This road is very long, and there are few cars around, which directly makes the people on the opposite side start to take action.

Qin Lie was going around in circles here just to delay time.

After the opponent's people made up their minds to start on this road, the speed of the pursuit was obviously faster.

Qin Lie's car is not bad. If the person on the opposite side is just chasing from behind, it will be difficult to stop Qin Lie.

But the person on the opposite side seemed to be ready, just when Qin Lie was focusing all his attention on the rearview mirror.

Suddenly, right in front of the road, a huge bell rang from the opposite side.

After the high-pitched horn sounded, Qin Lie saw a huge truck loaded with containers slaughtered from the opposite side.

Originally, the car was supposed to be walking on the right, but this huge truck went the wrong way.

It was directly opposite Qin Lie, and rushed straight towards Qin Lie. When Qin Lie saw it, his reaction was slow.

The car is already fast, and the opposite is still going backwards. If they collide together, it is estimated that their car can be turned into a discus!

Qin Lie didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly turned the steering wheel to the left, preparing to bypass the big truck.

But the big truck was obviously also sent by the other party.

He flicked to the left, and the people in the van also deliberately hit the car in his direction, as if they were trying to hit him on purpose.

The family is a big truck, and I am just a small car, so I will suffer no matter how I hit it.

In desperation, Qin Lie had to step on the brake fiercely.

The tires locked, and the car made a screeching sound on the road.

But because the speed of the car just now was too fast, even the brakes at this time could not prevent the collision of the two cars.

Seeing that the car was about to collide, Qin Lie was in a hurry, so he could only open the car window with all his might, jumped up a moment before colliding with the truck, and flew out.



Qin Lie's car collided with the truck in front of him.

Qin Lie landed heavily and slammed on the ground. Then, due to inertia, he rolled on the ground for a dozen laps before finally stopping.

If it weren't for his good physical fitness and endurance, he would have been bleeding out by now.

He himself was not affected much, and after stopping, he stood up on the ground.

It's just a little pain in the elbow, but it doesn't affect much else.

At this time, the two Mercedes-Benz cars that were chasing behind and a large truck that blocked the way in front all stopped.

Qin Lie looked around at the time, trying to find out who the person who did this was.

Immediately afterwards, people got on and off the Mercedes-Benz at the back, and people got off the front truck.

The most terrifying thing is that after the truck driver got off, he went directly to the container behind them, opened the container, and then a swarm of people jumped out of the container.

They are all dressed in black suits, wearing sunglasses, they should be thugs of a certain force.

But they didn't wear the special uniforms of the "Gu Jiajun", Qin Lie was already very fortunate.

So is it the ancient army?

Qin Lie didn't know, so he could only follow the situation.

But they do this, deliberately coming at themselves, it is already a sure thing.

Qin Lie squatted on the ground, and finally stood up slowly with his knees supported. Then, he asked the people on both sides, "Who are you, and what are you doing to stop me on the way?"

Among the men in black on both sides, came out a core member who looked like the leader.

The man had half-dyed yellow hair, put his hands in his trouser pockets, stepped forward with a serious expression, and said in a low voice, "Qin Lie, our boss wants you to come and see him."

Hearing this, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.


This person calls the person behind him boss, which has already ruled out Henry Zhang and Xiao Mei.

Whether it's the Gu family or the Xiao family, they wouldn't call them that.

If it wasn't for the Xiao family or the Gu family, the pressure would be much less.

It's just that he was equally surprised. If it wasn't for Xiao Mei and Henry Zhang, who could this be?

Qin Lie kept his expression calm, looked at them vigilantly, and asked, "Your boss, who is your boss??"

The leading man in black was still serious: "Our boss won't let me tell you, but you know what you have done yourself, and you can't resist it."

Qin Lie looked up and said, "But what if I don't want to go with you?"

The leader was very confident. He spread his hands, looked left and right, and finally sneered: "Qin Lie, doesn't this situation seem like you can't choose?"

Qin Lie also laughed after listening to it: "Then you may not know my character, I'm really not someone who does what others say I do."

In fact, Qin Lie's heart was more than half relieved since he felt that these people were not Gu Jiajun.

If it is an ordinary armed force, it is not impossible for him to deal with it alone, even if there are dozens of them on the opposite side.

However, just when Qin Lie thought so, the leader suddenly took out a black gun from his trouser pocket and aimed it directly at Qin Lie.

Not only him, but other members of these teams also pulled out guns from their pockets.

Their expressions were very confident, and about thirty guns were aimed at Qin Lie.

The leader still kept his smile and whispered: "Qin Lie, this matter is really up to you to choose, now, you immediately come to my car, get in the car, and follow me, this is your only choice. ."

After these people took out their guns, Qin Lie's expression finally changed slightly.

This is a little more difficult.

If the thugs on the opposite side were bare-handed, he might be able to handle it alone.

It's just that when the hot weapon comes out, it's a bit out of reach.

After all, he is not a person of the level of the "Gu Family Army". He has no gun on him, only a golden knife.

He hasn't reached the point where cold weapons can handle hot weapons.

His expression immediately turned grim again.

In fact, there are two options before him now.

One, I went with them. I'm not from the Xiao family anyway, so there shouldn't be too much trouble.

Another is the delay.

Jiang Lei, Chen Jinhu and Minghui have been notified before.

Minghui is only more than ten kilometers away from here. He has been wandering for a long time on the road just now, and Minghui should be able to come over soon.

As long as it drags on for a while, it should be fine.

It's just, how to drag it in the face of so many people and so many guns.

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