The identity of this group of people is really doubtful.

After all, their combat power is indeed average, not as good as Longyan Squad, and even worse than the previous Arctic mercenary group.

If it is a team of eight great families, it should be more than that.

But now Qin Lie's main enemies are the Eight Great Families, and the Night Soul of the Skull and Bones Society has all been destroyed. Where did these people come from?

Qin Lie kept them alive because he wanted to know this information.

At this moment, Wang Cen was a little stunned, kneeling on the ground as if he couldn't hear him.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Qin Lie had no choice but to grab his hair, break his head up, stared at his face, and continued to ask, "Hey, I'm asking you, can't you hear me?"

"Ah?" Wang Cen seemed to really react and whispered, "What did you say?"

"I said!" Qin Lie said loudly, "What is your identity, who are you helping, the boss behind you, who is the boss?"

Wang Cen listened and said: "I, we are from the Shadow Mercenary Corps. I, we mainly operate in various countries in Southeast Asia, and then, this time, we hire our boss. According to the rules, I can't say it!"

This was not the answer Qin Lie wanted to hear. He was dissatisfied with the answer and directly winked at Minghui over there.

Of course Minghui understood, he walked behind one of the remaining three people, took out his dagger, slid the dagger across his throat, and with one click, the man lay down without saying a word.

The position where he lay down was even beside Wang Cen.

The blood flowed directly from the outside to Wang Cen.

Wang Cen was terrified for a while, Qin Lie took this opportunity to slowly open his mouth and said: "I don't want to listen to your rules and so-called morality, I just want to know who is behind you, tell me the answer, I can let you go There is a way to live, but if you don’t say it, then you’re sorry, you and your people die together, and I definitely don’t care.”

Saying that, Qin Lie gave Minghui another wink.

The last person beside Wang Cen also fell beside him after a knife.

This time it seemed that Wang Cen's psychological defense was finally broken.

In fact, as a mercenary, Wang Cen often licks blood at the edge of a knife, and is usually not so afraid of death.

The reason why he is so afraid today is entirely because of the breathtaking abilities that Minghui and his Gu Jiajun have shown. This is no longer a psychological fear, it is a shock to the soul.

Finally, after defeating Wang Cen's line of defense, he was so frightened that he hurriedly said, "Okay, don't kill me, I'll tell you now, I'll tell you now!"

Qin Lie didn't say anything, just stared at him silently.

Finally, Wang Cen paused, and finally said, "Actually, the person who asked us to do things is Wilson. I don't know if you have heard of them. This time, the boss who paid us to hire us is called Wilson."

"Wilson?" Qin Lie muttered.

The name flashed by, and he always felt that he had heard this name before.

After searching in his mind, Qin Lie suddenly remembered.

Then he continued to ask Wang Cen, "This Wilson, is there a Wilson Financial Securities Company in the western suburbs of Modu City?"

"Yes!" Wang Cen said immediately, "It's him, since you provoke him, you should have an impression."

After hearing this, Qin Lie laughed.

He said that the other side made such a big move to catch who he was, it was Wilson!

This is not an impression, it is simply too impressive.

Didn't he unite with Han Qi's Kyushu Bureau to remove all the high-level cultural relics in his underground vault.

In fact, to be precise, the whole thing was actually planned by Han Qi.

Qin Lie did two things that day, one was to bring Tony Lee to help, and the other was that he went to Wilson to help implant the virus.

Unexpectedly, Wilson found himself on the head with this thing.

The estimated value of the stolen antiques that day was at least tens of billions of dollars, which is hundreds of billions in RMB.

That's not a small number, and it's no wonder that Wilson is looking for so many people to trouble him.

But it didn't matter, Qin Lie was relieved when he heard that Wang Cen and the others were sent by Wilson.

Wilson Company is just a small role, even if there is any German holding, it is only a small role.

At that time, the undercurrent that Han Qi mentioned was the big force, and this force did not appear under the water for the time being.

Wilson alone is not something to be afraid of.

He even wanted to laugh a little when he heard it.

After all, I also went to help steal their antiques, so who is not angry with this matter!

At that time, Han Qi and the others did a great job, and there was not even a single box left in the entire vault.

You can't get revenge.

"Ok!" Qin Lie had no interest in Wang Cen after knowing who was behind him. He snapped his fingers and said casually, "Okay, you can leave here now."

"Ah?" Wang Cen felt a little weird when he heard this.

Looking up at Qin Lie, his eyes were full of incomprehension.

Qin Lie continued to emphasize: "I said, you can go now."

"Really?" Wang Cen still couldn't believe it.

Qin Lie nodded: "I'm a person who says nothing. Since I said I'll let you go as long as you tell me what you want, then I'll do what I say."

Wang Cen listened, got up by himself, and tried to leave.

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't stop him, he thanked Dade and said, "Thank you, thank you!"

"Hey, wait." But now Qin Lie remembered something again, and stopped when he greeted him.

Wang Cen turned his head, fearing that Qin Lie would change his mind, he asked nervously, "What else do you have to do?"

Qin Lie was very casual. He pointed to the left and pointed to the right. He pointed at the corpses on the ground and said, "You can go. I have cleaned up these bodies."

He paused, then continued: "By the way, didn't you drive a big truck, with a container as big as that in the back, it's no problem to hold more than 30 corpses, right?"

Wang Cen's eyes rolled, but in the end he didn't dare to refute, he could only nod his head in agreement: "Okay, I'll start moving now."

Qin Lie continued: "After you've moved these bodies up, take this car back to your boss and let him check it out. I'll send someone to follow you. Don't play tricks on me."

Qin Lie's purpose is clear.

Get rid of Wilson.

Now his main energy is dealing with the eight great families. He really doesn't have the energy to take care of these little bastards. The best way is to shock them so that they don't dare to come to him easily.

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