Qin Lie knew very well that only killing one person at the beginning would not cause much reaction.

So he continued to hide in the bushes, waiting for the first one who found the problem to come over and get another one.

It's just that two people are dead now. After their team finds something wrong, more people will come from behind. If they don't come one by one, Qin Lie won't be able to kill them in an instant.

And as long as it can't be exposed, there is a possibility of shooting on the opposite side, and the sound of gunfire will completely expose his position.

So this time he didn't stay in place, and moved to another place to carry out the next operation.

Of course, the reason why he had to wait for someone to come over just now was another reason why he wanted to get the bullet off the other person.

Otherwise, relying on one person's two magazines is not necessarily enough.

Sure enough, after getting two people in a row, the person on the opposite side became more alert.

Before the second person came to look for someone, he kept shouting at Li Ming, which attracted the attention of many people. As a result, he was silent at this time.

Others also felt that something was wrong, and these people immediately began to shrink the encirclement and rushed over there collectively.

And Qin Lie had already slipped out of their encirclement at this time, and went to the other side of the jungle.

The surroundings were very quiet, and he could almost hear every word exchanged by the person on the other side.

"Come on, come and see what's going on."

"Everyone follow closely, don't spread out."

"Shrink the team. Once you find any problems, fire the shot!"

"Keep in good contact with the brothers around you, and report your location once a minute."

In order to deal with Qin Lie, they also made a way to deal with it - they already understood at this time, Qin Lie may not be the kind of ordinary person who can be slaughtered.

"Boss, Li Ming is dead, so is Zhang Wei!"

"Boss, it's not good, the two of us were killed by Qin Lie!"

"But we haven't found where he is yet!"

"Boss, what should we do now?"

Everyone was talking about it, and all the past incidents were located in the past. Qin Lie could clearly feel that those people were gathering at one point.

And just like that, it began to shrink like a circle of nets, slowly shrinking, and the area became smaller.

Seeing this, another thought suddenly popped into Qin Lie's mind.

These people have gathered at the place where the incident happened, can I take this opportunity to go around them, go back to the road, and then leave without knowing it?

This has the least impact, and there is no small success rate.

Qin Lie didn't have the time to kill them one by one, and quickly settled on an idea.

So he played hide-and-seek in the woods with the people on the opposite side.

He listened to the sound to identify the position, and walked in the opposite direction of those people. After a large circle, he was ready to climb back up the mountain.

Originally it was a way to escape without a fight, but there was still an accident on the way.

Someone didn't know if they didn't hear the shouts of the people over there or if they were walking too slowly after hearing them.

Qin Lie had already stepped out of the encirclement, yet he was still able to bump into people in this place.

At that time, he heard a sentence from the position five meters to the left: "Hey, stop, who are you?"

Qin Lie was stunned for a while, but his reaction was quick. At that time, he replied to the person: "Damn, you are blind, you don't know who I am?"

Pretend to be an old acquaintance.

The person on the other side saw that he was so calm, so he quickly took the bait and responded, "Lin Yu?"

Qin Lie didn't bother to care who he thought he was, so he replied at the time, "What nonsense, I'm not Lin Yu, what are you doing in such a shock?"

Feeling that it was someone they were familiar with, the man seemed to let down his guard.

Then he continued to walk over and said: "I just heard from the boss that something happened on his side, and I was rushing to his side, won't you go?"

Qin Lie said: "The past, it must have passed, but this forest is too complicated, I can't see anything, am I not looking for a direction?"

"It's over there." This person finally came over, and there was probably only a distance of more than two meters between the two.

At this moment, his mobile phone lit a flashlight, and it shone on Qin Lie's face.

In an instant, he finally realized, what kind of Lin Yu is this? Isn't this the Qin Lie they want to arrest?

The man's heart suddenly set off a huge wave.

He raised his hand and immediately wanted to shoot Qin Lie with the gun in his hand.

But Qin Lie had been waiting for him for a long time. Before he could pick up the pistol, the golden knife in Qin Lie's hand flew over, pinned it on the man's heart with great precision, and instantly disintegrated him. combat power.

The man was stabbed in the heart and died almost in seconds, then fell to the ground limply.

Qin Lie walked over, stepped on him, and pulled out the knife on his chest.

While pulling, he whispered: "If you are asked to gather, just gather honestly, and you have to wander around by yourself, why bother..."

After saying this, Qin Lie put away the knife and finally continued to walk outside.

But even Qin Lie didn't expect that there was more than one person on the opposite side who hadn't gathered in the past for such a long time.

"What are you doing, put down your hand and the knife in your hand!"

I go!

Qin Lie cursed inwardly, knowing that he couldn't hide his whereabouts any longer.

This time, he didn't bother to pretend, after all, everyone saw that he had killed someone, and it was meaningless to pretend to be an acquaintance.

Hearing that the other side told him to put down the knife, he complied with what he said to put down the knife.

But the other hand slowly touched the belt behind him, and two pistols were inserted into his belt at this time.

On the one hand, he used his right hand to let him relax his vigilance. On the other hand, he quickly took out the gun and hit the man in the head.


One shot!

Although Qin Lie has not majored in marksmanship, he has been with Jiang Lei, Chen Jinhu and the others for so long, and he is a little accurate.

One shot passed, and the bullet in the dark night was very accurate. After drawing a straight line, it quickly hit the man's head, and the shot was almost fatal.

The man fell in response, but Qin Lie's position was completely exposed because of the gun he just fired.

When the people on the opposite side heard the gunshots, they all focused their attention. The leader responded quickly, and immediately ordered everyone to lean over.

This time they were very fast. Some people took out their mobile phones and turned on their flashlights to find Qin Lie in the dark.

So they all shouted loudly: "This way, come here, he is here!"

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