"No hurry..." Xiao Mei sat on the side very easily, playing with her nails, very casually.

Henry Zhang was a little anxious, he said: "Sister, you haven't seen Xuanyuan Hao for so many years, and you suddenly saw him again when you came back this time, and you couldn't bear to kill him?"

"Ha ha……"

Hearing this, Xiao Mei's eyes flashed a deadly sharp light, lasing into the distance.

"I can't bear to him?" Xiao Mei gritted her teeth and said, "I'm sick of seeing him and Li Caiying sticking together all the time.

For so many years, I couldn't think day or night, just thinking about how to get revenge on him and destroy everything about him.

Now I just want to peel his skin and drink his blood, I can't bear it, haha, brother, you are so funny. "

"Then what are we waiting for now?" Henry Zhang asked, "We have all the strength we should prepare, and it's almost time to start."

Xiao Mei said with a dark face: "Don't worry, I must let him die in the most pain, and I want him to know what a stupid decision he made to accept me in the first place."

Henry Zhang listened, held his forehead, and said dissatisfiedly: "Sister, I think you have been blinded by the hatred of Xuanyuan Hao.

You have to know that our action this time is mainly to destroy all the other aristocratic families and let the Xiao family dominate and become the only top aristocratic family.

But you've been thinking about dealing with a Xuanyuan Hao recently, so what? "

Xiao Mei was still very calm.

She smiled and said, "Brother, you don't have to worry about this at all, I know exactly what we are going to do this time."

"It's inevitable that the Xiao family will become the only ultimate family after the war, but taking revenge on Xuanyuan Hao in the process is also my long-cherished wish in my life. Don't worry, I won't mess up the priority."

"And don't forget, the whole plan was originally planned by me, and the Gu family army was also brought by me. Can you do this without me?"

Henry Zhang listened, and instantly became discouraged.

He had to admit that the whole process was indeed planned and executed by Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei's brain is easier to use than him, she is more decisive than him, and has a bigger pattern. It is indeed Xiao Mei's credit that this matter can be achieved today.

It's just that Henry Zhang was in a hurry.

This time they are fully prepared, and their purpose is to kill all the other families.

Seeing that things were right in front of him, but he didn't execute them, he couldn't wait.

If this matter can be successful, their Xiao family will become the king of all the aristocratic families, and he, Henry Zhang, can also become a high-ranking person, not only bringing the Xiao family's status to the highest point in history, but also bringing Xuanyuan Hao, Tang This series of opponents in Zhenbei stepped on their feet.

Hope is right in front of him, how could he not be in a hurry.

Facing Xiao Mei, he couldn't get angry, and in the end he could only ask helplessly: "Then tell me, when are you going to do it, give me the exact word, don't when the family competition is over, you are still planning ."

Xiao Mei lay on the chair with a confident look.

"Next time, we'll do it next time when Xuanyuan Tianci takes the stage again," she said.

"Why wait for him to compete?" Henry Zhang asked.

Xiao Mei said: "The condition for us to start is that the patriarchs and elders of all the noble families must be there, we want to destroy their foundation, and none of these people can stay.

Xuanyuan Tianci's popularity is very high, basically everyone will be there to watch the battle, this is one of them.

Second, Xuanyuan Tianci has a special status. I want to tell Xuanyuan Hao the truth when everyone is paying the most attention, and let Xuanyuan Tianci kill Li Caiying himself.

I want him to feel the price of despair. His son is not his own, and his son killed his own woman. What kind of experience is this?

He made me fall into hell, and I want to make him feel hell.

Then, we have to destroy the advanced armed forces of the major families. It will take a little time. The time is just right. As for Qin Lie, let the Kong family clean up.

All we have to do now is to make the situation completely chaotic.

It's best for the other families to be suspicious of each other and conflict with each other, which is the best for us. "

Henry Zhang listened, and his heart was relieved.

As long as Xiao Mei has a plan in mind, it is good.

He knows his own sister's skills better than anyone else, and no one has ever been her opponent when it comes to playing with her brain.

"Okay." Henry Zhang said, "It's all done as you said."

Xiao Mei's attitude has always been relaxed, and after talking with Henry Zhang about the plan, she casually asked what Gu Chen meant when she was lying there.

"Xiaochen, you are our last secret weapon. If you want to kill Xuanyuan Hao in ten seconds, can you do it?"

Gu Chen was lying there, still spinning his knife, the left corner of his mouth raised, and said easily: "Auntie, don't worry, I have already figured out your old lover, if I want to make a move, it won't take ten seconds, He will be dead in five seconds."

"Okay!" Xiao Mei said, "When the time comes, you will act according to my eyes, and I will let you do it before you do it, understand?"

"Ok!" Gu Chen replied, and continued to play with his things on his own.

Xiao Mei frowned when she saw Henry Zhang, and finally comforted: "Brother, don't be so bitter, I promise you, we will succeed in this matter, and after success, you will be the greatest in our Xiao family's history. any patriarch."

Henry Zhang's eyes gradually became violent after Xiao Mei's encouragement.

He turned his head, looked at the distant sky in the magic capital and murmured, "I hope everything can come true!"

At this time, Henry Zhang's ambition has become bigger than the sky.


Qin Lie met Minghui in the old city, and after meeting the eight of them, they went to Modu Airport.

At Modu Airport, Qin Lie picked up the remaining members of Minghui's team, with a total of 47 people.

Just like the Gu family army on Xiao Mei's side, their squad started to perform missions abroad for a while, and was recently recalled to China.

When I met them, they were all very upright and decisive men, very similar to Minghui.

The youngest among them is only twenty-seven years old, the same age as Qin Lie, and the eldest is Minghui, who is fifty-two.

These people may also know from Gu Song's mouth that they want to help Qin Lie, so when they see Qin Lie, they are not cautious and have a very easy-going attitude.

After a brief introduction, Qin Lie took them to lunch.

The restaurant that was set was the Michelin restaurant on the Oriental Pearl Tower.

And in order to show his sincerity, Qin Lie wrapped up the entire restaurant today.

This operation made the people of Gu Jiajun very happy.

This can also be seen from the frequency of their toasting beside Qin Lie.

Of the forty or so people today, almost everyone came to Qin Lie to toast a glass of wine, and Qin Lie quickly mingled with them.

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