Wang Cen was frightened at the moment, how dare he say a word.

After listening to Qin Lie's request, he started to carry the corpse on the road by himself.

Qin Lie did not leave for the time being, and waited until Jiang Lei arrived with the Long Yan team.

After a little help, I finally moved all the bodies to the back of the car's container.

Qin Lie asked Jiang Lei to take some members of the team to follow him for a while, and decided that Wang Cen finally sent all the corpses back to Wilson's company, and then gave up.

Halfway through the turmoil, Qin Lie prepared to go back to Shijia Village after finishing the turmoil. Before leaving, he thanked Minghui and his Gu family again.

With the protection of Jiang Lei and the others, Qin Lie left with peace of mind.

By the way, according to what Gu Song said, the rest of Gu Song's subordinates will also come tomorrow, and all the Gu family troops under Ming Hui's subordinates will be able to obey their own arrangements.

After seeing the super combat power of the Gu Family Army tonight, Qin Lie is even more looking forward to it.

Kong Yuntian is dead, Qin Lie feels that his safety will be threatened recently.

But with the protection of the Gu Family Army, Qin Lie is unprecedentedly at ease.

On the way back, Qin Lie called Han Qi and complained a little.

After getting on the phone, he directly told Han Qidao: "Korean Bureau, you are talking about what's going on, why are people from Wilson's company staring at me all of a sudden?"

"Ah?" Han Qi was at a loss for this matter, completely unaware of what happened, "What's the situation?"

Only then did Qin Lie tell him everything that happened on Binhai Road today.

After hearing this, Han Qi was very strange: "How did you expose it?"

Qin Lie said angrily: "How else can I expose it? Didn't I go in and implant a virus before? I guess that picture should be seen by the people from Wilson Company."

"Look at you." Han Qi gloated and said, "I said at the time that this matter can be handed over to my people. If you don't listen, and you insist on being a hero, what can you do..."

"Oh..." Qin Lie said, "So I did something wrong for you to do things for you. Can you have some conscience?"

"I'll tell you!" Qin Lie said, "This trouble is caused by me doing things for you, you must help me deal with it as soon as possible!"

Han Qi looked like a rogue and said: "How to deal with this, I stole other people's things, I still have a loss here, can I bring people to the door and kill them all?"

"Then I don't care." Qin Lie said, "Anyway, you have to help me deal with this trouble."

Qin Lie thought for a while, then paused and said: "You can do this, haven't you already got everything? You organize a tour to increase the exposure of these antiques, so that they will know that you did it. Yes, we will target you."

Han Qi shook his head and said, "You said it's easy, do you know how precious these things are?"

"If I say it is a touring exhibition, I will hold a touring exhibition. Any of these cultural relics will be a sensation in the world. What if I am also stolen by others during the touring exhibition, these things are hard to prevent."

Qin Lie didn't have the heart to debate these things with him, and said at the time, "I don't care, you have to deal with this matter anyway."

"Go, go, go."

Han Qi may also feel bad about it, after all, Qin Lie was pulled into the water by him.

Finally, he said: "I will find an opportunity to take out one of the pieces that I stole that day and put it on display, and then I will usually send a few more agents from the Kyushu Bureau to protect you, help you investigate information, and make sure you don't. Will be besieged by Wilson's men again, so that's alright."

Well, after hearing this, Qin Lie felt relieved.

In fact, what he asked for this call was someone from the Kyushu Bureau.

After all, the Kyushu Bureau is a special agent, and has the ability to detect and counter-reconnaissance that no one else can match.

In the recent period of time around me is so dangerous, people like this can be used to the best of my abilities.

After getting a little benefit from Han Qi's hands, Qin Lie's mood became clear.

"Well then, you have to send 30 of the most powerful agents in your bureau to my side, eh, during the family competition, they must all obey my command and can't leave my side, okay?"

Han Qi listened, and suddenly said: "Thirty, you want a little more."

"You just say yes or not, it's over, why is there such ink?" Qin Lie said.

Han Qi really couldn't beat him, so in the end he could only say: "Okay, I feel like I've been tricked by you. I'll tell Guan Hai when I turn around and send someone to you in two days at most!"

"Ok!" The extortion was successful, and Qin Lie was satisfied, "Then I'll wait for them to arrive."

After saying this, he hung up the phone.

The Gu Family Army, Kyushu Bureau agents, Longyan Squad, Cape Family, Logan, Aoi Sakurako, now they have more and more forces that they can mobilize.

In this battle, he has three more points in his grasp.

Because of Kong Yuntian's death, Qin Lie's opponent in the next round just disappeared.

There was a game that was originally cancelled tonight.

Qin Lie has nothing else to do tonight. He is now going to drive back to Murong's house and tell Murong Huanyu the information he got from Gu Song today.

Obviously Henry Zhang and Xiao Mei have already begun to make moves.

Qin Lie has to discuss with someone he trusts about how to dismantle it.

After a false alarm, Qin Lie gained more. He survived the hardship today and saw the power of the Gu family army. He was in a good mood.

But the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same. He is very happy here, but some people are already overcast.


Modu, the western suburbs, is surrounded by clean and tidy lawns and trees. There is only one tall single building in a large area. The word "Wilson" is written on the top of the building on a billboard.

Yes, the line of sight still comes to Wilson.

Wilson has been very annoying these days, mainly because Adam put too much pressure on him, and asked him to find out who the person who stole the game was within a week.

But it's been three days now, and he still hasn't made much progress.

The only clue is the mysterious young man who stayed in the lobby of their building, but it took him a lot of time to find this mysterious young man.

The young man's information was even delivered to him this morning.

No, as soon as he got the information, he quickly notified the shadow mercenary group under him and asked them to arrest people.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Wilson sat in his office and kept looking at his watch.

The mood also became very anxious as the pointer continued to move.

It stands to reason that the shadow mercenary people set off at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. After catching someone, they should be back at 6 o'clock in the evening, but until now they are two hours late, but there is still no movement at all.

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