From what Qin Lie saw, in the large martial arts field in front of him, there were actually many corpses lying down.

The exact number is hard to estimate, but based on Qin Lie's experience, more than 100 is definitely indispensable.

These people are the armed forces of the Murong family. When they died, they even wore a full set of armed equipment. There were guns and ammunition around their bodies, bullet casings, and some explosive grenades and smoke bombs.

But the strange thing is that the wounds that let them die are completely free of bullet holes and bomb scars.

Almost all of their fatal wounds were caused by cold weapons.

A knife in the throat was cut open, or a knife was stabbed in the chest, or a lot of knives were hit all over his body and he bleed to death. Anyway, it was a fatal injury from a cold weapon.

Rivers of blood flowed at the scene, corpses piled up into mountains, and the state was extremely tragic.

Even Qin Lie, who has participated in so many group battles, has never seen such a tragic battlefield. All the soldiers in these camps are dead, and none of them are alive.

Murong Huanyu sat in a wheelchair and watched the scene for many times, his expression was a little dull, Qin Lie knew that he was a little confused at this time.

While holding the armrest of the wheelchair tightly, he gasped heavily.

He asked Lao Liang, "Is there not a single one who survived??"

Lao Liang said nervously: "This martial arts field is just one of the places, like the dormitory, canteen, and even the playground in our camp, these places are full of corpses.

I have sent people to check the situation nearby, and none of them survived. "

When Lao Liang said this, his voice was shaking. He lowered his head and didn't dare to look at Murong Huanyu at all. He also deeply knew how big the impact of this incident was.

There are two foundations for the super family to gain a foothold in China, one is the economic foundation and the other is the foundation of the armed forces.

The family's armed forces are further divided into ordinary armed and elite armed.

Every family has elite armed forces, which were established with the approval of Mr. Hua, and the foundation of the family.

They can accomplish things that ordinary armed forces can't accomplish, and they are the sharp blades in the hands of the great clan leaders, and it is very important.

It means that after this elite armament is killed, it has moved to their foundation.

Just like when Qin Lie cooperated with South Korea to study super steel and touched the foundation of the Su family, the Su family later took revenge on themselves, mostly because of this, one can imagine how serious this matter is.

Murong Huanyu Ai looked at the corpses in the martial arts field, and said to the servants behind: "Go, push me to the camp to look around!"

He still didn't give up, feeling that he would find some clues.

The person in charge of pushing his wheelchair showed him around the entire Muzi Camp, and Qin Lie followed him around the entire camp.

It was really dead silence, except for the people brought by Lao Liang and Murong Huanyu behind, none of the soldiers inside survived.

Everyone died, and the death was tragic, even more ferocious. Some soldiers even had their heads and bodies separated.

It's also because Qin Lie is used to watching dead people now, so his heart will not fluctuate.

If it were an ordinary person, just the image of Shura in front of him would make him vomit and vomit!

After walking around the camp, Murong Huanyu was furious and gave Lao Liang a command: "Give me a collection of all the corpses and count them, I don't believe it anymore, they can kill us all overnight and pay back a little. The information can’t come out, and we have to come over this morning to find out, give me a confident check!”

"Yes!" Lao Liang got the order and started to do the aftermath seriously.

Lao Liang instructed his men to gather all the corpses on the playground together.

They lined up the bodies and counted them one by one.

Some soldiers' corpses are no longer together with hands and feet, and this kind of corpse can only be counted according to the head.

In the end, when Lao Liang finished the statistics, he returned to Murong Huanyu to report: "Master, the statistics have come out. The total number of soldiers in the Muzi Camp plus the reservists is 1,358, including the amount in the camp. Some cooks, gardeners, these workers, the total number of people in the camp is 1569.

Just now we gathered all the corpses together and made a count, and the total number of corpses is…”

Having said this, Old Liang paused, not knowing whether to speak or not.

In the end, he could only sigh and say, "The total number of corpses is 1,569, and our camp was completely wiped out!"


Murong Huanyu slammed his fist on the armrest of the wheelchair.

Having known Murong Huanyu for so long, it was the first time Qin Lie saw Murong Huanyu so rude.

"Who did it!" he almost shouted, "who did it?"

"There are no clues yet." Lao Liang said, "I will notify the family members of these soldiers to identify the bodies, confirm their identities, and ensure that the statistical results are safe."

"Is there any surveillance?" Murong Huanyu said loudly, "When such a big thing happened, is there surveillance in the entire camp? Call out the surveillance video to see what's going on!"

Of course, Lao Liang has already done these things.

Lao Liang answered him immediately: "Master, the people on the opposite side are very professional, all the power in our camp was cut off yesterday, including our backup power generation system and the backup line used by the monitoring system, all were cut off, so yesterday All surveillance in our camp area is paralyzed and no one knows what happened in the camp."

"The surveillance at the intersection and other nearby places can be used as much as possible!" Murong Huanyu emphasized.

Old Liang continued: "Master, since they can think of completely paralyzing our monitoring system, they can also find a way to deal with the surrounding monitoring, and the opposite is a master."

"The specifics can only be checked later, but I estimate that it is very difficult to find out the truth through monitoring, and it is almost impossible."

"Then you mean that this matter can't be investigated?" Murong Huanyu said angrily.

Lao Liang said: "If you want to investigate, you can only start from the clues at the scene. No top expert in this world can do a perfect crime. You can still find it if you check carefully, but it will take time."

Anyway, the meaning is that it is impossible to immediately investigate who did it now.

The whole incident made Murong Huanyu very powerless. He was furious, he held his forehead, and slammed his other hand on the armrest of the wheelchair, swearing: "Cao Nima!"

Qin Lie was here and didn't know how to comfort him.

This matter is indeed too big, it is more than ten times bigger than Kong Yuntian who was moved to the door of his villa after his death and framed.

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