Adam and Wilson both came to the back of the car and watched Wang Cen open the door.

Immediately afterwards, Wilson couldn't stand the picture inside, so he glanced at it and vomited directly.

He kept vomiting beside the parking lot, like he was about to vomit out bile.

Wilson is a businessman, when has he seen such a picture.

It was full of corpses, piled up in mountains.

The blood had soaked the piled up corpses.

They are of different shapes, and they all overlap each other. The whole carriage is messy, and there is no one alive.

Adam was a little better than Wilson, but also had the same stomach tumbling.

He opened his mouth and scolded: "Fake! O! Shet! Fake!!"

It seems that even this can't express the emotions in his heart.

This picture is really terrifying. Wang Cen, who is a mercenary, is still in a trance at this time, let alone Adam and Wilson, who are just ordinary businessmen.

Wilson vomited for at least ten minutes before finally relieving a bit.

He found a staircase and sat down at the place of the stairs, where he kept calming his emotions.

After the overnight meal was spit out, he collapsed a little, and pointed to Wang Cen who had just asked in the carriage.

"Tell me, what the hell is going on here, I asked you to arrest someone, and you brought me back a carload of corpses, what do you mean, did you mean to scare me?"

The corner of Wang Cen's mouth moved, and he smiled bitterly: "Mr. Wilson, can't you see that the mission you gave me failed. All my brothers died in this mission. You should find someone else for this matter."

Wilson was surprised and stunned after hearing it.

His eyes stared at Dao Dao: "What do you mean, you failed, I asked all of you to arrest one person, and then you told me that you failed?"

Wang Cen didn't answer what he asked, as if he was a little mentally ill.

"He also asked me to drive this car back. He just wanted to tell you that he is not to be messed with. I'm leaving. Who do you like to do this? I'm sorry."

After saying this, Wang Cen just raised his eyelids and stared at Wilson for a while, then turned and walked outside.

Wilson was finally angry, he pointed at Wang Cen and said loudly: "Hey, what are you going, you haven't answered my question yet, why can't you catch all of you alone!?"

Wang Cen also endured it for a long time.

His brother died, and he had been suppressed by Qin Lie just now. He had held it back like a dog for so long, and he would be questioned by Wilson when he came back here.

Compared to Qin Lie, he certainly dared to provoke Wilson!

Wang Cen was scolded, and then broke out in a flash, pointing at Wilson and roaring: "All my brothers are dead! What right do you have to accuse me in front of me! It's easy for more than 30 people to arrest one person! What are you? What information was given, are you really sure that he is a person?"

"Also, the background of the characters you investigated for Lao Tzu is the so-called small background, which has no influence! Where did the monster-like soldiers who rushed out on the horse come out!"

"Your misinformation has killed so many of me. I didn't ask you to settle the account, and it has already given you face. You are still qualified to beep in front of me. Do you want to die?"

With that said, Wang Cen exploded, took out his saber from his waist, and put it on Wilson's throat.

Wilson was frightened by Wang Cen's aura, and said in a low voice, "I'm your boss, do you still want to kill me?"

Wang Cen listened and lost his temper.

He quickly put away the knife again, like a deflated ball.

He took three steps back, bowed solemnly to Wilson, and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Wilson, I really can't handle your business, and I don't plan to do the mercenary business. I didn't do it well. My question, if you still want to deal with that person named Qin Lie, I advise you to think twice, I'm leaving."

After saying this, Wang Cen really had no idea of ​​staying any longer, and left the parking lot all the way.

Seeing Wang Cen's figure looking lonely, Wilson also felt that he had been hit a lot.

It didn't stay this time.

The matter failed, Wilson had no idea that going to catch Qin Lie would end up in such a violent and bloody incident.

Wang Cen lost a mercenary group and left alone, but the pressure was placed on Wilson.

He looked at Adam from a distance, sighed in frustration, and told Adam, "Mr. Adam, I didn't expect things to turn out like this in the end."

It's just that Adam didn't start to blame Wilson for being so irritable after seeing the dead body in the car.

He also realized that the object that stole so many of their cultural relics was not simple.

In the magic capital, where are ordinary people who dare to kill so many people directly.

At first he wanted to treat the theft of their artefacts as ordinary theft, but now it seems clearly not going to work.

"Well." Adam pondered, raising his hand to tell Wilson, "I see, it's not your fault."

Wilson sighed and said: "Then what are we going to do now, that person can't be caught, and we don't have any other clues. In this case, we really can't find any of the things we lost."

Adam pondered how to resolve the matter.

Finally made a decision and continued to look at Wilson and said: "This matter can no longer be handled as we thought."

"Those who can steal things in the magic capital must have other backgrounds. It is difficult to solve it with the strength we have now."

Adam touched his chin and thought for a while before continuing: "Well, Wilson, you continue to use your power to investigate the background of that target. This time, you must investigate his specific background and power."

"In addition, I will call Mr. An now and ask for his support. I will apply to transfer some of the black armored troops under his command to help us complete the investigation."

"Black armor." Wilson's eyes moved, his face full of surprise and disbelief.

"Does this already require the use of black armor?"

Adam spread his hands: "Intuition tells me that the role we are going to deal with this time is not simple. It will be safer to call Heijie over, so you can just do your own thing."

Wilson nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

The Black Armored Army is a high-quality combat group cultivated by the undercurrent organization, and it is usually dispatched to deal with some extremely difficult undercurrent tasks.

They were mysterious, even Wilson had only seen them once.

That time impressed him deeply, as if the gods had descended.

Therefore, in his impression, if it is not an extremely difficult task, he will basically not dispatch black armor.

But this time Adam directly asked Mr. An to appeal.

Is your opponent really that strong this time?

Qin Lie…

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