mean?

Qin Lie raised a caution at that time.

Without answering, he saw Kong Yuntian come over, his eyes on him and he never left.

When he got close, Qin Lie saw him and whispered, "Kong Yuntian??"

Kong Yuntian replied, "It's me."

"Are you looking for me?" Qin Lie asked directly.

Kong Yuntian said decisively: "If it's okay, I won't stop you, can we chat?"

"What are you talking about?" Qin Lie was naturally alert, after all, he didn't have a good impression of the Kong family.

Kong Yuntian's eyes swept to the left and right, meaning to let other people avoid it.

"To be alone, you call all your people away..."

Chen Jinhu was the first to react and told Qin Lie directly, "Brother Lie, don't listen to him, be careful of cheating."

Qin Lie reached out and stopped Chen Jinhu and told him not to speak, and then said to Situ Xuan Qiubai: "Master, you go back first, Jiang Lei Tianlin, you escort Ye Zi and the others back to the hotel, Jin Hu and Xing Feng are on the side of the road. Wait a minute and I'll talk to him."

Qin Lie believed that if Kong Yuntian had nothing more important, he would not have come to him in this way.

I have almost no intersection with him, and the next game is to play against him. He must have his own ideas when he comes alone.

And Qin Lie has spoken, Chen Jinhu and the others are naturally not good to say anything.

Jiang Lei and Li Tianlin sent Ye Yuqing and the others back to the hotel. Before leaving, Ye Yuqing told him to be careful, but Qiu Bai and Situ Xuan did not leave. They just went to the other side of the street and waited for Qin Lie together, guaranteeing Qin Lie out of danger.

The others were almost gone. Only Qin Lie and Kong Yuntian were left in the venue. Qin Lie then asked him, "Okay, what can you say now."

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