To be honest, Qin Lie was stunned for the first time when he heard the news.

The news was too sudden and too unexpected.

He even asked Chen Jinhu to confirm it several times before confirming that Chen Jinhu was talking about Kong Yuntian.

Chen Jinhu was exhausted from explaining behind him, and said directly: "Otherwise, you can go directly to the door and see. His body is lying at the door of our villa, and you can see it directly when you go out."

Qin Lie didn't dare to neglect, and quickly went down the stairs to the first floor.

After rushing through the hall to the door outside, what I saw in front of me turned out to be Kong Yuntian's body.

Kong Yuntian's complexion was already black, and he was lying on the ground upright, surrounded by blood that was about to dry up.

There was a knife on his chest, and the knife pierced his chest directly.

Judging from the hardness of this corpse, at least a few hours have passed.

In other words, at about two or three in the morning last night, Kong Yuntian had already died.

The changes Qin Lie felt last night were most likely because someone was moving Kong Yuntian's body.

For a moment, Qin Lie's mind was buzzing, he was a little stunned, and he didn't know why this happened.

It doesn't make sense!

Kong Yuntian is a member of the Kong family. His father Kong Zhaohui is now the head of the Kong family. The only one who has hatred with the Kong family is himself. He has a good opinion of Kong Yuntian, and he has never thought of attacking him.

This fellow only told himself Xiao Xingyao's secret yesterday, why did he die at this moment?

Who did it?

And why leave it at the door of your own villa!

At that time, Qin Lie gave Chen Jinhu an order: "Jin Hu, hurry into the house and find a white cloth, cover the body first, and then go to the security center of the village to watch the surveillance video at our door. Can you find any clues?"

"Yes!" Chen Jinhu got the order, and went into the house to find the cloth to cover the corpse.

It's just that Qin Lie wants to deal with it now, and it's a bit late.

After all, it was already past seven o'clock in the morning, and many people in the Aristocratic Village had already woken up. Whether it was the staff in the Aristocratic Village or those martial masters from other families, many people had already noticed what was going on in front of their door.

These people surrounded him from all directions, looking down at Kong Yuntian who was dead, and there was a lot of discussion in an instant.

"Isn't this Kong Yuntian, the young master of the Kong family?"

"Yeah, he was still in the ring yesterday, why did he die suddenly!"

"God, how ruthless is the person who strikes with a knife through the heart?"

"The key is that Kong Yuntian's ability is not weak. How strong should a person who can kill him with a knife be?"

"This, this is simply incredible!"

Everyone was talking, and without warning, they started pointing at Qin Lie.

They said, "Hey, isn't this the Tang family's villa?"

"Why did Kong Yuntian's body appear at the door of their villa? Could it be that the Tang family did it?"

"I heard that Qin Lie, who represented the Tang family in the competition this time, had a deadly feud with the Kong family. The previous master and young master of the Kong family died in his hands. I didn't expect that Kong Yuntian would also be in his hands now. suffered."

"Yeah, speaking of this Qin Lie is ruthless enough. After killing both Kong Wei and Kong Yunze, now he has to deal with the current Kong family. What kind of evil did the Kong family make?"

Seeing that the trend of these public opinions was getting more and more wrong, Qin Lie immediately coughed to stop them and said, "Hey, you are just talking nonsense here without knowing what's going on. Are you responsible for what you said?"

These people are a little bit more restrained.

At about this time, Chen Jinhu came out of the villa, and he didn't know which bed sheet he had removed. After taking it out, he finally covered Kong Yuntian's body.

Chen Jinhu said: "brother lie, then I'll go to the security department to adjust the monitoring..."

"Okay..." After saying this, Chen Jinhu rushed into the distance.

As for Qin Lie, he also picked up his mobile phone and called Murong Huanyu. After all, it happened in their Murong family's aristocratic village, and he had to come to cooperate with the investigation.

He and Murong Huanyu connected on the phone. After briefly explaining the situation, Murong Huanyu was also quite shocked, and immediately said that he was going to drive over.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie waited, preparing to wait for Murong Huanyu to come over to deal with it.

But at this time, outside the crowd, a voice suddenly rushed in shouting: "Tian'er, Tian'er, my Tian'er!"

The voice trembled and kept moving forward.

After clearing the crowd, Qin Lie finally saw who was coming over. This person was none other than Kong Yuntian's father and the current head of the Kong family, Kong Zhaohui.

He was accompanied by several of his subordinates. After they rushed into the crowd, they looked down and saw Kong Yuntian who was covered with a white cloth on the ground.

Kong Zhaohui's expression changed at that time. He was very panicked and scared.

His legs are bent and his waist is hunched, like an old father who has lost his son.

He knelt on the ground, his hands were shaking, but he didn't dare to lift the white cloth.

Finally, Kong Zhaohui gathered up his courage and slowly approached the white cloth with trembling hands. He slowly lifted it down. Although only half of his face was exposed, Kong Zhaohui felt as if he had been struck by lightning, covering his chest. Out of breath.

A man in his fifties, he just knelt on the ground and cried with no regard for his image.

Tears kept falling, and his mouth was wide open, but there was no cry in his throat.

He clenched the clothes on his chest tightly, it was really painful.

His servants were beside him to appease him, but they were of little use.

The pain of the white-haired person sending the black-haired person would be unimaginable if he hadn't experienced it himself.

Qin Lie could feel Kong Zhaohui's pain, but due to the relationship between the two parties, Qin Lie just stood there and watched.

The others around were also very helpless and could not help at all.

A few minutes later, Kong Zhaohui seemed to have just recovered from his grief, his eyes were sharp and shot at Qin Lie like a sword.

Immediately afterwards, with monstrous anger, he rushed towards Qin Lie fiercely.

Roaring angrily, he roared: "Qin Lie, you son of a bitch, I won't let go of my days, Qin Lie, this old man must smash you into tens of thousands of pieces today!!"

Saying that, Kong Zhaohui made a claw with one hand and grabbed it towards Qin Lie's chest.

Kong Zhaohui's skill is not bad, he may be a little far behind Situ Xuan, but he is about the same level as Tang Hongxiao.

Seeing him coming, Qin Lie couldn't help but took two steps back. It was also at this time that Situ Xuan stepped on top and kicked Kong Zhaohui out.

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