Qin Lie can't yet think that people can fight bullets.

Besides, there are more than 30 people on the opposite side, and it is even more impossible for him to kill everyone in an instant.

Qin Lie doesn't like to be brave now, and the more important thing is to save his own life.

He continued to look left and right, observing the surrounding environment.

This side is a road near the sea, standing in this position can see the sea in the distance.

At this time, behind Qin Lie, there is an upward hill. He is standing on the inner side of the road. After crossing this road, the opposite is a downward hill. The slope of the hill is very steep, but the hill is covered with There are a variety of trees, which are very important natural shelters.

Now it's time to delay, Qin Lie is already planning to get into the jungle, so that he can disappear from their sight, and the probability of escape is very high.

While thinking about this, Qin Lie continued to use words to argue with the leader on the opposite side, and whispered: "Since your boss wants to see me, he definitely doesn't want me to die, so you don't dare to shoot me."

"Yes." The leader said, "We can't kill you, but we want you to kill you with one arm and one leg, and beat your stomach without your life. You can't stand it. I advise you to be good..."

Qin Lie was waiting for this time.

Taking advantage of the leader's speech, without giving them any time to react, he shrank down and went straight under the big truck with lightning speed.

Follow the bottom of this truck and quickly crawl across the road.

His speed was very fast, and the other side didn't react.

The moment others disappeared, those people looked at each other with dazed expressions, and they didn't even think of the path he disappeared from.

After reacting, they all fell to the ground and looked inside. Only then did they see that Qin Lie had already climbed to the opposite side of the car. After reaching the edge of the road, one jumped down the cliff without any hesitation.

Everyone was shocked, how could they expect Qin Lie to be so decisive.

The leader waved his hand and quickly ordered: "Follow me!"

Then everyone rushed across the road and looked down along the cliff. They saw that Qin Lie had already scrambled into the jungle below. No one could be seen, only the leaves and branches were swaying.

They fired a few shots in the direction the leaves were moving, and felt that it was useless, so they all followed the direction Qin Lie jumped down one by one.

Qin Lie ran down the hillside and quickly hid in the deep forest.

He should not be too familiar with these terrains. Back then, when he was on the desert island, there was such an environment everywhere.

The trees stand, and the underfoot is full of bushes.

Once you get here, no matter how many you are or how powerful your organization is, all of you will be broken up.

And as long as they are broken up, Qin Lie will have the opportunity to deal with them one by one.

The person on the opposite side made the same decision as he thought. As soon as he got to the jungle below, the leader waved his hand and said, "Let's look for each other separately. The distance between each person is not more than ten meters, and the search is carried out in a carpet manner, and the boy must be dug up. come out."

This leader is quite experienced, and knows that the distance between everyone is no more than ten meters.

Maybe they themselves don't know what kind of strength the opponent they face has.

To deal with Qin Lie, as long as you can support him at any time, as long as he is not like the one he was just surrounded by, Qin Lie will be able to defeat them all with the power of thunder.

After achieving his goal, Qin Lie bent over and hid in a bush.

Pay a little attention to the time, it's almost five o'clock in the afternoon, and it's basically a little dark in the five o'clock sky in the magic capital. With the occlusion of the leaves above, the line of sight in this jungle is actually very poor.

After everyone dispersed, one meter by one meter, one inch by one inch, they searched the entire jungle like a carpet.

Their vision is not good, and many times when they see something, they need to lean down to see what it is.

So their sight is actually not that keen.

Qin Lie was lying on the bushes and gradually felt the sound of the people in front of him slowly approaching.

However, he was not in a hurry, he still lay on the ground and waited for the person to approach. When it was really close, the person over there seemed to sense his presence, and he snorted uncertainly.

After the voice, the man leaned down.

And at this time, Qin Lie rushed up like a cheetah ready to go.

His speed is fast, and the aiming position is precise. After going out, he first covered the man's mouth with one hand, and the other hand has long been groping for the knife from the side, holding his neck, and fiercely on the neck. With one stroke, the blood spurted down his throat at once.

The man was miserable, his body wanted to twitch and struggle, but Qin Lie's strength was too great, and with the rapid loss of blood, he also lost the ability to resist.

Maybe after a minute or so, the person had completely lost consciousness and lay limply on the ground.

Qin Lie was also very experienced, and moved extremely quickly, taking off the gun in his hand, the magazines in his arms, and putting them on him.

But he didn't leave, it was the bush just now, and he went in again.

Because each of them is only ten meters apart, so what's happening here can actually be heard over there.

After Qin Lie killed this person, another minute passed. Not far from the side, someone started shouting, "Hey Li Ming, what are you doing?" about ten meters away.

Li Ming was probably the one killed by Qin Lie.

After the companion next to him called him, he found that there was no response, and continued to ask: "Hey Li Ming, what are you doing, can you hear it, and say something first when you hear it."

Naturally it was impossible to give him a response.

And the man over there finally realized that something was wrong, and didn't ask any more questions. It seemed that he came over here with his gun in hand.

Go all the way to ask: Li Ming, Li Ming?

After Qin Lie killed the man, he directly threw the man on the ground, so when the person next to him came over, he could be seen from a distance of two or three meters.

Seeing him lying on the ground, the people who approached this time raised 10,000 cautions.

He wasn't sure whether the person lying on the ground was Li Ming, so he could only approach him step by step, and asked at the same time, "Hey, Li Ming, is that you? Don't scare me, just say something!"

Talking, and talking nonsense.

When the person who was looking for Li Ming approached again, Qin Lie attacked like a cheetah again.

Flying out from behind the man, he did the same as he did with Li Ming, killing him with one slash, leaving him no room to struggle at all!

The same one minute bleeding to death, Qin Lie also took his bullet and gun, but this time he didn't stop and walked all the way to the far side of the jungle.

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