Qin Lie then told him: "Don't you want to know who killed Kong Yuntian? I'll tell you now."

After listening to the master inside, he thought about it for a long time.

Finally, I agreed with Qin Lie's meaning and turned back: "Okay, you wait for me, I will go in and inform our patriarch."

Qin Lie didn't rush to look inside, and just waited for this person to go up and report.

And about two or three minutes later, Kong Zhaohui walked down from the second floor.

While walking, he said very rudely: "Qin Lie, you are so courageous!"

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you cast yourself, come to me alone, I think you are tired of living!"

Qin Lie didn't respond much, looked at Kong Zhaohui and said, "Since I dare to come, I have my reasons. Even if you want to kill me when you see me, don't you want to know how your son died?"

Kong Yuntianxu narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "How did he die, you are a murderer, how dare you say how he died!"

"As long as I kill you now, I will avenge my son!"

"Come on." Qin Lie said, "If I really killed it, then I would never have appeared in front of you."

"Kong Zhaohui, wake up, I used to think that you were not as good as your brother Kong Wei, but now it seems that your ability to handle affairs is not comparable to him. It's no wonder that when he was alive, you couldn't be the head of the family. ."

Kong Zhaohui is the most annoying for others to compare him with his brother.

Over the years, he has been suppressed by his brother and has been living in the shadow of Kong Wei.

Now that he has finally become the head of the Kong family, he will never allow others to look down on him in this matter.

"Qin Lie, if you talk nonsense in front of me, believe it or not, I'll kill you right now!"

But Qin Lie didn't panic. He knew that if Kong Zhaohui wanted to kill him, he would have already killed him. He still wanted to know the result of the investigation he said.

So Qin Lie responded calmly to him: "If you kill me, then don't try to figure out your son's death."

"Kong Zhaohui, think about it, if I really killed your son, knowing that you were so hostile to me, would I come to see you directly, since I came to see you, there must be something that can change your mind! "

This sentence behind Qin Lie changed Kong Zhaohui's mind.

If you think about it, it is indeed the case.

With Qin Lie's brain, it is impossible to take the initiative to die.

So he also murmured in his heart, thinking like this: What if this kid really has other clues?

Squinting, Kong Zhaohui finally made a decision and said: "Then come in, I'll give you fifteen minutes, if you can't prove your innocence, I'll let you die here."

Qin Lie ignored him and walked in on his own.

The action is leisurely, and everything is under control.

After coming to Kong Zhaohui, Qin Lie pointed upstairs and said, "Find a quiet place. I don't think you want too many people to know about this."

Kong Zhaohui squinted at Qin Lie, wondering what medicine Qin Lie sold in the gourd.

However, out of curiosity, Kong Zhaohui agreed with him.

The two went upstairs together and came to the study.

Let the person he trusts take care of him outside the door, then close the door, and the two of them sat down opposite the desk, one on the other.

After sitting down, Kong Zhaohui lay on the chair, still staring at Qin Lie, and then asked, "Okay, now it's just the two of us, what can you say?"

Qin Lie really didn't have time to ink with him. The first sentence was: "Kong Yuntian was actually killed by someone from the Xiao family."

Kong Zhaohui listened and didn't react much, he just adjusted his sitting posture a little.

Because he doesn't believe it at all.

"You can be foolish," he said.

Qin Lie looked at his reaction and sneered: "Kong Zhaohui, you are also the head of the Kong family after all, a person, do you really believe that Henry Zhang will help you with the Kong family?"

Kong Zhaohui said confidently: "I don't trust him to say otherwise, but I definitely don't trust you."

A person who killed the previous Confucius family head, how to make him believe?

And Qin Lie didn't panic, and told him directly: "ok, you don't believe me, it's okay, but you should always believe this thing."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lie took out his mobile phone, flipped to the video copied from Murong Huanyu, clicked on the video, and dialed all the way to the 20th minute.

This was handed to Kong Zhaohui.

Kong Zhaohui took it, but he still didn't know what Qin Lie meant. He was very puzzled: "What is this?"

"It's just a video." Qin Lie, "You can watch the twenty-first minute patiently. Kong Yuntian appeared at the twenty-first minute. Pay attention to the background scene of this video."

Since Qin Lie said so, Kong Zhaohui naturally watched quietly.

Twenty-one minutes later, Kong Yuntian appeared in the camera and immediately attracted Kong Zhaohui's attention.

About half a minute later, Gu Chen appeared, and the two sides quarreled and fought, which soon ended.

Only then did Kong Zhaohui really realize that Qin Lie came here this time with hard evidence.

After reading it, he went back and watched it again, just like Qin Lie's reaction before, and fixed the picture on a side face of Gu Chen.

Then he pointed to that face and asked Gu Chen, "Who is this person?"

Qin Lie still didn't panic, took the phone, found another screenshot, a comparison between Gu Chen's photo and this avatar, and handed it over again.

"I think you know this man better than I do," he said.

Sure enough, after taking the photo comparison chart, Kong Zhaohui recognized the person in the head portrait almost in seconds, and he shouted, "Gu Chen!!"

That's right, during this time, Kong Zhaohui often conspired with Henry Zhang and Su Donghai, and Xiao Mei would also be involved.

And as long as Xiao Mei appears, Gu Chen will appear.

Kong Zhaohui had met Gu Chen no less than a dozen times, and he was naturally more familiar than Qin Lie.

Seeing his face clearly, Kong Zhaohui was furious: "It's actually him? Xiao Mei! This vicious woman, my son died in his hands!!"

Qin Lie said in a frenzy on the side.

"This video was taken by accident. No one would have thought that when Gu Chen was working, he would be recorded by someone who connected the video call. If it wasn't for this video, we would never have been able to find out that he did it. ."

"Also!" Qin Lie emphasized, "Kong Yuntian's skills are good, and ordinary people can't be his opponent."

"Even if it's me, it may take dozens of rounds to subdue him, but it only took a few seconds for the person in the video to subdue Kong Yuntian. You may know better than me how that Gu Chen's skills are."

"But if you want to tell me that the video is fake and you don't know the time, then I really have nothing to say."

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