The undercurrent caused a huge wave because of Qin Lie's operation.

After all, Wilson and Adam are only marginal figures in the undercurrent, and their methods of handling things may not be so advanced.

But if the black armor is notified, it involves the core interest layer of the undercurrent.

Qin Lie knew very little about the undercurrent, and he asked Wang Cen to carry the body back, just to give Wilson a slap in the face, so that Wilson would not come to trouble him in the future.

Where did he think that his operation would cause more trouble.

But of course, he hasn't paid attention to this matter at all, and his attention is still on the Eight Great Families, Xiao Mei and the Gu Family Army.

In the evening, because of Kong Yuntian's death, his game was cancelled directly.

Because of this, he was too lazy to go to the competition site, and drove to Murong's house accompanied by Jiang Lei and the others.

When he arrived at Murong Huanyu's manor, he didn't even need permission to enter the manor.

At that time, the manor's staff said, "Mr. Qin, our young master has been waiting for you in the villa for a long time."

Then he took Qin Lie all the way to the villa inside the manor.

It was the castle behind when they had BBQ.

Under the guidance of the housekeeper, Qin Lie went all the way to the third floor, where he found Murong Huanyu in the study.

"You're back……"

Murong Huanyu saw him and asked casually.

Since the Muziying incident, Murong Huanyu has no intention of joking at all.

Qin Lie also walked in with a serious attitude.

Looking left and right, I saw that there were a lot of computers in his study, and about a dozen people were working for him.

The screens of those laptops are all surveillance images from different places. He should be looking for something in these surveillance locations.

After Qin Lie walked in, he heard a hum.

Then he looked at the notebooks and said, "What are you doing?"

Murong Huanyu said the truth: "All the clues and evidence in the camp have been destroyed. I really can't see who did it. I will look for pictures from all the cameras at the nearby intersections to see if I can find it."

The people who do it on the opposite side are very experienced, and it is really difficult to find clues.

There is no way for Murong Huanyu to do so.

After Qin Lie went in, he directly told Murong Huanyu, "Let's talk, I probably know who started it."

"Huh?" Murong Huanyu's expression moved, very surprised, and looked over, "Really?"

"Let's talk." Qin Lie walked in and took the lead to the balcony behind the study.

Murong Huanyu moved his own wheelchair and followed Qin Lie to the balcony.

When he got to the balcony, Qin Lie looked at the artificial lake in front of him. He was in the same mood as Murong Huanyu. He supported the fence of the balcony and sighed heavily.

Murong Huanyu looked at him and said strangely, "What happened, what did you see when you went out?"

Qin Lie said melancholy: "This incident may have a great impact. I'm afraid that none of the eight great families will be spared."

Murong Huanyu listened without speaking, waiting for Qin Lie to continue.

Qin Lie paused for a while, and finally said the key information, he said: "The matter of Muziying is most likely done by the Xiao family..."

Murong Huanyu's eyes were like electricity, and he suddenly became serious: "It's true or false, is there any basis?"

Qin Lie said in a low voice, "Eight or nine should not be separated from ten."

"How did you see it?" Murong Huanyu asked.

Qin Lie said, "As I told you before, about the Gu family, I now know an internal character of the Gu family."

"Really?" Murong Huanyu said, "That's not the most mysterious Chinese force in history, how did you recognize them?"

Qin Lie couldn't make the Gu family's affairs too obvious, this was promised to Gu Song.

So I tried to describe it in as concise terms as possible: "They found me, because I have a grudge with the Xiao family and with Xiao Mei, and it just so happens that that person also has a grudge against Xiao Mei, so we have reached some cooperation. ."

Murong Huanyu was very shrewd and immediately extracted the key points of the information.

"So Xiao Mei did enter the Gu family's sphere of influence after she left Longcheng?"

Qin Lie: "It is absolutely true, and she is not only a member of the Gu family, but now has a high status in the Gu family."

"Is this what the ancient family you know said?" Murong Huanyu asked.

"That's right." Qin Lie nodded and continued.

"Then there is the issue of the Muzi Battalion. I haven't personally experienced the combat power of the Muzi Battalion. I don't know, but since it is the number one combat power of your family, it will definitely not be bad. No one else can deal with them, only the Gu family army. "

"And this time, there are people who brought the Gu family army. Apart from the person I know, there is only Xiao Mei."

Murong Huanyu listened and frowned, "How can you be sure that what the person you know is true?"

Qin Lie shrugged and said, "It's very simple. I don't have any conflict of interest with him. I have never known him, nor have any grudges, including your Murong family. They have no interest in you."

"On the other hand, only Xiao Mei has a grudge against the Xuanyuan family and against me. I just can't figure out why they would take you first."

"Ignore all of these for now. The point is that the Xiao family is in the big competition of the aristocratic family. No matter what they do, they are more motivated, don't they?"

Murong Huanyu nodded, agreeing with this.

He slapped the armrest of the wheelchair with his palm, showing a cannibalistic expression.

"Xiao Family!" He gritted his teeth and said, "I have never had a conflict with them, but now I am going to pull my foundation, vicious and intentional, and destroy it!"

"Damn!" he scolded fiercely, "don't let me take the opportunity, if I take the opportunity, I will make them pay the price in blood!"

Murong Huanyu had scolded enough, but he was still a little strange in his heart.

He asked in a low voice: "But he Xiao Mei has a grudge against Xuanyuan Hao, and Henry Zhang has a grudge against you. Since then, he has directly used tricks on my head. What does this mean?"

Qin Lie shook his head and said, "This is what I'm thinking about now. I always thought that the Xiao family just wanted to take advantage of the great family competition to deal with me. When Xiao Mei came, they had to deal with another Xuanyuan family."

"I thought that was their purpose, but now it seems that I was wrong."

"Their purpose is likely to be even bigger and more ambitious. Not only me, but you, including people from other aristocratic families, have to be careful."

Now Qin Lie is afraid that the Xiao family has a wave of magnificent operations.

They joined forces with the Kong family, the Su family, and even asked Xiao Mei to bring in the Gu family army. The purpose was definitely not just to deal with themselves.

It is very likely that he is still only a small role in their eyes.

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