Having said that, Kong Zhaohui pointed at Qin Lie's face again and said, "Qin Lie, the so-called evidence is insufficient today, so I will put your head on your neck first.

If there is no result after a week, or if the investigation finds out that you did it, I promise to send you to the eighteenth hell! "

Qin Lie's reaction was very indifferent. After listening to his words, he didn't even bother to respond to him, and his eyes moved casually, so he heard it.

Seeing his reaction, Kong Zhaohui snorted coldly, and then waved to his people, and those people retreated, while a few stayed behind to remove Kong Yuntian's body on the ground.

The people on the Kong family's side retreated almost as much.

As for Su Donghai, seeing that Kong Zhaohui had left, he really had no other reason to retreat today.

The people at the scene also slowly dispersed because of the departure of the two families.

It's just that Qin Lie knows that this is just the beginning of this matter, and it is definitely not the end of this matter. There are still big troubles in the future.

Fortunately, there is no need to fight with these people today.

After the others left, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief and walked to Murong Huanyu's side.

Clinging on Murong Huanyu's shoulders, he said, "Huanyu, thank you again for today's affairs."

Murong Huanyu accepted his thanks, but asked back, "Qin Lie, you promise not to do this, right?"

Qin Lie shook his head: "Of course not, Kong Yuntian came to me yesterday. I have a good impression of Kong Yuntian, and I never thought of doing something to him, and even if I did, I would never use such a stupid way."

"That's someone who framed you." Murong Huanyu said, "Do you have any thoughts on this?"

Qin Lie said immediately: "There is an idea, but there is no other evidence."

"Tell me about it." Murong Huanyu.

Qin Lie said in a low voice, "My idea is that he, Xiao Xingyao, specially found someone to record a video of me and Kong Yuntian together yesterday. Today, Kong Yuntian died again, and then he was at the door of my villa, and they came back early in the morning. Pushing all the problems onto me, I feel that this matter is still done by the Xiao family."

Murong Huanyu listened, frowned, and thought for a while, "But, the Xiao family and the Kong family have already formed an alliance, why did the Xiao family do this?"

Qin Lie shrugged and shook his head, and finally said: "This is unknown. I said that I have no relevant evidence. I am just guessing. What is the motive of the Xiao family, it is difficult for me to know."

Murong Huanyu sat in a wheelchair, still silent.

After thinking for a while, he finally sighed: "Well, I can't figure out what's going on for the time being. I'll really come to investigate."

When the two of them said it, there seemed to be nothing else to say about this matter.

But at this moment, Murong Huanyu's phone rang.

Murong Huanyu didn't take it seriously at first, but quickly picked it up and asked what was going on on the other side.

Soon after, the opposite party seemed to explain the situation, but at this time, Murong Huanyu looked shocked, and suddenly exclaimed: "What did you say?"

"how is this possible?"

"Okay, wait there, I'll be right over here!"

After saying this, Murong Huanyu immediately hung up the phone and turned to tell Qin Lie, "Qin Lie, your affairs may be delayed, I have to go somewhere now."

Qin Lie saw that Murong Huanyu's reaction was wrong, and he knew that this matter might not be easy.

Immediately asked: "What's wrong with you here?"

"It's not a small problem, do you want to come with me?" Murong Huanyu said.

Qin Lie watched and listened, Murong Huanyu had already helped him so much today, and he was in trouble, so he definitely couldn't watch.

So he immediately nodded and said, "Let's go, let's have a look together."

The two of them left the Shijia Village together.

Today's events are one wave after another.

The two got into the jeep outside Shijia Village together. Murong Huanyu pointed the way, and the driver kept driving outside. Under Murong Huanyu's instructions, the speed was very fast.

When they got to the car, Qin Lie asked Murong Huanyu, "What happened to Huanyu, what happened?"

"Major event!" Murong Huanyu said, "Our family's Muzi camp was destroyed!"

"What's the meaning?"

Murong Huanyu's expression was extremely serious, and he said coldly, "The Muzi Battalion of the Murong family, our family's strongest armed fighting force, is the same as the Xiao family's army, the Xiao family's army, and the Xuanyuan guard of the Xuanyuan family."

"What does it mean to be destroyed?" Qin Lie didn't know, but he had a guess.

As a result, his conjecture was also confirmed by Murong Huanyu: "I just had a subordinate call to say that the Muzi Camp was completely wiped out in their camp, and none of them survived!"

Qin Lie's eyes widened after hearing this, and he couldn't believe it.

This news is not small at all. If this news is true, I am afraid that it will subvert the power of the Murong family.

Muzi Camp?

Although Qin Lie did not have much contact with the core of the Murong family, from Murong Huanyu's description, he could guess how important this armed force was to the Murong family.

Xiao family's Xiao family army! Xuanyuan Guard of the Xuanyuan family!

Those are the masters of the masters in the corresponding family, the core of the core.

Just like Qin Lie's current Longyan team, Qin Lie couldn't imagine what the outcome would be like if he didn't have Longyan team under him.

This was not a bolt from the blue for the Murong family.

Qin Lie was shocked, and it was no wonder that a Buddhist like Murong Huanyu was suddenly so nervous.

Hearing this news, Qin Lie didn't speak any more in the past, and wanted to wait until the scene to have a look.

The car drove all the way to the east, because Shijia Village was in the west of Modu City, they almost crossed the entire Modu City and came to a seaside camp.

This camp is somewhat similar to the kind of military camp. The place is very hidden, and the buildings are basically flat and short bungalows. There is a sign at the door, which reads the Modong Building Materials Factory. Of course, this should be just a shell.

After arriving at this venue, there was a subordinate waiting for them at the gate. After arriving, that person immediately greeted them.

Murong Huanyu asked him directly: "Lao Liang, are all what you said true?"

Lao Liang was sweating profusely at this time, and he was so anxious that he led two people in all the way: "Master, this is too scary, just yesterday, when I called Zheng Qi last night to report, he said everything was normal.

But today, when I called him, he didn't answer. I also called other people in the camp, and it was the same, none of them could get through.

I thought something was wrong, so I came over to see it myself, and when I saw it, I found out that something big had happened, and our people were all dead. "

Having said that, this old Liang has brought Qin Lie and Murong Huanyu to the inside of the camp.

At this time, Qin Lie has already seen a little clue.

The front seems to be the martial arts field in the camp. At this time, the martial arts field has become a purgatory on earth.

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