Qin Lie's upright personality was immediately praised by all the ancient army men.

This one by one immediately and he played hot.

After three rounds of drinking, Qin Lie's brain was a little dizzy. At this time, a man came over and said, leaning on Qin Lie's shoulder, "Qin Lie, I heard from our captain that you have also practiced martial arts. Well, I heard that the level is quite high."

Qin Lie listened, smiled and replied: "What level is quite high, don't listen to Minghui's nonsense, my level is nothing compared to your ancient army."

"Then why don't we come and play and learn from each other?" the man said.

Qin Lie was the only one who made a big rub, and waved his hands again and again: "Forget it, it doesn't make sense."

If it were someone else, with Qin Lie's current skills, he would really dare to call him a lineup.

But as for the monsters of the Gu Family Army, especially after watching them clean up Wang Cen's group, he didn't think about it at all.

Comparing normal people with modified people, it's not a mutated gene, so there's no chance.

Qin Lie knew the result, so he didn't want to move.

As a result, the man said: "Let's not really fight, let's wrestle our arms. This is the most common strength comparison between our brothers. We are eating, looking for an entertainment project?"

Qin Lie knows that those in the army like arm wrestling, long jump and high jump.

First, it can stimulate male hormones, and second, it does have a certain degree of entertainment.

Qin Lie thought that only people in the ordinary army would do this, but they did not expect that the people of their Gu family would be willing to play like this.

Qin Lie thought for a while and then said, "I can't break my arm either. This is not a weight class competition."

After thinking about it, the man changed his mind again and said: "Well, I have one hand and you have two hands, but we must sit and not stand up to borrow strength, so do you think it's okay?"

Hearing this, Qin Lie suddenly narrowed his eyes.

Two hands against one hand, shouldn't there be no chance at all?

As usual, you must have two hands against one hand, and you must have an absolute advantage in strength.

Just like a man against a woman, the difference in upper body strength can only be two hands against one hand.

Ordinary adult men, if they are not masters who specialize in arm wrestling, it is difficult for ordinary people to beat two hands with one hand.

The man on the other side said this, which made him suddenly think about it, and he also wanted to see how far he was from the people of the ancient army.

How big is the gap between genetic modification and no genetic modification.

Thinking so, Qin Lie tentatively agreed: "Why don't you try it?"

"Hahaha, okay, come, let's play together!" The man was very happy with Qin Lie's refreshment.

Then he told all the Gu Jiajun about it, and those men were obviously very interested in it.

These people cheered, and they felt that there was a lot of excitement to watch.

"Tong Lin, you're the only one who can find trouble!"

"You can, you don't have to eat honestly, you have to put out the whole show."

"No matter what others think, I like it anyway!"

"Come on, let me see how far this ordinary person can train to the limit."

Everyone was very excited, and this little competition aroused everyone's enthusiasm.

After Qin Lie agreed to Tong Lin's request, the two quickly moved around the battlefield and came to a small table where two people would sit.

That table is a kind of small round table, the top is marble, the strength is no problem, and there is also a stone pillar below it, which looks quite solid.

After Tong Lin sat down, he touched the table and said, "This table can't hold up. If it breaks, he will have to lose money."

Qin Lie had a black line at the time, not because of losing money, but because he thought the table was very solid, and it would never be broken.

In the end, he hadn't spoken yet, and the other Gu family soldiers next to him said what he was thinking.

"Tong Lin, don't pretend, just like this, you are afraid to break it, I think you are floating."

"I haven't cleaned you up for a few days, you're crazy!"

"You stay here and wait. If Young Master Qin doesn't mess with you later, if I come here, I can still make you arrogant?"

"Qin Lie, don't be afraid. This kid's upper body strength is the weakest in our team. Now he gives you one hand. You can definitely beat him with all your strength."

Everyone was so coaxed, Qin Lie didn't know the specific situation, so he could only try to break it up.

Both sides sat down, Tong Lin stretched out his hand and shook it with him, but this time Qin Lie didn't use his second hand.

At that time, Tong Lin was very surprised when he saw it, and said strangely: "What's the matter, are you going to compete with me fairly with one hand, are you not afraid now?"

Qin Lie knew that the possibility of doing so was almost nil.

But he still had the stubbornness in his heart: "I just want to try it, in case I can."

"Yes, yes, yes." Tong Lin nodded and laughed, obviously not taking Qin Lie's words to heart at all.

And there was a man who was the referee. He held the hands of two people, put them in the middle, counted down three numbers, and started immediately!

"Three, two, one, start!"

Everyone's eyes converged, all on the wrists of the two people fighting.

The result was just one second, the beginning and the end. When the man who was the referee called the start, Qin Lie's wrist collapsed in a second, and was instantly smashed to the table.

Before everyone's anger was raised, they immediately let it go.

One by one, they looked at each other, not knowing what to say: "This, this..."

"Isn't this too fast."

"I didn't see how it ended."

"No, Qin Lie, are you really pushing hard?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, Qin Lie can't tell if he is suffering, he definitely used his strength.

In fact, he himself knew that he might be far from Tong Lin, and when the last two words came out, he used all his strength.

But do you know that situation, even if you have made all the preparations and have the strength to eat milk, the strength of a tank that you are facing is still not something you can bear.

That's how Qin Lie felt just now.

After the start, it was like the top of Mount Tai, and there was no ability to stop it.

This is the ultimate gap, not something he can change without hard work.

Tong Lin was also very embarrassed. He said: "Qin Lie, you, did you really use force just now, I don't seem to feel it."

Qin Lie patted his forehead, and met people shamelessly: "Okay, don't talk about it, let's go on, my face is broken, let's use our hands."

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