Qin Lie killed the person who found him with the shot just now, and of course completely exposed his whereabouts.

The person next to him chased after him frantically, shouting as he ran, "Here, the man is here, hurry up, don't let him run away!"

Suddenly, dozens of people around him gathered around.

And because Qin Lie has killed several of their brothers, these people have gradually lost their minds.

This time they saw Qin Lie without hesitation, and started to shoot after Qin Lie.

bang bang bang...

The gunshots rang out in an instant.

At this moment, what Qin Lie was most worried about happened. With so many of them chasing after him and shooting at the same time, he still had no way to counter it.

All Qin Lie can do now is run away.

Fortunately, this place is a jungle, and the trunks of those trees are large enough that Qin Lie can use the terrain to avoid the attacks of these people as much as possible.

At this point, the idea that Qin Lie had just changed could no longer be used.

It is possible to sneak up on it and run away, but this time it was discovered, and when he returned to the road, his car was also crashed, and there was no possibility for him to escape at all.

The only way now is to hang around in the jungle to delay time, waiting for Jiang Lei or Minghui's people to arrive.

Damn, but Qin Lie thinks about it and it's not right.

It's been almost half an hour since I sent Minghui the location. It's ten kilometers away. It's reasonable to say that they have all arrived by car, and Minghui and the others haven't made any movement at all.

If they don't come again, I don't really have to explain it here.

"Damn, don't you claim to be the world's top armed forces, your mobility is so low?"

Qin Lie cursed, took out his pistol and fired several shots at the rear, and continued to work hard.

Several of his shots pushed back some people, and then he flew sideways, jumping from the trunk to the back of the trunk of another tree.

The light was very dim, and the sight of the other party was unclear. Qin Lie also hoped that he could use the cover of the jungle to disappear into the jungle again, but this idea had no effect on them.

These people were played once by Qin Lie, so he would never let his figure disappear from sight.

When the two sides were in a gunfight, some people kept pointing their flashlights at Qin Lie's position.

The space where Qin Lie was now was illuminated by the lights.

If he tried to jump from behind one tree to another, the other person could see clearly.

So his escape technique was useless.

He was set on fire in another place, and again in another place. The firepower on the opposite side was very strong, and Qin Lie's gun must not be an opponent of more than 30 guns on the opposite side.

After several consecutive rounds of games, the people behind him were getting closer and closer.

Qin Lie leaned back against the tree trunk and listened to the voice behind him. The distance might not be more than ten meters now. As long as they launch another charge, their position will definitely be won by them.

The leader was still shouting at him from behind: "Qin Lie, I advise you to stop being stubborn, you have nowhere to run, if you don't want to die, immediately put down your gun and come out with your hands up. .

Otherwise, in ten seconds, I will organize my people to launch the final charge, and then you will die ugly! "

Qin Lie didn't know how to respond, so he didn't speak at all.

The leader over there started the countdown: "Ten!"

"Nine!" "Eight!" "Seven!"...

As the countdown went on, Qin Lie felt that it was a bit difficult to escape today, otherwise, go back with them and see who is organizing behind this.

It's good to save your life!

Jiang Lei, Minghui, and the others have never come, and now there seems to be no other way.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie already had the idea of ​​retreating.

"Six! Five! Four! Three..."

The countdown on the other side continues.

And at about this time, in front of Qin Lie, on the top of the cliff, a few people swooped down. These people moved so fast that they approached Qin Lie's front in almost a second.

They wear uniforms and carry a variety of weapons.

They came in great strides, like meteors, and they were exposed to the air, as if they were not afraid of the bullets on the opposite side.

They have epaulettes on their shoulders with a unique word "Gu" embroidered on them!

It's Minghui and the others!

Seeing this, Qin Lie finally heaved a sigh of relief, exploding in his heart, these people are here!

Like a stone falling to the ground, Qin Lie's body relaxed.

Minghui was at the most current moment. He saw Qin Lie and said with a smile, "Qin Lie, you have enough enemies. You were chased and killed as soon as you left our line of sight. It's a seamless connection, what are you?"

Qin Lie was relieved at this moment, and he was also in the mood of joking: "Look at what you said are human words, seamless connection, you think I want to be hunted down, and the words come back, do you guys? Is it too slow?"

Minghui walked over, but smiled and said: "You just sent a positioning, that positioning is not accurate, do you know that your current position is two kilometers away from your positioning address, we are not satellites, you can see it at any time to where you are."

"Hey." Qin Lie sighed, that's something that can't be helped.

The situation at the back was so urgent that he could not use his mobile phone to report the news at all. He could only say that fortunately they came over.

"Stop talking nonsense for now!" Minghui said, "I'll deal with these people first, how about you, do you want to stay alive?"

These words are very confident, as if they have a 100% certainty in this battle.

But it's no problem to think about it. Judging from the quality of the opposing group of combat members, it is an ordinary armed team, and even the combat effectiveness of Longyan Squad is not comparable.

Gu Jiajun wants to deal with them, just sprinkle water.

Qin Lie thought about the stakes, but still said: "Leave a few alive, I want to get some information from their mouths, I don't know where they came from now."

"Yes!" Minghui nodded decisively, as if Qin Lie could accomplish whatever goal Qin Lie needed.

After saying this, Minghui took his people, a total of eight people, without hesitation, and all rushed into the jungle.

And Qin Lie is also the first time to see the collective action of Gu Jiajun people.

In his words, the combat effectiveness of these ancient armies is simply perverted.

Qin Lie heard a shot from behind and saw the bullet hit Minghui in front of him.

But Qin Lie saw a small dagger less than twenty centimeters long in his hand swiping violently in the air, the bullet and his knife collided with a spark in the air, and the bullet was shot by his dagger. opened!

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