Qin Lie listened, still surprised, it seemed that Kong Yuntian was really dissatisfied with Xiao Xingyao.

The reports of disqualifying him from the competition have popped up, and Kong Yuntian still has a sense of fairness in his heart.

Qin Lie didn't know what to say, but he was really interested in the fact that Xiao Xingyao might be a genetically modified warrior.

After thinking for a while, he finally said: "Okay, then you can continue to pay attention. If there is relevant evidence, you can also notify me. If I can help you, I will consider helping."

"Ok!" Kong Yuntian nodded in response, "Then let's do this first, Qin Lie, although the Kong family has a grudge against you, both Kong Yunze and my most respected uncle died in your hands.

But before my uncle decided to fight you to the death, he once told us that no matter what the outcome was with you, our Kong family members were not allowed to avenge him. Kong Yunze is my cousin, and I know how he behaves.

So I trust you, so be it, that's all I have to say today, I'll go first. "

After saying this, Kong Yuntian waved his hand, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and walked slowly towards Shijia Village. The two briefly talked for a while, but nothing happened.

Qin Lie looked at Kong Yuntian's retreating back and found it very interesting.

Kong Wei and Kong Yunze father and son, a gentleman and a villain.

Kong Zhaohui and Kong Yuntian, father and son, are also a gentleman and a villain.

It just happened to be replaced.

It seems that sometimes a father and a son are not so accurate.

However, the clue provided by Kong Yuntian is very interesting. If his guess is correct, this Gu family army may not be so powerful because of innate talent, and most of it is just an acquired transformation.

I have to find a time to ask Gu Song about this matter.

Thinking like this, Qin Lie got into his car and asked Chen Jinhu and the others to come over. A few people got into the car and drove all the way back to Shijia Village.

Because of the emergence of this information, Qin Lie's perception of genetic modification technology has changed a lot.

Before the Skull and Bones Society was destroyed, the Skull and Bones Society was researching. Before the Night Soul was destroyed, the Night Soul was also studying it. The Xiao family was also studying it before. Now it seems that the Gu family is also the master of this technology.

So many major forces are studying this project, which is enough to show how broad the future prospects of this project are.

Qin Lie remembered that he himself did the same, and he now has a laboratory working on it.

The project team on Ye Dingtian's side hadn't managed it for a long time. After returning to the villa, Qin Lie called Ye Dingtian's side on a whim.

Ye Dingtian picked it up after two rings, and Ye Dingtian said: "Yo, Xiao Qin, you actually have time to call me. After your boss recruited me into the laboratory, he didn't pay attention to it for half a year. Our lab."

Qin Lie joked politely: "Professor Ye, isn't there you in the lab? You are the Big Dipper of our biological sciences. I can rest assured that you are here."

"Then why did you remember to call me today?" Ye Dingtian asked again.

Qin Lie said with a smile: "Then I still have to take care of it when I shake my hands. I mainly saw some other information about genetic engineering, so I remembered and asked how the work in our laboratory is going."

Speaking of this, Ye Dingtian suddenly became confident, and he said excitedly, "You've made the right call by calling now. Since you sent two batches of different materials to us last time, give us 's research work has been greatly promoted, and our experiments have entered the in vivo stage and have been very successful."

"The last stage is the human experiment stage. We are now recruiting volunteers. The only difficulty with our technology now is to decode a gene molecule. If the decoding of this molecule is successful, our technology will be mature, and it will be a month soon. In two months, the technology should be fully announced."

"So fast?" Qin Lie was pleasantly surprised after hearing this.

Ye Dingtian said: "The main reason is that the data in the two hard drives you brought are useful, and helped us break through a lot of technical difficulties."

Of the two hard drives, one was obtained by Qin Lie from the Skull and Bones Society, and the other was copied by Tony Li from Night Soul's computer system.

Both of these two organizations are researching genetic engineering, and Qin Lie is a fusion of their technologies.

"That's great." Qin Lie nodded and said, "Then I will trouble Professor Ye for how hard you have worked. It will be good for us to research the technology earlier."

"I know all this." Ye Dingtian said, "You don't need to say that we will do our best to study it. If the study is successful, it will also be a milestone in the history of our biological sciences."

"Okay!" Qin Lie said, "Then I'd like to ask you to urge more. After the matter is completed, I will definitely give a big reward to the brothers in the institute."

Ye Dingtian smiled and said, "These are all for later."

The two of them simply chatted for a while, and then hung up the phone quickly.

Qin Lie was also very happy after listening to it. After all, a month or two is not too long. If this genetic modification technology can be used in practice, it will be of great benefit to him both physically and economically.

Putting down the phone, Qin Lie fell asleep peacefully tonight.

Because there were Situ Xuan, Qiu Bai, and Tang Hongxiao in the room, and it was in the Murong family's aristocratic village, Qin Lie slept very deeply at night.

In the middle of the night, I don't know what happened. I could hear some noises downstairs. Qin Lie didn't care and just fell asleep.

As a result, at about seven o'clock the next morning, he was awakened by Chen Jinhu.

Chen Jinhu knocked on the door frantically outside the room, and at the same time shouted loudly: "Brother lie, it's not good, come out and see, something happened, don't sleep!"

Qin Lie was awakened in the haze, rubbed his eyes, and asked outside: "What's the matter, someone digs up your ancestral grave?"

Chen Jinhu has been with Qin Lie for so long, and it is true that such a senseless time rarely occurs.

He was so panicked that something must have happened.

Thinking so, Qin Lie also slowly sat up from the bed.

As a result, a news from Chen Jinhu outside shook Qin Lie directly. He shouted loudly outside: "Brother Lie, Kong Yuntian is dead, he will die at the door of our villa, come and see, it's over!"


Qin Lie was shocked and got up from the bed.

He opened the door quickly, as if he had heard it wrong: "What did you say? Who died?"

Chen Jinhu: "Kong Yuntian, Kong Yuntian, the one who chatted with you yesterday!"

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