Kong Yuntian acted so mysteriously, so naturally he had something to talk about.

The people around dispersed, Kong Yuntian said straight to the point: "I want to talk to you about Xiao Xingyao."

Qin Lie's heart moved when he heard it, but he didn't show any expression and asked in a low voice, "How do you say it?"

Kong Yuntian said directly: "Don't you think Xiao Xingyao's current strength is abnormal?"

Qin Lie laughed, rubbed his waist and said, "Do you still need to talk about this?"

Kong Yuntian said: "Actually, since the last time I compared with him, I have discovered this problem. His strength is not at the level that we should have at our age."

Xiao Xingyao's first match was against Kong Yuntian.

Qin Lie still remembered clearly at the time that Kong Yuntian's ability was extraordinary, but Xiao Xingyao finally knocked him out of the ring.

"Yeah." Qin Lie agreed with what he said and said in a low voice, "That's true. He should be the most powerful among the eight players in the competition, and his level has almost caught up with the masters of the older generation."

"That's right!" Kong Yuntian said in agreement, "This is what I find strange. At his age, twenty-seven or eighteen, it is impossible for ordinary people to reach this level, unless there is another way."

"Since I lost to him in the ring yesterday, I've been investigating it all day today, and I'm secretly talking to him during the day today, wanting to know what's going on."

Qin Lie was quite surprised after hearing what Kong Yuntian said.

Because in Qin Lie's understanding, the Kong family and the Xiao family have already united, and the two parties should be in the family's big competition.

But now it seems that this is not the case. Xiao Xingyao's strength has grown by leaps and bounds, and Kong Yuntian still needs to follow up to understand.

Does this mean that the Kong family and the Xiao family are not really united?

But it doesn't matter, Qin Lie continued to ask him, "So have you found out?"


Kong Yuntian said firmly: "When I followed Xiao Xingyao at noon today, I heard the conversation between him and his father Henry Zhang, and his aunt Xiao Mei. I probably know the reason why Xiao Xingyao is so powerful."

"How to say?" Qin Lie.

"Reconstruction!" Kong Yuntian's two words summed it up.

He continued: "The two words I heard the most in their conversations were transformation, and it seemed that genes were also mentioned. I felt like it was a kind of technology, but what is it specifically, I don't understand, after all, I also Not professional."

When he heard this, Qin Lie's heart sank violently.

"genetic modification??"

After going around in circles, I came back to this question.

Qin Lie has heard about the technology of genetic modification. It is the Xiao family who is doing it in China, and the Skull and Bones Society abroad, including Yehun, is also doing it.

Among them, Skull and Bones has the largest investment and the most harvest.

And Qin Lie also integrated the information of the Skull and Bones Society and the Night Soul, and gave the information to the biological laboratory under his own pharmaceutical company. This laboratory is the dean of the Biological Research Center of Shuimu University. Ye Dingtian took the lead and has been working in Overcome the difficulties of this technology.

The transformed warrior Qin Lie remembers most clearly is Alonso, the thug in the Skull and Bones.

Secondly, Woodrow's transformation was also very successful. At that time, Qin Lie and Woodrow had a triathlon competition. After the transformation, the human body was indeed too strong.

Also, that one is not yet full-fledged genetic modification, not reaching the limits of this technology.

So, is the Xiao family making a breakthrough in genetic technology?

No, at that time, their biological bases were destroyed by themselves, and all the data that should have been lost were lost. Later, they had to trade with Night Soul to maintain the technology research.

Shouldn't be able to break through so soon!

It's hard, wait...

Qin Lie suddenly remembered that their conversation was between three people.

Xiao Xingyao and Henry Zhang have one more, Xiao Mei!

Xiao Mei can't be regarded as a member of the Xiao family, she is largely a member of the Gu family!

So, is it very likely that this technology actually came from the ancient family?

The Gu family is so powerful that they are almost the ultimate bosses hidden behind the scenes. Their economic strength and technological strength must be among the top in the world.

Maybe their technology is more mature than all the forces they currently know?

And there are so many incredible experts in their family, even a young man like Gu Chen can even crush Qiu Bai, is this more proof of this.

Those masters of the ancient family were all remodeled?

What the hell!

Qin Lie was stunned, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

If so, a lot of things can be explained.

Qin Lie seems to have really discovered the truth.

His heart was agitated, but he still turned around and asked Kong Yuntian, "Then what purpose do you come to tell me about this matter?"

Kong Yuntian said frankly: "Qin Lie, in the family of the Eight Great Masters, you are a relatively recognized opponent. I have followed my father Kong Zhaohui overseas all these years, but I have never slackened in kung fu.

Although the Kong family has a grudge against you, I don't have any with you. Before the aristocratic competition, the two opponents I valued most were you and Xuanyuan Tianci. I want to have a good relationship with you in this aristocratic competition. Learn about it. "

"To be honest, I have studied your videos before the game, and I don't think the former Xiao Xingyao is afraid at all, I didn't even put him on my opponent list.

But this time, I fell into trouble on him, and now I find out that Xiao Xingyao is only so powerful because his body has been transformed. I feel that this matter is unfair to you and me, so I think it is necessary Let me tell you, don't belittle yourself because you lost to Xiao Xingyao once, you have to do your best in the next match against me. "

After Qin Lie heard this, he smiled silently in his heart.

The impression of Kong Yuntian is not bad.

The Kong family is amazing. It can produce a demon like Kong Yunze and a super gentleman like Kong Wei.

Now, for the sake of fairness, this Kong Yuntian can come and tell himself the truth.

Qin Lie was willing to believe him, finally nodded and said, "Thank you, don't worry, I won't be hit so easily, next time I should try my best or all my strength, but I'm just thinking about what to do about Xiao Xingyao. deal with."

Kong Yuntian said, "I don't care what you do, I will definitely follow you."

He said: "The Grand Competition also has clear rules that contestants cannot rely on external forces to enhance their own strength, and are not allowed to take stimulants or any illegal drugs.

Xiao Xingyao should have violated the relevant regulations by doing this. If I can find evidence, I may be able to apply for his disqualification from the competition. "

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